39-year-old Shamsa Al Balushi says she was heading home Sunday night on the Yonge subway platform when she was pushed onto the tracks.
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what an incredibly courageous woman
Too bad the “person” who pushed this poor woman couldn’t experience the same!
Couldn’t agree any better. A taste of the same medicine will be the right penalty.
Aww that lady is in pain. A broken rib
Adam gave up a rib for you dam women
It took me 6 months to recover from a fractured rib. Worse for her she broke it.
@marty trueblood you know thats not true right?
@visibly dead semi right
@marty trueblood what part about that was right
She just rollie pollied right outta the way of a train, wild
Omg I am so happy she survived
. I am always afraid to stand to close to the yellow line for this reason. Some thought I was too paranoid but no no
That is the reason,why i never stand(waiting)close to the yellow line.
I’m happy too. It must have been so scary for her. I don’t blame you for not standing to close on platform yikes!
I remember being about 7 or 8 years old and standing waiting for the subway scared that someone was gonna push me when the train approached.
Ann Marie Bosa, you NEVER were being paranoid. You were being intelligent. We do not know what is in anyone’s mind
Broken rib is a painful injury. More police at ttc needed
…what? More police wouldn’t have stopped this, that’s absurd.
More money in addiction and mental health services however, and this may never have happened at all.
Glad she’s okay. Seems like a courageous person for not only saving herself but also for not letting the scary ordeal deter her from using the TTC. I know I would think twice about using transit after that
She’s so smart to avoid the train the way she did.
This is the reason why I stay in the middle of the train station
Glad she’s okay because that could have went south.
There’s a person who can instantly react under pressure! I’m so happy that she’s ok. Side note, she is beautiful!
the lady (victim) is badass! took the train after the incident wow
i’m glad she she survived, that is such a terrifying ordeal!
Million dollar corporation interviewing her out in the freezing cold…hope they didn’t just stalk her for this content. Glad she was quick thinking and she didn’t get knocked out could have been tragic.
She looks like a really bright person, I am so glad she wasn’t injure more or worse killed…!!
Wow I wouldn’t be able to get out of the house if something like that happened to me. She is amazing for real!! I’m happy to know that she is ok beside the broken ribs.
This is one of those things that you think might happen to you that actually happened to someone else. Scary.
Omg she seems like such a nice awesome lady, so freaking sad that happened to her. I am so glad she’s alive but it sucks she’s in so much pain!!! She should start a go fund me so she can take Ubers for a while. Heart goes out to her, I’m scared of this everyday and now it’s happening allot!!
The pusher should have things reversed. That’s exactly what she deserves in my opinion. Crimes should not be tolerated.
We need to be safe where ever we’re decide to be.