CNN's Donie O'Sullivan and Elle Reeve talk Trump supporters to get their reaction to the dangerous chaos caused by riots at the US Capitol.
#DonieOSullivan #ElleReeve #CNN #News
These Trump supporters say they’re proud of chaos at Capitol

CNN's Donie O'Sullivan and Elle Reeve talk Trump supporters to get their reaction to the dangerous chaos caused by riots at the US Capitol.
#DonieOSullivan #ElleReeve #CNN #News
I’m convinced stupidity is a disease and shouldn’t be taken lightly and some people in the comments are proving my point
Stupidity it is disease it affects the soul there is no cure for it.
@shad0wCh8ser Yes. It comes from years of interbreeding.
@The Highway Man it will get worse. I don’t think they will loot or burn shops but they will target leftist, Democrat politicians, rinos and I bet there will be lots of dead bodies.
@Luis Ayala Point well taken. Thank You
@the banjo you are wrong it is the leftist media which had harnessed bigotry, racism, supporting Antifa and BLM riots and lots of hate. I am not American but that was what the leftist media had been promoting for the past 4 years. CNN called Antifa and BLM rioters,looters and arsonist peaceful protestors. The world is watching and we are not stupid. Till now, CNN did not stop lying. Can’t CNN for once stop being a communist cable news network. If they want to continue with their lies and hate speech, then most probably there will be millions of you leftist dead on the streets. Anyway, why do I bother telling this when I am not even american.
Nations don’t die from invasion , they die from internal rottenness :- Abraham Lincoln
@pinebird Lincoln a racist that freed the slaves. Hmmmm
Yea, NOT.
Wise man
@Kris Brooks SOOO, you listen to Tucker Carlson, or on of those self proclaimed far right anti leftist experts who couldn’t even pass 6th grade government?
@Anthony S2K04 PARLAR is a joke. Other “patriots” posts ISNT proof of Antifa, BLM insurgents starting the riot.
I’ve seen 1 of the photos used by a “patriot” sayin the four mean we’re antifa. When actually they were identified by name, belonging part to other white supremacists groups, & far right militia.
@Dan M fairy tales are for children
Hitler’s supporters also thought they were patriotic!
Education matters!!!
@Dan McComiskie you do realize that several governments, the us navy, and the head of Harvard astromny have said that aliens are real.
Its only a conspiracy til its been proven.
@Meh Heh free speech doesn’t protect popular speech, it protects unpopular speech. There is no law concerning hate speech, you were lied too.
@Андрей Михайлов Yes, they are confused by their love for cHump with the love for their country!
@onehothand68 as you can see, this is a prime time example of speech provoking voilence. it is not protected.
@Kris Brooks

My mother has a saying: “what smart is ashamed of, stupid is proud of”.
What about Portland. You idiots
@Trump is now Tramp He’s saying they’re stupid, those Trumpers. And those who are ashamed of this behavior are not stupid.
some mothers cook
@Dj Akademiks Sandusky no wait for the inauguration video
I wonder how that woman would feel if someone came into her house, pulled her out by the hair, and said no more!
She’d be shocked indeed!
She will call cops the first second she see you
K Z do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Hence, I would never do it, but she seemed intent on it.
She would claim violence
They have to throw him out of office
They need to send a message to these fools that their plan backfired
Toh wow
For all ppl saying “this is not our America”. Tis exactly what it is. Disgusted greetings from everyone in Europe.
Exact same capitol tragedy happened in Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square. We all know who arranged this and blocked the fraud evidence showing to all the people. The swamp is super deep and starts killing innocent people who paid them. Wake up Americans!
Y’all should know this stupidity and brain rot nationalism will come to you too. And pray it doesn’t get as bad.
Example; Poland and Brexit.
We, too, look on with disbelief. Trump, the Destroyer, has brought America low.
how the lockdown doing? 2 world warrs….centuries of royal inbreeding
Goh wow
Mrs. Clinton, “deplorable” is too tame a word to describe these people.
@Noella Rash OK, now tell us how Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell managed to keep their seats despite their support for Trump.
No interest in any Clinton.stop.part of the problem.
Sumit Kapur I’m an Independent and I don’t hate Democrats or Republicans just because they have different ideas on policies. It is sad to say you hate people you dont even know. You are not a true liberal, liberals believe people have the right to think differently than you,
@Noella Rash evidence?
The worst thing about stupid people is that they don’t know they’re stupid.
@Carolyn Moore soft coup jan 6
@Ganieda Morgan staged event
why everytime i see a maga red hat i think of ‘propane’ .
@Marley Ex debunked
@Stanley Wong well thats stupid
“It’s sad that it had to happen.”
Lol it didn’t have to happen you loon.
Neither did the 3 months of burning down cities, CHAZ, ripping down statues, looting, blocking highways, dozens of deaths, and lawlessness throughout the country. That also didn’t need to happen, but hey, it’s sad that it did am I right?!
@Randy Marsh
Exactly. Would have the young girl be shot if she was black?
Exact same capitol tragedy happened in Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square. We all know who arranged this and blocked the fraud evidence showing to all the people. The swamp is super deep and starts killing innocent people who paid them. Wake up Americans!
Goh wow
These people are domestic terrorists. They’ve deluded themselves into believing they are “patriots”.
BLM are also terrorists! Where is the outrage?
@J Mass boo hoo ,, deflecting ,,,lol a loser just like donny
@The J’s
Not deflecting. I do not think any of it should be tolerated.
@J Mass Those are fighting words! Lol How dare anyone expect humans to act like decent humans, no matter the fight or skin color… Sounds to logical!
@Amy Thompson
Haha. Right! ALL violence shoud be denounced. Most Americans have no idea what violence is. Go visit a couple middle east or northern Africa countries. We got it good. Get it together people
Trump Supporters: *Think the Rioters Are “Patriotic”*
The Rioters: *Holding up Confederate Flag*
@Nicholas Rosado It’s theirs vs ours.
@Naruto Uzumaki Shut up, Winnie.
Right. Literally the last time domestic terrorists tried to overthrow America & killed their fellow Americans to do so
Goh wow
@Naruto Uzumaki wrong
If it was BLM, reports would say, “Hundreds dead, thousands arrested.”
Hoh yes
oh wow
@crocodile2006 Lmao Newsmax and Fox told these morons “cities were burned to the ground.” XD
Yeah right…they would have maimed hurt and killed law enforcement with frozen drinks, sharpened flag poles, shanks, lasers, fireworks, etc.. They would’ve shot law enforcement, who was trying to protect their capital, and live streamed them laying there dying on the sidewalk, to FB, all the while doing nothing to save them. They wouldve destroyed every statue in that building, set things on fire, shot POCs, attacked old people, looted…we have seen what they do. Now I’ll give you this, they would have been arrested by the dozens, but they would’ve been bailed with funds taken in by sports, hollywood, and the lefty politicians…or just straight up released without even a slap on the wrist. Then the media would have justified it because this nation owes them for eternity for crimes against them, perpetrated by people long dead…a long time ago.
It wasn’t though, so they didn’t say that. They said unhinged yanks following tiny orange maniac have tantrum in washington, achieve absolutely nothing and then get dumped on by your leader. Get ready for at least a decade in the shadows now that Trump has lost the election, congress and the senate. What a loser!
@Joe Bossendorfer but it was BLM for months…this Hustle Game22 has it so wrong…it was BLM for months and no one said anything. All of that has already come to pass and not a single soul condemned it, not even Chyna Joe Biden. On top of it all, hundreds were not dead, they weren’t attacked AT ALL, and 99% of arrests were not even recorded forget about prosecuted.
Every one of these people should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and then, when they’ve served their sentences, kick them out of the country for treason.
oh wow
Are you talking about the rioters and looter from last year…
the level of being out of touch, uninformed and in denial of facts is just amazing
Lol “denial of facts”
yes, thats the problem of the democrat lovers, mostly their black voters who will be cheated once again, and see you in 4 years
Goh wow
America is no longer a super power it has officially turned into a 3rd world country.
5th world even
These people are not Americans that love their country’ these are misled people who love a despot liar!
Exact same capitol tragedy happened in Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square. We all know who arranged this and blocked the fraud evidence showing to all the people. The swamp is super deep and starts killing innocent people who paid them. Wake up Americans!
@Lilly Chow You lost in all cuorts in the country in all of them now if you want to life in democracy stay here if you want a country that enjoys your lies go elsewhere.
I have a question, what do you think happened in 2015 when trump got on the debate stage, he waved his hand performed a Jedi mind trick and entranced tens of millions of people? There was anger and resentment in the mid west and rust belt long before Trump got there, Trump was just the best one to be the mouth piece, it’s the same in history with Adolf Hitler. Now Trumps going to leave and it will be up to the Democratic Party to figure out how to solve it. Unfortunately given discussions in congress about expulsions of any politican who showed support to these people coming into DC it’s going to just agitate the Republican base more, youtube Twitter Facebook will act as they typically do and ban accounts. And that base that was angry enough to storm the capital building will be even angrier feeling they have no voice, now will we ever see anything as big like this? No. But my prediction leads more into the territory of the IRA during the Troubles in Ireland, Car bombings assassination attempts, post office bombings, all done by small disconnected cells
You’ll Remember those people when the government comes for *your* freedom and infringes on *your* rights, and uses the media to disinform *you*
Oh, wait…
nope it was a soft coup
Kim Jong-un isn’t the world’s craziest leader anymore
@Lilly Chow I was gonna say the same. When it happens in your own country you think these people are crazy. When it happens in another country you don’t give a sh*t about then you think they are peaceful freedom fighters.
Suddenly cnn are calling this violent but not what antifas and BLM did for the past 4 months. No shops or houses were looted, burned or federal building burned.
@Sarah K. …but the chaos you saw a handful of months ago didn’t make you feel like you were in another country?!
@Brian Cranford you mean cheeseburger.
Goh wow
The scary part is they BELIEVE they are “patriots!” The women claiming, “there is no violence!” OPEN YOUR EYES!! This is insanity!
@Gammelrosa So true. The only one promoting sedition and now blaming the protestors as criminal is Trump.
@Randy Marsh but he didn’t win. So, in the name of your self proclame clarity, stop equate those domestic terrorists to the BLM protest. At least, those protest was based on a real tragedy, not on lies from an old looser mouth who cannot believe that he’s not gonna have what he want for the first time in his life. BLM protest were about a racist system. The Capitol thugs wanted a coup. So, stop trying to put yourself above everyone else. Nobody cares that you don’t like Trump and Biden. It doesn’t provent you from being wrong.
The scarier part is you believe cnn
@Randy Marsh He did win in 2016 , i did not see any chaos except a lot of women demonstrating countrywide.
@Randy Marsh President Trump DID win…
“There’s been no violence”, so says the woman that said “We should have gone on in and yanked the Senators out, and drug them out by the hair of head”
There is no reasoning with crazy folks!