Former Ottawa Police Chief Charles Bordeleau speaks on the challenges facing police as the demonstrations at Parliament Hill continue.
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When the members of Parliament came out in support, that was the act that removed this from police capability. That was the moment this activity became supported by the Federal government, and thus any action would come with Federal reprisal, either directly or indirectly, to the officers involved. Typical Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Yea, this is now a Federal problem.
C’est la fault de Federal
Thank you Ottawa trucker
@Jeff Spicolli Exactly!!!
it was always a federal problem. Ottawa is just a casualty of trudeau’s ideology.
why are conservatives not taking advantage of this situation? your vote doesn’t matter 88889
The public owns parliament and the streets etc
Only if they work and pay taxes. So far I see hillbillies collection my taxes
@Duke Dex yeah they just drive trucks for fun gtfo
End of Mandates+End of government over reach= No More protests.
@Seamus DeLion I wouldn’t go that far, there is a peaceful way to go about this whole ordeal and that is to drop the mandates. Politicians need to wake up.
Yup choice is obvious here
Simple as that.
Simplr math. Love it
Charles Bordeleau , we haven’t forgotten the ” Shut Down Canada ” movement and how you allowed it to happen .
Don’t forget , alot of the cops are on thier side
Says you, I’m not so sure about that.
@Sleeping Dog you think cops like enforcing extremely morally ambiguous edicts from fly by the seat of the pants incompetent politicians ?
@Ben Becic condescending question. And yes the cops will.
@Ben Becic yes, yes I do. Sociopaths love that stuff
More cops are on the truckers side. This is one of the best protests the cops have ever had to deal with. Cops are buying coffees for the truckers. Truckers have been bring the officers hot food while they are on post.
So what you are saying in a nutshell is that the overwhelming support for the protest, makes it impossible to intervene.
Ah ya you got it !
Hahha I love it
What the police can really do?They dont have bulldozer to move those trucks and the army said they dont get involved.They are fucked,the trucks will stay there until the mandate gets removed.
@al pe correct and There isn’t enough police , nor do they want to do it and I don’t blame them ,no amount of money would be enough to try and force a peacfull protest that the world is in support of right now .what are the leaders gonna do fire what little resources they have right now , and replace them with what ? Trudeau fcked himself into one huge rock and a hard place.
hilarious and true. let’s go convoy 2022!
I mean they told you, they’re not leaving till they see change. Don’t act surprised that that’s exactly what’s happening
@GreenBean44 GreenBean44 Bot
Military logistics don’t move fast at all. It would require boots on the ground, not fast mobile components. The military is not meant to deal with protesters. By the time the Military raise their tents, set up food/water, their own communications, refueling stations, medical staff, and perimeter, the trucks and tractors will be in another City like Toronto.
@GreenBean44 GreenBean44 He has a snowballs chance in hell of ever being elected again.
@Chris Levisen it’s already a 100% lock. vancouver/toronto will make up an even larger % of the vote than the last couple elections and guess what that’s 100% liberal votes = more lib seats compared to last time.
Sociopaths have a hard time coming to grips with reality when the common folk refuse to be intimidated anymore.
No criminality in peaceful protest, there’s NO TIME LIMIT.
Summer would be nice
“They’re are frustrated, annoyed, fed-up & have had enough.” Well, now sir you know exactly how the unvaccinated feel as it’s a two way street.
Apparently, Ottawa’s Tow Truck Companies are all of sick with covid..
@RICK J boooooooooo
I love these business owners
@RICK J keep dreaming….
@BENOIT METAIL back at you .
@RICK J The truckers have millions of dollars in funds. They might not be able to sit there forever, but they’re financially equipped to stay for a very long time. And you might be indulging in wishful thinking when it comes to bringing in the military. There’s one easy way to end the demonstration and that’s for Trudeau to stop pretending to have Covid, come back to the capitol and meet with the truckers.
Peaceful protests are neither criminal nor illegal!
occupations are
It’s not peaceful.. in the sense of trying to live there … and there are lots of laws being broken.. you would not like to have air horns blowing for night and days everyday .. what would just that one thing do to your family.
@RICK J there are no horns between 7 pm and 8 am. that’s 13 hours – half a day ….you only need 8 hours of sleep.
@David Geary been watching live video from ottawalks ,check out his night walks , he said the same thing , about no horns after 7 pm , but they were going off especially on Wellington street by the parliament buildings … it’s was crazy loud ….
The government needs to be very careful. The entire world is watching how they handle this situation. Things could turn very ugly if the government does not choose to take things peacefully and would send a very disturbing message to others.
@A Remedy Project if they stopped making life hell for the residents nearby it would be a lot easier to sympathize with them.
@J Drake the city of ottawas support isnt needed, we already have the rest of the country. Who cares what those career liberals think?
@J Drake it’s all for canadien to be free and worldwide to resident of Ottawa that cant see it wake up !!! this guy era fitting for you and the one that can’t or won’t ull thanks them later

@J Drake Just think of it as the Summer of Love like in Portland
@Philippe Ladouceur you write incoherent ramblings.
#1 buddy said it’s crippling the city, what about Trudeau Covid rules.
#2 buddy said it’s impacting businesses and paralising downtown core, what about Trudeau lockdown rules.
#3 it’s ok for Trudeau to do what Truckers are doing but not ok for TRUCKERS to do what Trudeau did?
I understand it can begin disruptive but complaining about protests while living in the countries capital is a little ironic don’t you think? Also I bet the local restaurants/businesses are super excited to have all this external revenue being brought into the city as well. It’s the government who is truly inconvenienced by this which is the point
Mandates need to end bys!!!..The world is actually coming together on this!!! I’ve never seen anything like it to be honest.
I keep hearing “our city”, what about “our country”? Or “our freedoms”? Or “our bodies”? Or “our jobs”? Are you guys kidding? This is the idea of legal protests. If it wasn’t inconvenient, what reason would there be to stop the government enforced and imposed discrimination? You can deal with those who are breaking the law, but removing everyone is threatening people’s right to a peaceful and legal protest. You want it to end? Put pressure on the government to do what is right. The protesters arent fighting for bags of gold or cocaine. They are fighting for what is already guaranteed by the Charter. Get real.
The only solution now is for Turdeau to peacefully resign… Support the truckers and it will be over quicker!
Lol love how they go to the old chief, because the current one isn’t giving them the answers they wanted
Probably cause the current chief wants to see our rights restored.
Does the city prefer rolling protests? 10 million wasn’t raised to leave early.
Grateful to the federal leaders that are supporting this. This is not illegal behaviour!! It’s called a peaceful protest no matter how much you guys want to spin it. Go Truckers

It’s illegal because of the road block. The protest in itself is perfectly fine.
@Frank The government is blocking them from working. They won’t go anywhere.