When the United States emerges from the Covid-19 public health crisis, its national security will need time to recover before operating at full strength again.
#CNN #News
When the United States emerges from the Covid-19 public health crisis, its national security will need time to recover before operating at full strength again.
#CNN #News
Having bunker boy in charge of our security is the number one threat
@Chadillac tell me one comment I made thats stupid I can list at least two that you have made. I’m pretty sure in a battle of wits you are unarmed
@Chadillac you know I’m in the basement? I heard stories of a pervert peeping in basement windows pleasuring himself who was arrested near my house but I didn’t think you lived that close. Glad to hear you’re out of jail and received the counseling you needed.
@Michael Marceau in the basement? Hardly, you are in the closet and I don’t appreciate your sick come ons. If you don’t behave I’m going to have your mom kick you out of the basement
There was no there, there. BS narrative of the Democrats and CNN fell apart for any crimes by Trump. All Democrats have left to defend themselves is diversion, distraction and fraud. Defund CNN. Defund the Democrats. Prosecute Democrats for their crimes from election fraud, lying to Congress, illegally spying on Americans to disclosing classified information.
How’s creepy joe’s basement campaign doing did he figure what day 9/11 happen moron
Bunker Boy is a wannabee dictator.
Trump is such a dictator that he didn’t usurp State rights. Oh he’s the absolute worst isn’t he?! lol you leftist muppets don’t even understand the definitions to the words you spew. Pseudo intellectuals lol
Who is bunker boy? You mean sleepy joe?
^Trump supporters^
“Trump 2020
Trump 2024
Trump 2028
Trump 2032..36..40..44..48..52…”
You get the point
B1G RED Ivanka 2024 !
America no longer has “allies”.. trump made sure of that
https://youtu.be/46OXLxfhDY4 Joe Biden Quid pro-Que also in Guatemala No way Jose Robbing the Poor to Get Rich Just like Ukraine No way Jose…Let’s bring stuff like this in the Debate lol ones joe get out the BASEMENT from hiding LMAO
You mean leeches, they suck the money from our taxpayers…
MSL em Scotland for trump dynasty
garry olsen said the man who voted for black face racist Justine turdo
Trump has allies, Putin, Kim Jong Un, presidents of Turkey and the Philippines. And some other “strong man” leaders.
hello Kim
When you elect a Clown, you can expect a Circus.
@Clayton Sallas yeah they do that so they can insult us in public without our knowing. Its cowardly really.
When you have extremely bias news corporations, you can expect lies 24/7.
adam astorga all my responses deleted !
That’s what Im Talking about ! You people don’t know anything because the channel never changes !
@Jerry Marasco so you got fact checked and you are complaining. Just like a right wing politician. I look forward to not voting for you in the future.
Seeing it in Minneapolis, Portland, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, atlanta.
What do these places have in common?
” we fell in love” dt.
*”We won with poorly educated, I love the poorly educated!”*
– Trump, 2016
Trump supporters: i dun no wut dat means but make america grate agen 2020!!!1!
Walk-in Mysoes lol you can’t even spell loser
calling other people uneducated
@D Kreutzer Another rightwing nut has a crush on Don Lemon! Imagine how much fun this is for the world.
@bill gates You can’t read can you? Typical.
I’m a black woman , who’s voting for president Trump’s.
Can The U.S stop worrying about the rest of the world solve the issues inside your boarders first
@P Hollywood well, it’s not like the USA did anything to stop it. Trump let Putin take what he wanted in Ukraine.
If there is one country that is aware of the situation in Ukraine it’s the Netherlands. We all know someone who lost a loved one when the MH17 plane was shot down.
And I never said that the USA should abandon all bases in Europe. But I hardly think it’s necessary to keep multiple bases per country.
@P Hollywood so I take it that you also opposed the financial support for small businesses and the checks every US citizen received during the Corona crisis? Because that’s socialism as well. Same goes for existing programs in the USA like Medicaid, unemployment benefits and school lunch programs. As a strong opponent to anything socialist, you would never use these programs right?
R vdB Correction in your reply: Obama let Putin take Crimea.
R vdB Thats not socialism but rather a tool of capitalism to keep our financial system temporarily unaffected. Those people are expected to be back in their jobs soon and if they are not, there is plenty of new jobs coming our way.
I think Canada needs to be liberated
America under Bunkerboy will be operating at FOOL’s strength with or without the virus or protests.
Just like your Democrat/Socialist MASS-MOBS Murdering, Burning, and Looting America.
Ideaquest. WTF are you gonna do when Trump wins again. Look at the BS the Democrats are pulling. You’re a Troll, or just stupid.
Guess what Trumps out and about it’s creepy biden in his basement campaign trying to figure what day it is lol
@Jacob Calham lol… might… that is hilarious to think joe has a shot!
Lol!!! Do you know how many democrats just lost their right to vote?
We are looking at fools strength in all the cities burning.
Hope you are ready for the crimson tsunami.
Iran and NK isn’t the threat. Our own government is!
Yep, Trump and his GOP staff that follow in cultish lockstep, especially this year, because they want to keep their cushy corporate jobs, so they bow down to the Orange Russian Clown in Chief.
Black lives matter is
Mandi B the racist ppl that kicked ppl that already lived on this land off there land. They didn’t found this land or discover it, you can’t find or discover something others already lived on.
Donald Trump is America’s biggest threat.
The threat to Iran and North Korea is the US. This is the sole reason why they want nuclear deterrence against the US. For NK, if they do not have a powerful deterrence forces, they will be invaded, dominated and suppressed by the US, like South Korea and Japan. They are puppets and lackeys of the US. For Iran, to avoid being invaded and dominated by the US, they need nuclear. The Israelis have why not Iran? Only Iran and Pakistan, the Muslim majority countries can defend Muslims. The rest of the Muslims countries mainly in the Middle East are controlled by the US through its installed puppets and lackeys elite royalties where they paid the US billions of dollars each year. The real threat to the world is the US.
Baseless fear-mongering
You seem scared. Time for you to hide in your bunker.
Thee biggest threat to the United States is the POTUS. Trump’s trying to start a war inside the U.S.
Andy Zeno no…..the demon rats are the ones spreading all the hate and lies. Trump
@Uncle Ed they’re here…
@Dientera – The Raging Gentleman Nervous Nancy is a constitutional violation, Nutty Nadler is a constitutional violation, Pyscho Schiff is a constitutional violation, crooked Hilary is a constitutional violation and sleepy joe is a constitutional violation. Even me talking to you about it is a constitutional violation.
@Frank Cash Not if you vote for sleepy joe, but he will give the country away to china.
The maniacs are running the assylum
yea and which ward are you on?
Lawrence Harris hi Lawrence or this it really Erik
*There’s no pandemic*
https://youtu.be/46OXLxfhDY4 Joe Biden Quid pro-Que also in Guatemala No way Jose Robbing the Poor to Get Rich Just like Ukraine No way Jose…Let’s bring stuff like this in the Debate lol ones joe get out the BASEMENT from hiding LMAO
The asylum being the democratic party
71 Hosts and Anchors
63 White
119 Correspondents and Reporters
95 White
Democrats can count?
What exactly is the point?
USA has 13% black population
@Mugdorna libtards aren’t very good at math unfortunately….
P Hollywood
I didn’t know Republicans could READ!
They forgot Sweet Tea and Panda Express
” I know more than the generals”
It’s great that he knows more but he needs to he is making bigger decisions. We are so lucky to have such an outstanding man.
@Jacob Calham exactly, he is the commander in chief of the US military. He is above them hierarchicallly speaking…
Iran wasn’t a threat to us anymore until this despicable admin provoked and caused new problems. The WH is now the #1 threat.
“One of these things is not like the others…” just by looking at the thumbnail. #bunkerboy
America really isn’t the “power house” country it claims to be. So sad
That’s kind of a stupid statement. We still have bullets in the bandeliers, a huuuuuuuuuuuuge navy, hundreds of thousands of fighting men and women, air dominance anywhere on earth, hundreds of battle ready strike forces, and a big red button with your name on it
Lars Jones – Power house just doesn’t mean military arsenal. We are a complete joke when it comes to taking care of the tax payers funding the government. BOTH parties have decided it’s more important to give Jeff Bezos yet more billions instead of the citizens. If the working and middle classes have no discretionary income…..you have no economy. We like to think it’s still 1952 and we’re super awesome, but it’s not close to true.
We are first in very few things except Covid-19 infections and deaths. Ranked in 20s-30s in health and education as I recall.
Jack Ma said it best a few years go; While the developed nations spent their treasure on health, education, research, infrastructure and programs for citizens, the USA spent their treasure on unnecessary wars.
I call them immoral wars. Taken a big toll over 40 years.
Now we have one of the dumbest, immoral, unhinged persons on earth sitting in presidents chair.
The most present threat is the one hidding in a bunker cowering from American citizens looking for justice.