Mike Hudema, communications director at Canopy Planet, discusses what he hopes to see come out of the 2022 UN climate summit.
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Lmfao, I’ve heard this since 1987 GFY
World leaders with some of the stupidest ideas about solutions in the world. Let’s put the politicians in a closet and get on with our next energy source. We have stopped nuclear advancements for decades. Time to get the politicians out of the way and get on with business.
They’re not stupid.. they’re nefarious rich business tycoons
When are Canadians going to stop paying for these grifters
I can’t afford to keep paying for these trips how about anyone else?
Talking is over so now what? Forceful enforcement of arbitrary laws on your citizens?
Are we doing climate crisis already? I still have my covid decorations up…
Will some one please show the proof for COP 27 and reason
I’d like to see the list of how they all got there and what hotels they’re staying at. I also want to see the menus and expenses of every politician at that meeting. Until then take a hike.
“Expert.” Right.
The time for reckless fiscal management by government is over.
Boy I wonder how all these geniuses made it from all around the world to be there…
Respect your betters
The time for authoritarianism is now! Lol
Thi mine rebran gobatch atchou Robin ratrasou refloutou brigckou !!!! Flatulence miammmm bra da bra atchoum misvern !!!!
Guess they haven’t heard about convoy 2.0 yet …….