Forbes' Randall Lane and Andrea Mitchell discuss the women over 50 making a difference in foreign policy including Condoleezza Rice and Susan Rice.
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The Women Over 50 Making A Difference In Foreign Policy | MSNBC
If anyone wants prayer for anything, let me know. God is a God of miracles and he’s a good Father. God bless
EWTN News: On a mission to report the truth. God bless the United States of America.
I object to the Equality Act proposed by the Democratic Party.
The Equality Act is a lie. From the Father of lies, Save Us, O Lord.
God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
EWTN News: On a mission to report the truth. God bless the United States of America.
I object you spamming the same old BS over and over again.
@Friend same
Condi the Bush Clown.
And a war criminal.
@Blue Crow We always need to encourage people to be their best, to do the best job possible. We provide freeK through 12 education in order for people to get the tools necessary for them to follow them throughout life. This is all a part of American exceptionalism, all a part of the freedoms that we have in one of the main reasons why people cross oceans, deserts and risk of death to come here.
@T. R. Campbell be best is of course from first lady Trump,,,agreed legal immigrants in welcomed..and let’s work together voter ID for every legal american
@Blue Crow We are in total agreement. Both she and the Trumpster supported legal immigration of those foreign nationals who had the skills or services that would benefit the USA.
I find it most interesting, and this really upsets many of my Democrat colleagues, if we look seriously at what Trump did during his time in office, he initiated many Democrat programs and several Democrat platform issues.
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr You are an ignorant mow ron.
A bunch of war mongering ladies. Neat!
Aren’t liberal males considered women?
Yes they are as Arnold Schwarzenegger would say girlie men
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr Can’t understand why you fellas on the right are so obsessed with the sexuality of liberal and progressive men. If there’s something you’re hankering to try, no one’s stopping you.
When l had rubbed my bottom with a toiIet paper, wow wow, l noticed the BLM mural there in a brown dye
So if you impeached Trump for Jan 6, what is the commission for?
Remember Dems, you asked for it.
America needs to hold TRAITOR Trump’s Thugs, that are still on Capitol Hill, accountable and exposed for the TRAITORS they are.
It’s possible for the colonial pipeline to be hacked by bad actors but not the election with malware software?
Everyone knows the democRATS stole it
MSNBC needs to lay off the identity politics. It doesn’t matter she’s a woman, or black or her age. What matters is…did she do a good job?
This racist country of ours has been wallowing in identity politics for hundreds of years.
@Demetria Karnavas You’re absolutely right.
Actually identity politics does matter. Currently 80% of positions of influence in Washington (including foreign policy) are white Christian males. It’s an extremely entrenched boys club only interested in protecting it’s own. They need to start allowing more diversity. Washington will be better for it.
Hello birther cell mass
Yeah, let’s talk about the ladies. (But not the men, cuz that would be illegal in our matriarchy)
Oh please!!!!! Until Madeline Albright, they were ALL men! For TWO whole centuries! We’ve had three female Secretaries of State since George Washington’s presidency, but yet, somehow, you see a matriarchy! YES, let’s talk about the ladies! It’s about time! Women make up MORE than 50% of the population and are just now coming into positions of power. It’s too bad you have a problem with that. But, you can either support them, step aside, or get mowed over. But women are not going to be denied just because your little frail ego can’t take the notion of a woman being in charge!
This matters for sure. Currently 80% of positions of influence (including foreign policy) are white Christian males. America will be a better place when there is more diversity in Washington.
USA is not fair broker in Peace Deal.
China needs to be involved here.
Keep this going .
Cheese and crackers, we all like women who help/helped with world peace and we all like Condi Rice.
@Mike Boate …ouch Mike Boate ouch.
I miss Cookie Roberts.
Hahaha it’s funny. The lady was master wars now she became msnbc hero Hahaha.hahaha