The whistleblower complaint, released to the public this morning, didn’t just implicate President Trump. Several other U.S. officials, including AG William Barr and VP Mike Pence, were also named. Who knew what, and when? Aired on 09/26/19.
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The Whistleblower Complaint And The Cover Up: Who Is Complicit? – The Day That Was | MSNBC
Of course AG Barr, and ghouliani are complicit.
Sure they are….if you are on meth
Cam73Vids Ghouliani

William H Don’t be that 1950’s guy. Have you just woke up from a looong coma you’re excused.
Crystal Giddens Of course they can. What you can’t do is
Ask Them To Help your campaign
In Exchange For already promised highly needed military aid.
That’s textbook collusion in broad daylight, plus it’s blackmailing an already vulnerable country to act corrupt, which would be absolutely devastaiting for a young democracy placed under putins heel. (Which was what the Biden business was all about. Helping Ukraine eradicate corruption)
trump is a traitor
HRC, Biden and Obama will be held accountable and nothing can stop what is coming.
Were is Raymond Reddington when you need him?
Okay so what did he do this time that made you think hes a traitor? All i see is that Trump is trying to get some dirt on his political opponent.
Lock them up
Every single person involved in this cover up should be charged with obstructing and trying to pervert the course of justice.
@William H
we good
Ramon Guzman RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA hahahahahaha
Once again the media is plays you like Cheap Chinese Fiddle hahahahahaha AND HE’S BACK FOR MORE !
@Von Dutch So do you honestly believe Trump is innocent and exonerated of all crimes ?
Elfin4 I dont think, I KNOW he’s done nothing, Do you get your information from the Media ?
Google and All mainstream media including various publications are Bad sources of information, PURE PROPAGANDA
Barr sold his soul… he just didn’t expect to have to pay so darned soon.
@Niccole A Actually Mueller and Bar disagree about this and they had a falling out over it; they are not friends. Also, Mueller’s report was heavily redacted by Barr and Mueller was not happy. No one outside of the redactors know for sure what BARR redacted from it. The House is still trying to get the full unreacted report.
He did that when he created false written accounts of events to cover up for his republican boss.
(No, not Trump.
I mean the **other** time he was caught creating false records to aid a republican president.
This time round he hasn’t so much been comitting new crimes as he has just been playing some of his greatest hits.)
His son got an important position!
The Russian trolls are out in force last little bit making them rubles
@Dave Schultz I get this question all the time so here is the short and simple answer. Bot just reuse existing posts and repost them to other places while an internet troll is a person that tries to be disruptive by posting either fake items or inflammatory views with the sole purpose of disrupting readers. Here is how they are formally defined.
In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional reaction
@Paul Marohn , You should write a book. Call it: ” Who the F#$k cares”.
@Sumumma Bish and the MAGAFAGS. Hard to tell a magafag from a magabilly too many are both
They know their days are the trolls are working hard to get their
This coruption has no bounds and never takes a day off.
@joye ottwell – ‘Childish’, maya said…?

Has she read the *daily ‘twittyfeed tantrums’* of ‘Snowflake #45’ these past *two-plus years* …?
@CynAnne1 they are just projecting hypocrites just like their little boy Donny.
Trump does corruption like it’s his job. Probably because he doesn’t actually do the President’s job.
Once again i say 99.5% of GOP are complicit they all in one shape of form or another are in debt to Russia .
You do realize this is just Democrats protecting Biden. Lol
They all want to be oligarchs. They need to wind up on a subsistence farm, in Siberia
That’s all any communist has ever invented…lies. and jealousy and envy.
*Barr needs to be disbarred **_and_** put behind bars!*
Media is pushing to protect Biden interesting
@maya L Barr had better hope he’s in the clear. A bunch of racist senior citizens and a smaller bunch of magabillies won’t be able to save him from what’s coming his way.
Complicit. Isn’t that Ivankas new fragrance?
Flying Filipino LOL !
Flying Filipino… Yes it is her new scent, Swamp Water at it’s smelliest!!
Pare’ I’m guessing your visa expired a long time ago and you’re on food stamps.
All those Trump Lemmings the GOP has so very many of them.
*Every single person involved in this cover up should be charged with obstructing and trying to pervert the course of justice.*
@quietman356 123455 Oh I forgot, there was nothing wrong with my spelling…. Google it fool.
@maya L So FOX is lying, CNN is lying, MSNBC is lying and TRUMP is not, REALLY!
Oooh, My Godnessss,

Donald Trump the disrupter has thrown a handful of rock into a pack dogs and soon you’ll know the dogs that got hit!!
***(Can’t you hear all the Cackling, Clucking Hens and the Roosters Crowing at MSNBC and CNN?!!)***
Russia if you’re listening, where is Trump’s phone calls???
“Tell Dave Schultz he’s a third-tier troll…”

@Indi Pillai it’s where manchild and his magabillies belong. They’re commie scum
@Igor Jajic Big talk, considering you dipshits couldn’t even hold on to Croatia.
as Putin is giving ‘ high fives ‘ around the Kremlin, the GOP & Trump WH are starting to eat their young..
I never trusted William Barr from the beginning!
He’s the guy who talked Bush-the-First into pardoning the Republican Iran-Contra criminals. So he’s been a hack for some time now.
Jail General cover up as well. Barr has been using his office to protect Trump not AMERICA.
Since *both* Barr and Giuliani *have been ‘namechecked’ in that transcript* … *WHY* hasn’t the “American Bar Association” opened an investigation?!?
Have they *no* regard for the reputation of their profession…?
Yes let s jail ” General”. Then we can go after Col.Mustard.
***(Can’t you hear all the Cackling, Clucking Hens and the Roosters Crowing at MSNBC and CNN?!!)***
@magic Fox
You shouldn’t post when you’re that high.
Trump is a walking virtual reality machine and he sells his own sense of reality to anyone who will buy into it.
“Irony is Fate’s most common figure of speech.”
Love that!
DragonHorizon89 For 3 years, CNN and the Dems tried the Russia narrative and came up empty. So now it’s plan (b), (c), (d), (e) and plan (f), later to (g), (h)… then on to your big loss again in 2020.
You *do* realize *this* is MSNBC’s channel…right, Hilde?

The station ‘call-letters’ are *right there in the thumbnail* for goodness sakes…
@CynAnne1 Dont feel bad, Hilde, i didnt know either. i dont even know what a thumbnail is! Also, dont think i was supposed to write u via this reply button.(sorry CynAnne
) liz
Rats!!!l leave the boat it’s sinking.
I mean, WH staffers leave before ship sinks.

lol made me chuckle
as Putin is giving ‘ high fives ‘ around the Kremlin, the GOP & Trump WH are starting to eat their young..
Barr lied to Congress and never should have been the United States AG!
What lie? Funny how you clowns never get to that part.
When did Giuliani get FBI clearance and confirmation by Congress to work for the United States of America?
Daffy Duck Giuliani is Trump other book end twin.
He didn’t. That’s the point.
Giuliani said he defended his client (from a boogieman ?) at the request of State Department (and he’s got it all recorded on his phone). Make what you will from this. The only people who can clarify Guiliani’s role are Trump supporters
Gwen30 a real insult to the whole Department of Foreign Affairs! And Mike Pompeo allowed it to happen?