An initial police report filed in the hours after the Tyre Nichols traffic stop suggested he was violent and made claims that were contradicted by video later released by police. CNN’s Ryan Young and CNN chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst John Miller join Victor Blackwell and Alisyn Camerota to discuss these contradictions. #CNN #News
These are the contradictions found in initial police report on Tyre Nichols arrest

I thinks it’s fair to say that there are more reports that are untrue than otherwise.
@Arie Fraiser what about it makes it unbelievable though???
@Angelica Avugara The fact that he’s been in law enforcement long enough to know and have seen numerous lies in police reports makes it unbelievable he’s on TV trying to claim lies in police reports like this aren’t common.
@Arie Fraiser right! Exactly
In addition to their body worn cameras, US police should now start using target-lock aerial drones! Just like the pole camera for Tyre Nichols, imagine there’s an overhead coverage for other cases like Elijah McLain, what they actually did to that poor guy (google his hospital photos and see for yourself! They used similar lies on him having superhuman strength too). These crook officers have found ways to drop, obstruct or manipulate the body worn cameras or it’s angles of coverage!
@not a meat puppet And for that she should have some terrible, terrible legal consequences.
If it wasn’t for the CCTV The body cams would have gone missing
@Eduardo Oliveira Fool what?!
the street cameras were set up by the Memphis Police Department
In addition to their body worn cameras, US police should now start using target-lock aerial drones! Just like the pole camera for Tyre Nichols, imagine there’s an overhead coverage for other cases like Elijah McLain, what they actually did to that poor guy (google his hospital photos and see for yourself! They used similar lies on him having superhuman strength too). These crook officers have found ways to drop, obstruct or manipulate the body worn cameras or it’s angles of coverage!
Exactly! Karma!
Oh, no doubt about it. Something needs to change with those body cam policies. Somehow they need to not be obstructed.
These murderers thought that nobody would look at the sky cam or body cams. They’ve done this before because they were just so comfortable doing it – laughing, making up a false narrative that they all join in on making, the disregard of possible citizens witnessing the attack that aren’t cops, etc.
Just like when serial killers get caught, the always say that it wasn’t their first time because of the “expertise” that they all had in the murder and the coverup.
This isn’t the first time this has happened.
@Lucky P. yes they are gang members of the Fraternal Police!!..Toting the Klansmen’s water like a pack of ignorant hyenas!!..
Sooner or later there will be another Christopher Dorner. Innocent cops getting slain because of the poor actions of a few cops.
@Lucky P. You mean the thin blue line gang?
@Bass Boye you’re right, Robinson was disgusting
@Jim Doe I absolutely agree that racist people are scumbags , well said
, thank you!
They were so comfortable and brazen about this whole incident i would bet my life they’ve done this many many times before. Id be scowering every report they’ve ever filed
In addition to their body worn cameras, US police should now start using lock-on overhead drones! Just like the pole camera for Tyre Nichols, imagine there’s an aerial coverage for other cases like Elijah McLain, what they actually did to that poor guy (google his hospital photos?! They used similar lies on him having superhuman strength too). These crook officers have found ways to drop, obstruct or manipulate the body worn cameras or it’s angles of coverage!
Yup! I was thinking the same thing. Every report on cases those officers did over their years of duty arresting…Need to be Audited-Reviewed immediately!!
That is normal for the police.
Many officers, most really, lie with such regularity that eventually it ceases to even faze them.
Once you have crossed that line enough times, it disappears forever.
These guys don’t even know what the truth is, they are so accustomed to bending it.
These 5 officers in question have had dozens of complaints filed against them as early as 2021.
They were making it up so their voices could tell a fake story while they covered the cameras. Thank goodness for the pole camera. Sounds as though they’ve done this before.
@duo You and the OP are on the same page. Don’t argue semantics with someone you’re in agreement with.
@Dirty French Thank you.
The hiding of the body cam and making up a lie, that’s police work, that’s what they do
It easy to tell when a cops is lying in court of law, his mouth will be moving and words coming out
@jimmie house absolutely
I am surprised (not) that they asked the question, “Is it common for there to be discrepancies or contradictions in police reports?” The question should have been, how many times and how long has it been going on???
Since the beginning of the very day, this group was established.
It easy to tell when a cop is lying, his mouth will be moving and words coming out
The answer ” nothing is usual about this.” OK motherfucker then why does it keep happening?
Were you surprised by the “expert” refusing to answer the question about lies in police reports? Chiefs do nothing to cops who do so there is no reason not to. It is expected from unskilled losers who only need a GED to become a cop. Chiefs and Sheriffs are elected or appointed without needing to meet any such lofty requirements. Cut from the same cloth they actually reward the uniformed monkeys instead of punishing them as liars.
If this group with their violent actions murdered this poor soul with manic aggression, it’s a rarity this was a one off.
Yes. Reports RARELY reflect what is happening during questioning. Cops are allowed to lie to civilians, too!
In addition to their body worn cameras, US police should now start using lock-on overhead drones! Just like the pole camera for Tyre Nichols, imagine there’s an aerial coverage for other cases like Elijah McLain, what they actually did to that poor guy (google his hospital photos?! They used similar lies on him having superhuman strength too). These crook officers have found ways to drop, obstruct or manipulate the body worn cameras or it’s angles of coverage!
@not a meat puppet I was told by one of these criminals that harassment and furthering of psychological trauma is legal as long as they stay off of our complex’s private property. And they keep threatening to take my dog away for her simply, you know, being a dog!
@Kristin Johnson is that county located where the Scorpion unit was?
You can tell when they start to lie, as soon as they open their mouth!
They obviously aren’t worried about being “caught on video” or falsifying data!!
IKR, WTH. They knew they were being looked at by street cameras, and their vest videos; that’s some brazen criminals.
Because they’ve done this before.
Let’s be honest, we all remember the day you knocked this crap off and got a real job! /sarc /ang /cry
@Thomas Holt Yeah yeah yeah the same jesus can heal the blind fix the lame but he couldnt swing by and heal this poor man from this injustice? If there’s a God, where was he for Tire?
Davis put that unit together she need to be held accountable. Was she checking the complaints from citizens? There was a high ranking officer at the scene, they all lying and need to be charged for “THE COVER UP”!!.
@Janice Lumpkin Oh, yea! Might as well do some house cleaning. No one will have faith in her ability to lead ever again!
If you fire her then fire the commissioner as well as the mayor
@Bass Boye agree
, that might’ve been the only true phrase the clown ever said.
@Janice Lumpkin North Carolina not Alabama
@Tycoon Estate who that
How can such disputable people be given the authority to enforce the law? They are no better than a mobsters. No code of honor with no regard for a human life
@Randle Whitney Because we want to live in a nation
, that recognizes every citizen has rights (granted by GOD not government) with laws that ensure those rights.
And citizens, from your local officer to the president swore to protect and enforce the laws that protect and serve the citizens.
Unfortunately!! Half of them probably use to be gain affiliated. They were all part of a special force gang unit.
Got you brother.
@Roe Jogan he brought this own self. He raised better. If my wife was still alive she .wood blow the top off the pipes. I him. But can.not stand his ways.
@neb we live in a gang within a gang..
I believe that all of the public servants, standing around NOT helping Tyre, should be fired and blacklisted. They did absolutely Nothing to stop the beating or help Tyre.
there is severe negligence on the part of the occupants of the surrounding houses.
The paramedics weren’t there during the beating so how could they stop the beating and when they got there the cops lied to them and said he was high. The EMTs can only tell so much by looking at a person and taking vitals. They can do CPR but he was breathing and had a pulse. I’m sure they checked his pupils. Most importantly – if they knew what really happened they could have upgraded the call to get the ambulance there quicker. Cops punch people but that doesn’t usually mean it’s a life threatening event. Information is critical to an assessment. Is he unable to sit up because he’s high? Or because he’s dying? They believed the cops. That should be another charge – withholding information from first responders.
@Shaunna L i find it absolutely impossible to believe that they could not immediately see that the cops had beaten the heck out of him.
@Daktari Oskar van Nederhosen like I said, I’m sure he looked beat up but they asked him a question “what did you have” and he said “alcohol”. He wasn’t bleeding out – he wasn’t unconscious. One of the main things would have been his pupils and his blood pressure that would give an indication he was critically injured. They can’t see a broken neck or internal bleeding. I’m not sure what his pupils looked like – but if someone is high like they were told they could be dilated and they could also be dilated with a head injury. He probably has dark brown eyes which makes it even more difficult to detect reactivity of his pupils. I don’t know what they saw but they were told lies which cops should be required to give accurate information- like hey he likely has a concussion and was struck with the baton. Those cops hastily sat him up and moved him to the car as soon as they heard the fire truck coming. They propped him up so the paramedics wouldn’t see him laying there on the ground alone. Just terrible
Unfortunately there was know one there to stop it except this who joined in on.the beating. All the one that came after was when he was laying up against the vehicle and then fell over from his injuries. That is why the emts have been fired. They weren’t trying to help him fir almost 20mim after he slumped over
They’re gonna have to look back on every case these sadistic murderers were involved in to find lies and abuse. How many peoples lives were horribly changed just so a sadist is satiated?
They should & suppose to.
It easy to tell when a cop is lying on the witness stand in court, His mouth will be moving and words coming out
Lets Be Honest We All Remember This Video:-
Funny you say that cause, a guy just came forward and said they did him the same way 4days before they killed this guy. The guy said he called and made a complaint and no one called him back. The guy even had screen shots of him calling the police department and nobody never called him back. This all mite have been avoided if they were under investigation

I’ve personally witness this before. His crime was he was there. They don’t care if you’re coming home, or working, you are suspicious so the shake down. The unit itself was a gang. That is exactly how they acted. A legal gang.

The biggest gang in the United States is law enforcement. They have been lying for each other and covering up crimes they commit against the ppl they are supposed to protect since their inception. They deserve what is coming to them and I hope it’s a big dose of justice for the Nichols family!
@Jody Patterson I can’t explain the savagery. It appears it wasn’t personal so it had to be territorial. Only gangs or a pack of dogs behave that way.

Amen !
@Bucball72 stop lying, hemphill wasn’t the one who pulled him over and you know it and there is nothing “funny” about any of this. So you know where you can stick that laughy yellow face you put in your comment
@Connie Gaylordwhich officer from the Scorpion unit was there
If those officers are not convicted and actually sentenced nothing will legally stop them from seeking employment in another jurisdiction. They will and they’ll get hired, probably in an area with a high crime rate desperate to hire. They will do it again. We need federal legislation and database to prevent that from happening. The time is now.
You are right but unfortunately the establishment want it like that to send a message of fear to the mass .30 senators voted NO on the George Flyod bill to END immunity.
There was previous complaints about these officers that the department ignored they could have prevented this from happening
It easy to tell when a cop is lying, his mouth will be moving and words coming out
lol. keep dreaming. you must have never tried making a complaint against a pig before.
@B Jvu my point is them saying they didn’t see this coming is a flat out lie
*WHY did they think they could all lie soo blatantly and “get away with it”??* that’s the question I want them all to answer!
Because they likely have done it before and got away with it.
Cops lie all the time.its in there brotherhood code
Laws to protect them.
Laws Biden and Obama signed
Because they thought they would be back up by the Blue. They found out it will not work for them They have seen the other Blue Gang get paid leave after they have done something like this. Then they get to keep their job after they are investigated by the Blue These 5 got fired first . Then charges were given out within 10 days of Trye death. No wait until we see the video .
People need to understand that a camera has never saved a life. At best they’ll tell the truth after you’re hurt or killed.
I can’t imagine the other things they have done before this situation happened to other people. They need to investigate the pass cases they have been in as well. This alone shows they are capable of anything. Lock them up!!!
Thugs monsters and criminals in uniform. HOW can you treat ANY human being the way Tyre was treated? Insanity. I haven’t even watched the full video and I felt what I saw in my soul.
They forgot to say, with their over one thousand pounds to his 150lbs, they feared for their lives. My prayers go out to the family. Rest In Peace, Tyre; God’s gentle soul.