The Supreme Court decided to overturn Roe. v. Wade, effectively ending abortion constitutional protections that had been in place nearly 50 years.
RELATED: Roe v. Wade is overturned by Supreme Court | USA TODAY
An emotional crowd of hundreds carried signs and chanted "My body, my choice" at the steps of the Supreme Court as they grappled with news that the landmark Roe v. Wade decision was struck down after five decades.
Amid the protests, some anti-abortion activists heralded the day as a cause for celebration. Some even rallied outside abortion clinics and sparred with protesters.
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#supremecourt #roevwade #abortion
God came to our rescue in the time of Moses, God saved us from our guilt in the time of Jesus, God gave us free will over this planet to do as we will, but most of all God gave us ecstasy in making love with another person. He gave us self-evidence in our natural rights to know what is holy and what is not. I know God in nature is getting a bad rap but in my opinion he could not have done it any better. It is still my belief that God planted the seed that we now call the universe (even though most people believe they are just intelligent fish taking a walk in the country) but for what is worth, I don’t think anything having existence has been more wasted than God of this universe is being wasted today.
How long until Brandon blames abortions for high gas prices?
Boohoo…now we can’t use our vajayjays as bargaining chips to get what we want

Democracy works!
people have a debate like this on front of Tiananmen Square?
Can Chinese
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Hooray for babies!!!!!
Just as many of you surely advocated personal responsibility regarding masks and the vaxx, so, too, does personal responsibility come into play here. It starts in the bedroom.
How dare you…speak facts!
There will be some significant events and outcomes triggered from these changes. One is the issue of miscarriages – will some states try to charge a mother that has a miscarriage with murder? Or might they accuse the mother of causing the miscarriage on purpose? Will they ruin the lives of many teens that are poor and uneducated? Will the mother and child require public assistance ( assuming that the father is also poor and unable to pay child support). Perhaps the father will be unknown in some cases. Childcare for a single poor mother is almost impossible. What about drug abusers and homeless that perhaps give birth? What about drug addicted babes that require significant medical care. What about medical insurance for those without? Will the costs of these births in many cases be passed on to the taxpayer? What about non-citizens that are undocumented? Consider mothers that already have several children and have an unplanned pregnancy? The GOP will go crazy when the costs of Medicaid goes up by 30 percent over time due to single young mothers with no means of support and no medical and perhaps no housing. Consider babies born with birth defects which can be common in teens and again substance abusers of alcohol or drugs? A lifetime of medical care required on the taxpayers dime. I’m okay with that – but will others be happy to see taxes go up and public assistance hit an all time high? Foster Care and CPS services will need to be increased and will need funding too.
CDC data
year number of abortions
2010 765,651
2011 730,322
2012 699,202
2013 664,435
2014 652,639
2015 638,169
2016 623,471
2017 612,719
2018 619,591
2019 629,898
So at least 500,000 additional children born per year. Let’s start building new schools and childcare centers now to handle to new increases of births. We are going to need them. We need more companies to manufacture baby formula as we can’t meet the current needs for mothers now. We also need train new doctors in medical school now (for the increase of deliveries and medical care which will require an increase in doctors and nurses). We may need more hospitals or at least more hospital space for nurseries to handle all of these births.
So if 250,000 of these children and the mothers are added to public assistance and medicaid “per year” = the system will start to fail and the Congress will have to expand and fund new increases to these programs to assist these poor mothers that likely would be unable to hold a job that could pay the costs of childcare and medical as well as housing costs.
I may be wrong here? This is just what I see as possible outcomes?
It’s a good thing George Floyd isn’t around to see this. He always had a special place in his heart for pregnant women.
I’m actually running for governor of Ohio and if you elect me, I will go further than any of my opponents. I will strike down the emancipation proclamation, women’s right to vote, same sex marriage, interracial marriage, …and I will eliminate all gun laws and put machine gun vending machines in the schools. Vote for me! Let’s git er done!
human right. where does this peculiar thing come from I wonder?
the taste of freedom