1. @AJS,jr AJS,jr made you crazy and insane. Keep shouting. You will blow an artery. You are not needed anymore.

    2. @Hildebeast Clinton The world demanded that the corrupt Ukraine prosecutor stepped down, and thus all credible nations excericed pressure on Ukraine. Biden’s son started working for the Ukraine company long after the investigation of corruption began and was finished. I know facts are hard to fathom for you Trumpturds, but your attempt to rewrite history only paint a picture of a person lost in all his confirmation bias. It is amazing that you still support the criminal, corrupt, narcissistic, racist, and treasonous toddler in office. But then again, you do not know what true values are.

    3. @Spud & Ginger Sure, he was money laundering for the Russians back then too. I cannot wait to the shithole USA understands and takes in the evidence of Trump’s money laundering on behalf of Russian oligarchs.

  1. “If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    1. @Mike Smith it won’t be fake news anymore once you see that clown so called president on his way to prison where he belongs

    1. @timber_beast This is the way I looked at that whole Covington Klan situation.
      If this same group of kids had been at Yellowstone and Heard Grizzly bears fighting,
      I would think the chaperone’s responsibility to the parents is to not allow the kids to approach the bears.
      If these kids decide to go toward the noise- that is on them.
      When they approach the bears and start chanting at them- that is also on them.
      If a Family of Mountain Lions is drawn to the area by the noise- that is also on them
      After the Mountain lion family is done eating all of them, I think the Media can say whatever they wish about the kids..
      Again the stupidity to be in that situation was on them

    2. @Tomandtob you have that steel trap analogy confused with your mammas twat…. Rusted up and impossible to open😂😂😂

    1. Donaldo i m fhe whistle blower, mexican by birth and with a mariachi band, what r u going to do about
      me? Call your daddy Freddie, the man he dead long time ago shame on you

    1. Jamtommy: I have no IDEA what you’re babbling about, son? It strikes me that Trump Trolls are like those moms who take their kids to the Mall to slap ‘em. You’re all having public breakdowns as the TrumpTanic sinks 🤣

    2. Oh I think you do know Ash the 12 cokes was cnn breaking news…. Right after the 2 scoops of ice cream scandal. You really don’t remember?
      Only 5 mores years of crying, Hang in there baby.

    3. Jamtommy: I remember Donny 2scoops. But, the rest is probably one of those, “Tan Suit,” things that GOP suckers like to clutch their pearls over, while no one else notices, son? Sorry. Anyway, what are you going to DO when the GOP Senators vote to impeach Trump? Shouldn’t you be on Fox, RT, or Alex QAnon Jones, trying to talk them off the ledge? 😁

    4. @Ash Roskell No Ash it was a real concern for cnn and their ilk. That’s the 1st time they brought up the 25th. Oh the tan suit thing.. and Fast n Furious gun running, Benghazi, Arming and funding that group in Syria that shall remain unnamed, Overthrow and killing of Gaddafi, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor , IRS attacks on conservatives. But I digress.
      Let’s do this impeachment thing. What are the dems waiting for.. do they have cold feet already, are they russian agents? This latest attempt to beat Trump will fail epically just like the Hillary defeat, Stormy Daniels/Michael Avenatti failure, the Russian collusion hoax, false claims of r@cism, the Blassey Liar Ford BS, and now the latest joke of a story- Moats with alligators (HaHa LOL)… All losing bets Again & again. I’m sorry, It must be frustrating.

    5. @tree man There is only 2 kinds of libtards. The corrupt libtards in government and the brainless lowlife libtards like you !

      Democrats turning Cities into Cesspools and crime ridden for decades of democratic rule many since the 1800s. Lazy young Democrats living in the drug infested streets around the country !

      Democrats on every street corner selling dope creating the opiod crisis

      The Democrats destroying history, destroying everything they can including our rights ! Democrats on shooting sprees 24/7

      Libtards puking, defecating and pissing in the streets and sidewalks polluting the LA river. And they are worried about 1 straw found in a turtle’s nose. Fish choking on dirty syringes by democraps promoted by democraps. God help us !

      The top 10 most drug use cities are also run by democrats mayors and police cheifs !

      Would you have a business in a run down crime infested city run by all lib t”rds ?

      Here is what’s going on in America. Take the trash out ! Wake up people !

      The 30 most dangerous rural cities are run by Democrat mayors and police cheifs And it keeps going and going there is not enough room here

      Wilmington DE
      Canton Ohio
      Rocky Mount NC,
      N. Little Rock AR,
      Daytona Beach Fl,
      Homestead Fl,
      Warner Robin’s GA,
      Anniston AL,
      Blytheville AR,
      Douglas GA,
      Henderson NC,
      Humble TX,
      Branson MO.
      East Pointe GA,
      Gullup NM,
      bellmead TX,
      College Park GA,
      Lumberton NC,
      Emeryville CA,
      Camden County NJ
      Portland OR.
      Crowley LA
      Stockton CA
      Bessemer AL
      West Memphis TN
      Berkely CA
      South Bend IN

      Open borders, Dancuary cities and witch hunts

      Myrtle beach (R) Mayor, (R) Police cheif
      Pensacola, (R) mayor, (D) Police Cheif,
      Tukwilla WA (R) mayor, (D) Police Cheif

      Just a few of the most dangerous major Cities run by ALL democrat Mayors and Police Cheifs.

      San Jose,
      San Fran,
      Salt Lake City
      Springfield IL
      Washington DC
      Beamont TX
      Kansas City MO
      Ft. Lauderdale FL
      Minneapolis MN
      Richmond NY
      Buffalo NY
      Richmond VA

      Sancuary cities, open borders and witch hunts

      You will find in most all dangerous cities they are run by Democrats that have no sense of operations, hiring, mis management etc. This has been going on for decades, then we have the liberal media causing anxiety in the Democrats already brainless brainwashed fragile minds.

  2. Trump will shortly say: I rarely talked to these people. They were low-level employees hired by other people.

    1. @Jodie Banks do you trumptard morons ever get tired of being made fun of? Youre a joke just like your #pussyassbitch “president”, Cadet Bonespurs 🖕🤣

    2. @Jodie Banks Now, don’t get all worked up. We’ve all seen Trump and Giuliani publicly admit to these crimes on camera. It’s going to take more than a few feeble insults to make it all go away.

    3. And the “kids” for that matter. Looking for a country to defect to that doesn’t extradite criminals??

    4. His missus is giving him grief about the back-handers not coming in quick enough. She’s a federal employee.

    1. Rzr1000 Xp ……I guess you get your knowledge first hand !! Which department in the WH do you work in? Are you the token black man ? You know racist Trumpski only has one person who’s a minority except for women. He’s anti everything! Maybe he’s the proverbial Antichrist! We know for sure he’s the Man of Lawlessness. Anyhoo. Let’s get along and piss him off!

    2. @Rzr1000 Xp Don’t worry same story in every country! That is why they give you the power to vote and then beg you to do it!! That’s the world for you! Btw, I wonder how much of your money Trump spends on golfing?! Just think of it as, money spent on the immigrant problem is really money that America rips off from other countries to start with anyhow, so you can chill and feel comforted?

  3. *You forgot all of Trump’s thug followers in Congress, who still can’t grow a spine and tell him what they actually think.*

    1. I’m democrat.the hate for trump blind your mind.joe biden n his son are the corrup here.remember bill clinton signed a treaty in 98 with ukraine share information about corruption.

    1. Hahaha all the crazy bastard getting all excited again. What happened to the Russia thing, gone all quite. Just another carrot for the donkey dems, who follow blindly without a thought of there own. It used to be” the whole worlds watching’ now it’s the whole worlds laughing man. Fucking wake up you sound fucking stupid.

  4. I thought Pompeo was an evangelical Christian? That’s a lot of lying going on there Mike…tsk tsk…

    1. Tyler Khoshnevissan … Christians that support all of this immortality and deception need to be called out. Period. He didn’t answer the lady’s question. He spun it. That is an indication of deception. Deception is an indication of guilt. Do you see why people arrive at the conclusion that he must be guilty of something? Stop being so emotional and try being more logical.

    2. But evangelicals think God gave trump to them ,don’t think they read the part wolf in sheep’s clothing yet

    3. @Tyler Khoshnevissan And who started the hate , where in the Bible does it says let the children suffer, sure it says thou shalt not kill ,how many of trump’s fine people has killed .Plus money is the route of evil yet that’s what trump worship

  5. Pompeo claimed a week ago he hadn’t even read the memo on the phone call. Well, he didn’t really need to, did he?

    1. It’s amazing how much they all act so stupid or offended. Then Dodge the question and avoid to answer with a question of their own. It’s right out of Trump hand book.

    2. @Ross according to who? Show me proof before you accuse people. This video literally has no proof in it just speculations 😂

  6. Yes we CAN “comment as to his motivation”. Barr is CORRUPT!!! Plain & simple. He campaigned on Fox for the job by proving he would be corrupt. He should be thrown in prison.

    1. @Lynn Lamont that sounds fun! Let’s use the letter “L” …Lynn Lamont Loser. Stfu idiot. Pelosi will be the one who takes dotard and Pence out, then, guess what?? She’s next in line to the presidency. 😂😂😂😂😂

    2. @Anthony Egidio Trump is winning and make dems look bad. It is driving them insane. Notice non of them are talking about the economy and trade or the new beautiful wall. Hahahah

  7. “The truest way to be deceived is to think oneself more knowing than others.”
    ― Francois de La Rochefoucauld, Maxims

    1. Hmm, pushing old aphorisms as truths do not help in the current situation. We know Trump is a criminal, and that his followers are blinded by the fruits of Obama’s economic turnaround (accentuated by Trump’s massive spending, debt accumulation, tax cuts, and deregulation). The world has always worried about the state of the shithole USA, but you morons make stupidity an art.

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