‘There are hotspots everywhere’: COVID-19 second wave is taking a serious toll on our mental health

CTVNews.ca’s Michael Stittle and Nanos Research’s Nik Nanos discuss how Canadians’ concerns about COVID-19 are surging again as Canada experiences a second wave of the virus; what the selection of Annamie Paul as Green Party leader will mean for federal politics; and Nik weighs in on why Joe Biden's lead may not be so comfortably large as the polls would have you believe.

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'There are hotspots everywhere': COVID-19 second wave is taking a serious toll on our mental health


  1. This is what I’ve said for months. Why weren’t economists and mental health “experts” allowed to form a coalition with the Covid 19 “experts.” That would have been a common sense, and balanced, approach.

  2. Currently, I think most of our happiness is being being sustained by the hopes of 2021. Boy are we in for a disappointment.

  3. 45% of Canadians really do support another shutdown of economy + another 25% somewhat support it?? lol … Only 224 respondents were below 34 years old while 779 above 34 years old.

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