1. Amy R
      She sounds like my mean old aunt when I was 5 years old and got caught playing with my uncle’s fishing gear…

  1. You know it’s really bad for a country when you can’t believe a word that the president of that country says.
    ✨Joe Walsh

    1. Elisheba Mitchell
      And his hands can’t hold a lot.
      They’re so tiny….. Hard to have faith in those tiny mitts….

    2. You don’t have to convince me of that. It’s his idiotic followers who believe anything that comes out of Trumps pie hole.

  2. Why don’t Americans go after Mitch McConnell since he’s the real criminal and problem. How can a little old man be so scarey

    1. Because the people in the state of Kentucky keep getting con, twisted and bamboozle by the Republicans and Moscow Mitch. I believe Kentucky is one of the poorest state while Moscow Mitch his wife and that my neighbor stop beating me up Paul enriching themselves.

  3. You know you have a full blown con man in the oval office when the president has Jim Baker’s hair and Tammy Faye’s makeup.

    1. @Tomandtob 1. Yes. Trump has had 6 failed business. Among those, he has also had more than 700 successful business ventures. Most business fail in the 2nd to 5th year. That puts Trump’s record for success above 99%.
      2. Doesn’t matter. It just means he’s a genius.
      3. Many corporations and billionaires borrow and loan. Nothing new here. You’ve never owned a business. How could you living in your mom’s basement?
      4. Each day Obama spent going to Martha’s Vinyard cost money, too. Secret service still live at all of the ex president’s houses.
      So riddle me this: How come he has gotten more done than the last 3 presidents, combined?

    2. @Joyce Chisman Oh is that so? Give me examples then, if you’re so smart.
      As far as your “Putin” claim, sorry, but all the cards are on the table, and we now know that Russia helped the Democrats, not Trump.
      You’re probably too uninformed to know that we figured out the Trump Tower meeting was a set-up, as well as other honey-pot traps.

  4. The Moscow Massacre Mitch, Trump, and Kavanaugh the three Evil, perverts, with white supremacist, and traitors of America. Anyone that endorse the republican party in 2020 and endorse this traitors is contribtuting to their agendas, but by no means making America Great. Common Sense!!!!

    1. Mitch McConnell is not a white supremacist. He’ll do whatever it takes to get power and stay in power, but there is no personal ideology driving that.
      I’m also not aware of Kavanagh having any such inclinations. He’s sexist and bad at his job, but I’m not aware of any white supremacist mindset.

  5. And what does Moscow Mitch have to say about slavery? He is shamefully unashamed about his ancestor’s slave-owning history. Like many other Southern GOP Castrati, Moscow Mitch takes pride in the wealth his family achieved by owning people as chattel. Disgusting Moscow Mitch could be known as “Slave Master Moscow Mitch.” Disgusting, loathsome Grim Reaper Man.

    1. Thank you, I couldn’t have said it better, your correct, they represent the devil. And the pukes hide behind their phony religion, while they serve the devil, the elites have devil worshipping.

    2. DNC Blog what you don’t like money. Are you a happy homeless bum. Then sure you wouldn’t like security in your life or your family. You love the rich to keep taking care of useless people like you always crying out for more free stuff, yeah us republicans like money security and America. We stand for the family God and country. Democratic just cry and think it’s okay to take from the rich. Because Democrats are rats and drug addicts, criminals. And not worth nothing. Trump 2020

  6. Look at how incredibly Orange this pig is . This pig would rather start a war than lose power, this Saudi attack ahas happened directly or indirectly because of Trump.Trump should be blamed for these burning oil wells .

    1. @Tomandtob You mean morons like GW? The record shows that being at war increases the chance of re-election. Donnie thinks it will help him.

  7. When are we going get rid of Mike pence and Mitch McConnell. I know Brett is leaving… and we need get rid of barr and Putin and Kelly Ann.

    1. They’ll only go when the keg is dry. Ask Kavanaugh! His in charge … I like 🍺 . in charge of we drank 🍻 … charge of that! We liked 🍺 🍻

    1. Graham, Moscow Mitch, Kavanagh, Trump needs to go. And once we win in 2020 remove every Trump boot licking criminal he appointed!

  8. Add in AG Barr, treasury secretary Mnuchin, immigration advisor Miller, education secretary De Vos and add in HUD secretary Carson.

    1. oh, oh, oh … and charged with driving under the influence – TWICE – spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham. Please!

    1. @Annie First we have to cut off the head of the snake. Be sure to drive as many as you can to a polling station in 2020. Trump/Prison 2020.

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