CTVNews.ca’s Michael Stittle and Nanos Research’s Nik Nanos discuss how Canadians’ concerns about COVID-19 are surging again as Canada experiences a second wave of the virus; what the selection of Annamie Paul as Green Party leader will mean for federal politics; and Nik weighs in on why Joe Biden's lead may not be so comfortably large as the polls would have you believe.
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Corrupt Canadian government is taking a bigger toll on Canadians health
This is what I’ve said for months. Why weren’t economists and mental health “experts” allowed to form a coalition with the Covid 19 “experts.” That would have been a common sense, and balanced, approach.
Common sense and balance are too much for Justin.
Yup the virus isn’t real.
The virus is real. The over reaction was/is sheer stupidity.
@Suzanne McMaken Correct!
Maybe this will speed up MindMed’s FDA approvals
Tired of the propaganda. That’s what we are sick of
Great, now the internet alpha males are facing depression. As if they don’t cry enough already.
Currently, I think most of our happiness is being being sustained by the hopes of 2021. Boy are we in for a disappointment.
I’m Single

45% of Canadians really do support another shutdown of economy + another 25% somewhat support it?? lol … Only 224 respondents were below 34 years old while 779 above 34 years old.
Yeah I mean seniors who are no longer in the work force won’t be as affected by a lock down .
Destroying mental health while pretending they care about it
They say 45% of Canadians but who did they ask
This is never going to end they will ramp up the testing and false positives
You do realize that if the pandemic ended right now, it would be one of the if not the shortest pandemic ever