A series of racist and anti-Semitic incidents have rattled college campuses nationwide as educators struggle to stop them from spreading. This week, at least four incidents have been reported on college campuses hundreds of miles apart from one another. #CNN #News
There have been at least 4 hate incidents reported on college campuses this week

They cut off Jussie Smollets dreadlocks
@get lost your being reported
@El Nubian don’t worry about him I reported him he is just a racist bully
Good commie, report, report, report. Free Speech and the Truth must be stopped!
@TheTruthIsRacist You do know reporting someone is also practicing free speech right? God you people are dumb you don’t even know your own rights
@sarah gonzales and your a triggered liberal who doesnt understand anything about racism.
Any bets on whether or not they are Trumptards?
95% chance they are leftists. #anotherfalseflag
@Getty Haley hopefully him before you.
No sorry loser it’s a liberal College
@Getty Haley Its like that phrase is a mating call to these idiots. Yell something negative about Trump and these boneheads flock and try so hard to seem edgy and defend their racist ideology. Yet with every comment they expose themselves so much so that it’s actually deradicalizing a lot of right wing white men. The irony!
America 2019……wonder what (if anything) the orange clown will do about this, then again the last time he spoke about incidents like this he put his racism on display for all to see (“very fine people on both sides”)
bert larsen I don’t take marching orders from Trump cult members thanks
bert larsen you’re wasting your time with this nonsense, you’re the one who needs to wake the hell up and stop being manipulated by a borderline sociopath who’s been a corrupt criminal for his entire adult life
@Thomas Perry that’s right, you hate him. So therefore no matter what lie you believe knowing it’s a lie, you don’t care because you hate him. This is why you people will fail, this is why you people are so triggered
bert larsen aka: the Democrats aren’t racist scum like Trump and the GOP
@Thomas Perry racist and hatred is the media that spreads it, not a single person. It’s a non stop talking about it and ranting about it, the to believe it and acting upon and that’s all the media
SWJ media meaningless accusations, including micro-aggressions, rely on faithful followers to react. neoLibs bite every time.
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Stay in your safe place muzhelozhet
@Lone Wolf The world laughs at you and your fake emotional issues… LMAO!
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Shame Shame Shame .What king of bad behaviors we have in this country .
Donald fans are going crazy.
Racist reminds me of low class people and they usually are,,not saying people with money are not racist too, but money does not give you class, you cannot buy it.
These are adults now. Why hide their faces CNN?
Where is jussie Smollett
The amount of derision and hatred toward people of color continues to skyrocket and it will remain entrenched in America’s psyche long after that POS Trump leaves office.
You guys are a joke. I wouldn’t be surprised if the left staged all of those incidents.
but 4 students got suspended,why would they be suspended if it was staged
Because you automatically dismiss any information you don’t like on the basis of conspiracy and wild speculation. We should all listen to you.
@ROLAS ** to make it look good? I mean you know a 3 dollar bill aint real..I hope
Hard to tell anymore if these incidents are real or fabricated. Too many have been fabricated by wackos looking to stir trouble.
*Looking at the comments, of how many people defending this, calling it a hoax, blaming someone else, or changing the subject, and there’s plenty.*
It’s common to find the racists and bots scrambling to deny the realities of racism. They get their lies and talking points from FOX news and other racists with YouTube channels. Then they come here to spread said lies.
It’s all to distract you from the important stuff and to get you to fight them so we don’t throw assholes like them behind bars for propping up a culture like this.
It seems there has been more hoaxes than hate crimes lately.
@Rustycode89 Funny how anyone who supports trump is a “russian bot” or “troll” When the fact is there are thousands black and mexican Trump supporters. You should rethink your logic and stop beleiving everything CNN tells you
Consequences, very heavy consequences, that’s what’s lacking…..
The worst case of modern day lynching since Jussie smollet
Of course — all against “African-americans”. Fake news CNN. Remember Jessie Smallet!!! I mean — Josie… ah whatever — it’s all fake.
The first step to solving this problem is by cracking down on anti-Semitic professors.
that is a very liberal college so I guess all the racist in the US are liberal college students. Noted
Just commenting so I can come back in a week or two when the “victims” admit they were lying and LOL!
Get back to me when it involves an endangered species!