If a Democrat wins the White House, they'll have to pick a number one priority. What should it be?
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There Can Be Only One Number One | All In | MSNBC
~I wish I was younger, know what I know now and have Chris Hayes as me papa
@IR_Dankenstein my god, i have never seen CNN or MSNBC complement him on anything. These medias need too be unbiased, because of the biased this is what we get. It’s sad
@IR_Dankenstein Trump does not want ” to hold his position and responsibility’s that come with it” so much so that he won’t even take a salary now go figure that one out. Obviously hates his job has any normal thinking person would conclude.
America had 8 year of Obama. Where was their support then? 30 million Americans have still no health care. Don’t help each other cause socialism is only for the rich.
To make sure the ACA is applied equally in all states. Mend & improve it.
My hope of what a democratic administration would set as number one priority is putting into law fail-safes against ever again letting another Donald Trump into the Oval Office. Trump gave us plenty of advanced notice. How is it that he has gotten as far as he has?
@Lorric Logging Democrats have shown themselves to be guttersnipes who slam Trump 24 7 instead of doing something constructive for example with the hurricane both before and after other than mostly personal attacks as that is what they do. Dems are political party first America second hacks who politicize anything and everything in their faux outrage.
Read the Constitution. If it’s to be amended, run for office, get elected and try to make the change. Keep in mind that those changes may affect everyone in the Senate and Congress
JJ, you must not be paying attention, Trump is widely popular and you can’t put in “fail-safes” in place to prevent another Trump into the oval office. What you are really saying without knowing what you’er talking about is put in place a DICTATORSHIP. Stay of of political forums, you don’t know much.
@mic williams lol “widely popular”. He’s the only president in history never to have reached a 50% approval rating.
Props to Mila Wylie!
John C I’d vote for her.
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. (Psalm 1:1) Wake Up!!
Forty One wipe the dust off your hands and move on(walk away)
Higher wages = higher spending = higher CO2 footprint.
Better healthcare = longer lifespan = higher CO2 footprint.
Climate has been put off for decades, renounced by the oil & gas lobby.
Would you rather be poor on a somewhat sustained earth, or live wealthy inside a confined space.
Live in a comfortable prison and hope the thermostat wont break down, or be able to open the windows to let in some fresh air.
Having said that, I don’t think that lowering our CO2 footprint is that important if we only would start to green deserts, take care of biodiversity, and cherish the earth, try to heal it, make it more resilient. However much that might cost, because that is the only thing that can last, even when humanity bites the dust.
Cheers !
When I listen to this panel, I rather that humanity bites the dust.
co2 is not important at all, non-factor.But to push this climate change, co2 must be made the boggy-man, sort of speak, or the chit ain’t going to fly.
Nothing will be fixed until the corruption is stopped. Hence that is the top priority.
End citizens united and gerrymandering
You want to get rid of gerrymandering the Dems will have a heart attack ….lol
What about fight corruption, poverty and waste? Poverty is a lack of understanding.
Great discussion.
Anti-corruption. Limit donations. Get rid of financially motivated politics, and the rest will fall into place.
This guy is the biggest joke there is ….nothing he says comes true …
Maya Wiley should run for president 2024 or 2028.
All they do is talk talk talk about wage stagnation and other problems but nothing ever ever happens
To me prioritization should be done according to feasibility. What’s most feasible is done first, then onto the next one.
“National Security.” That’s the issue! That covers the most serious areas of corruption, climate, tech, industry, Gun Control, etc. And, it would eliminate the GOP, over night
Is Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow the same person? Are they ever in the same room together?
Priority One:
Protect Clinton
1) fights corruption 2) social security for everyone.
i was just tellin that to cnn. but theres many problems with any of the ford flopped dnc candidate scams, and thats excluding all the identity crisis consensus crap fake concern conditions guilt projection garbage or fairness fallacy lectures that only intern impeached incompetents can appreciate.
their lack of respect for the constitution, while alleging to be defending it, while paid to support it, while actively exploiting and abusing and undermining it, while fearing the expired obama era interference activities so much they have to ban themselves from fox news, is a successful symbol of the clinton crew cowardice that no trump derangement syndrome delusions can ever substitute.
Number one priority?
Getting the money OUT of politics!
It’s literally THE root cause of virtually EVERY issue we face, as a country.
For example;
We are unable to pass, let alone consider, even the most basic, common sense legislation on assault weapons because far too many of our Congresspeople, (House and Senate,) are beholden to their DONORS in the gun manufacturing industry, and the NRA.
We are unable to commit to anything even resembling common sense legislation towards the use of alternative energy sources because far too many of our Congresspeople are beholden to their DONORS in the vast fossil fuel Industrial complex.
We are unable to pass any meaningful health care legislation because far too many of our Congresspeople are beholden to their DONORS in the insurance companies and vast pharmaceutical Industrial complex.
It’s the same problem with the Wars we’re fighting STILL, even after all this time after 9/11, and why we’re selling stockpiles of weapons and weapons systems to Saudi Arabia, because far too many of our Congresspeople are beholden to their DONORS in the weapons manufacturers and vast Military Industrial Complex.
The people we’ve been electing for the House and Senate have been completely unable to do anything with their power unless their DONORS demanded it, from massive tax cuts for the shareholder and CEO’s to the Corporate WELFARE bailout system.
We need to PRIORITY getting our Elected Officials working for US, their VOTERS again. And that’s unlikely to happen unless and until we can cut off that sweet SWEET Cash flow, once and for all.