CNN's Elie Honig breaks down what we know and what we don't know surrounding the FBI search at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. #CNN #News
These documents are ‘Rosetta Stone’ of FBI’s Mar-a-Lago search, Honig says

CNN's Elie Honig breaks down what we know and what we don't know surrounding the FBI search at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. #CNN #News
Trump says his home has been invaded!!
. No mate your getting turned over like normal criminals!
@Geoffrey Logsdon When u say ‘@ least’ is that a comment on my minor spelling error or his inability to form a cohesive & meaningful thought?
Hey Donald, it’s time to build that big beautiful wall you often spoke of…. but around Mar-a-Lago. And I bet Mexico will gladly pay for it.
You can’t declassify something but keep it hidden from the public. That doesn’t make any sense.
@Brad Sillasen False equivalency. He’s claiming the warrant was unlawful. If that were true, he would willingly show the warrant to prove his point.
@I am Fodder Source, for “Hillary doing it”? thought not.
The easiest way to tell if the documents are currently unclassified is to file a FOIA request for them and see what comes back. In any event, these documents belong to the United States and not to Trump, and it is unlawful for him to possess and conceal them.
You mean like Hillary emails!
@mark johnson Is that so? Is he one of the judges that Trump appointed to the bench. Trump and Epstein were good freind back in the day. Clinton, Trump and Epstein all use to hang out together.
@gacj2010 I understand you drank from the MAGA Koolaid chalice, but your point about freedoms being stripped away is completely unfounded. Legal search warrant based on concrete evidence that sensitive documents were more likely than not at Mar-A-Lago. This isn’t law enforcement overreach. Donnie has committed numerous crimes that DOJ is investigating. You can’t commit that many crimes in the open before it catches up with you.
@Robert Bartelmes that still goes against the law… tho im not entirely sure that what youre saying is true. i believe there is a process to declassify documents and a former president cant say “they arent classified anymore because i took them home”… it just doesnt work that way. its a felony.
They’ve finally gotten off the bridge! Watching them cry in person these past few days… it’s incredible! Can’t believe they stood on the bridge for 2 DAYS!! He’s not even HOME!

Trumpers: he doesn’t WANT you here. He’s got the police blocking his gate. You’re not “worthy” to be on the island. He calls you “animals” get those animals off the island!”
Not kidding. He’s my neighbor. His safety is at risk, if you’re on the bridge, he can’t get back on to Palm Beach. Huge security issue. Go home, stay home. You’re not wanted or welcome at the Florida location. This is NOT a rally.
@gacj2010 what? Dude, you can’t even form a sentence in English…
@AJ auto correct gone wild
Just a reminder: Hillary Clinton sat for 11 hours answering questions during one of the ten Benghazi hearings. Not once did she take the 5th.
@Erika With a K umm no. She wasn’t charged with a crime therefore she could not be found not guilty.
DOJ determining that there was insufficient evidence to support an indictment doesn’t mean not guilty.
@Erika With a K Nice burn lolol They are BIG mad.
@s m He had 2 hours notice.
Trump: I declassified, the declassification was perfect. They say that my declassification was the most beautiful declassification ever done by a President.
@Zackary Tessier Link?
You really have to ask the questions; why did Trump want these highly sensitive materials and why didn’t he surrender these 15 boxes back in February.
@Spenser I think that Trump is going to determine who the next GOP canidate is going to be. Whether it is him, or who he picks from a cell. I had my neighbor tell me he would write Trump’s name in on the ballot if he is in prison. I am much more interested in policies then what happens to Trump.
@Spenser I am not sure what the process would be to disqualify a person from running for President would be. I know a impeachment conviction would have done it, not sure what else would.
@jasiel morales is a 14 year old gamer sitting in his mommy’s basement. Jog on Jasiel, leave this to the grown ups.
Ellie Honig has clarified the situation as no one else has.
Glenn Kirschner has done an excellent job too. Check him out: 34 years Fed Prosecutor and 6 years JAG Prosecutor.
A very talented guy.
@C Dubya He’s one of the biggest clowns on You Tube.
E-LIE, not EL-E
He’s always good though
@Timothy Kozlowski Sorry if you can’t handle truth and legal expertise. Glenn Kirshner has more knowledge of federal law in his pinky finger than you’re EVER going to possess.
Just read he pled the fifth in Leticia James case!!!! Not surprised!!
I hope she gets him!!!
“Only guilty people plead the 5th.”
Donald J Trump
She ran her campaign on that she was gonna go after him for anything..why wouldn’t he?
Who keep 15 and 12 boxes of WH documents in their private office ?? Isnt that translate ESPIONAGE ??
@Alexander Jones so why don’t he show the public the warrant to prove to his followers that’s he’s being targeted.
What are trying to say? Is English your first language?
There is a possibility that wh documents are not in those boxes. Right now it’s heresay. Look for the evidence and keep open minded.
@I XLR8 neither he or his attorneys were given the warrant.. it’s been foiaed
A question that I never hear asked is that even if these documents had been declassified, what gives this one-term loser the right to take the people’s property (some of which had been labeled “top secret” allegedly) and keep it at his home? That sounds like theft to me.
Like I said before he started moving documents when he first moved into the Peoples
that’s why he made so many trips to Mara logo and lots of us had BLINDERS on
@Loretta Barnes so what’s up with Joe going to Delaware every weekend? What’s he hiding?
@Wade French nonsense
Good luck with that.
Elie is awesome love how he explains the law
@ElaineinArizona trump lost. Get over it. Trump lost…
Go worship trump in Russia
I’m partial to that dimple in his chin. Adorable.
Trump’s copy of the warrant must be damning or he would have released it.
@Criminal Lawyer Considering the timing of this only a not-so-bright person can’t see it for what it clearly is: political theatrics
@sonny johnson what are the odds on dolt45 being able to correctly spell “narrative”?
@John Dough yes … I used to be for the Trans movement, but lately I see them as bullies encroaching on spaces and movements they don’t have a right to claim to be a part of.
Bet you didn’t expect that did you?
We’ll see – – where is the evidence ? Why were the lawyers not allowed in the room? There are security cameras. Lets see what is on them. Keep an open mind – one side is not telling the truth. In every lie there is some truth.
If you are still storing classified documents that you are not supposed to have… AT YOUR HOUSE, you deserve extra jail time for utter idiocy. Did Donnie not think anyone would ever look there?
And Moflo, you’re ok with Obama doing same? Of course you are!
@Dennis Palmer We let’s be honest, he has every right to believe he will get away with this crime since he has gotten away with every other crime. I have that white privilege track record I would think I was invincible too.
Of course he didn’t.
Trump 2018: I’m going to sign into law new punishment for removal and retention of classified material.
Trump 2022: About that…
@Nathan Morrow WRONG each of those classified documents has an Owner. The owner of that document would have to be notified of that declassification. Stop posting complete bullsht. you obviously have never handled classified data.
@Big D’s Gaming Yes a fine and up to 5 years in prison I believe.
@RuRdy2RK ouch !
@RuRdy2RK Is that overall or per document?
@Nathan Morrow when did he declassify them? What was it he declassified?
Now here is the difference between 2016 and 2022: Comey was fine with his announcement of the Clinton investigation just before the election, well within that 90 day window. Hmm, I wonder who that favoured?
Trump isn’t on the ballot though ,so there’s no reason to not announce investigation
Trump is a normal citizen, should not get preferential treatment
That one act by Comey to bring himself some fame brought trumpism to our country, like a plague. Thanks, Jim.
@RuRdy2RK No problem my friend. It’s time for us normal folks (i.e. Democrats) to start slinging some Republican mud ourselves.
@Thall Sinestro OK cool, lets prosecute Hunter now if justice is blind.
@N Wilt I thought we all agreed we were not going to talk about Hunter and the Big Guy?
“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” -Trump
“If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” -Trump
“Fifth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Horrible.” -Trump
@Persephone Kajira Now that’s funny
The fifth amendment is the right to not incriminate yourself . Sounds like you don’t how the constitution and legal system in this country works. And why did the biden administration wait until now to do this. That is the 64 dollar question
“There’s no specific form to declassify.” What? And how does he know that? And if there’s no official process..entry, request, witness, submission, etc. then it’s a joke. Reminds me of pocket pardons. Don can’t just pull one out of his underwear. It has to be a form, filled out, witnessed, dated, then presented to the proper figure in the justice department. I remember Jared doing the pardons. Trump never bothered to do it correctly.
@Satanic Microchip v5 Or at least the recent ones.
@Satanic Microchip v5 Your last comment is not showing up in the main thread for some reason, anyway you bet I think Trump and others could use diapers both literally and figuratively. I am so glad I won’t have to hear Trump call himself a genius until 2025. Or whine about the media.
@Satanic Microchip v5 Although I do have to have terms redefined for me, like the definition of a recession or male and female.
It makes me sick that one failure of a reality star, failure of a real estate mogul, failure of a father, failure of a husband and general failure of a human being ruined all the laws and order of our country. That he was given the power by career government officials just because he had a huge following of cultists. I hope in November Americans will vote Blue all the way so we can get this country back on track and not keep going down these conspiracies and beyond corruptions.
@Paul Thomas7993 lol i think you lost him at “however”
When something is declassified it has to be noted on the document itself that it is no longer classified. Prior to doing so it has to go through an overseen process.