On the surface, Venezuela seems spared from the ravaging impact of Covid-19, but doctors tell CNN the number of cases is much higher than the government wants to admit. With limited and slow testing, patients are kept in motels for weeks, under strict government control, waiting for a result. CNN's Isa Soares gets exclusive access to two of Venezuela's largest hospitals where power and water are intermittent and medical supplies are scarce.
#CNN #News
Rest in peace to those we have lost and are losing.
Let the communist have the White House. This way Americans will wake up! I thank you in advance.
Cnn total propaganda in this story.
The only reason Venezuela is in trouble is because the US sanctions the nation.
They can’t sell their own oil to the world because of the US sanctions them selling it and any nation that buys it, this makes oil prices higher and makes fracking viable and later the US can invade and steal their oil.
This is why even anti Trump viewers dont trust CNN.
Hoh wow
oh yes
The MAIN Israeli front bank for the Mossad that calls itself The Fed, PUT these sanctions on Venezuala.
We ALL know your militarys ships are ALSO BLOCKING any supplies from gettinf in. Your the most evil nation in history.
Very sad.
This is so so sad
That’s not a hospital, that’s a prison cell.
Part of the propaganda n fear mongering tactics
@TexasAlabamaboi817 What? Are you commenting on the wrong video?
@TexasAlabamaboi817 Well, good thing Traitor Trump is leaving. That’s what was in store for the US if he would’ve won. He kept all the equipment for himself and his administration. He was trying to empty the coffers for himself. He didn’t want to give hospitals the stuff they needed. I’m so glad he lost!!!
@DarthSailorMoon Trump trolls don’t actually watch the videos they comment on and he just proved this!
Damn, if I saw this hospital, forget it, I’d stay at home and hope for the best
@Slick Mike thats funny comrade slick. US gets 15 to 18% of its uranium from Russia.
@Lunar Dream
I understand the hospital is a real hospital and is like that but it isnt an active hospital its not in use. This video is s CNN crew walking around an empty hospital with torch lights and talking to a coup backer doctor its total propaganda and lazy propaganda at that.
The Venezuelan government recently had a huge reelection defying Trump’s attempted coup just like Trump’s coup in Bolivia was defeated recently.
@Slick Mike
The US sanctions any nation that buys Venezuelan oil.
Do you not read any news outside the US?
Smarten up buddy.
Since 2017, the U.S. has sanctioned people, businesses, and oil entities associated with the Maduro regime, both inside and outside of Venezuela.
Any company that buys Venezuelan oil anywhere in the world faces US Sanctions.
@max smart shut up spammer
@Lunar Dream that’s all you could muster huh
That’s what they said about Sidney Powell.
That is why they are coming in droves to Trinidad
You can travel there and film but not bring them any supplies?!! SMDH!!
Unfortunately, what you typed is EXACTLY the situation. The Venezuelan “President,” Maduro, just ran a sham election propping himself up as a de facto dictator, extrajudicial killings have become common, those who oppose his regime are jailed (or worse), and his government is riddled with corrupt actors. International press is not allowed to bring in aid due in part to international sanctions aimed at reversing these human rights violations, however, even if aid were delivered it would almost undoubtedly be withheld by the government failing to provide it to the people of Venezuela in the first place.
@Briley85 Absolutely horrifying, devastating!!!!
@Tracy Dunbar
Agreed. Often times the most helpless situations are the most infuriating… but COVID is only exacerbating an already tragic situation without a realistic remedy. It should probably be noted that Venezuela isn’t completely unique. You’d see much the same suffering in North Korea and Iran but Western press doesn’t even have access to share those stories and help some of those human beings feel heard, which I suppose is worse, if only by a matter of degrees.
Toh wow
oh yes
Tell maduro I need a loan with all that money he got buried like Saddam.
I just see humans in need of help. God help them all
You will be waiting a long time. Try volunteering to help out in their Country. God likes action not platitudes.
Shes showing you an empty unused hospital its a total propaganda piece.
Venezuela is only in trouble because the US sanctions the nation so it cant sell its oil and any nation that buys it is sanctioned too.
This makes oil prices higher and makes US fracking viable and later the US can just invade and steal Venezuelas oil.
The US destroyed the Venezuelan ecconomy to make oil prices higher.
oh wow
oh yes
@jorgemtds When mankind makes bad choices and feels regret from his bad choices, he immediately looks for someone to blame.
GOD can help himself, mankind Can’t.
It looks like a jail, more than a hospital… saddened
Almost as bad as Jeffrey Toobin’s home office. Almost…

My father was from Venezuela. My relatives still live there. I’m weeping.
@max smart Yes, and also there are humans there that are starving to death. Do you have relatives living there?
@T-Rex9000 Thank you.
Too bad the evil Mossad bank, known more commonly as, “The Federal Reserve” put those sanctions on Venezuela and have MY US troops blocking ships and supplies.
I am terribly sorry we cant seem to stop Israel crashing various currency’s either.
So sorry. So very sad. Much love and prayers
@Peter Jonas
Yes I do.
This is disastrous and heartbreaking. Hopefully there will be help coming from somewhere.
Not from demented Joe Biden
Goh wow
oh yes
This is what happens when you let corrupt crooks take over your country
well,.. as a venezuelan, I can tell that the doctor that dared to speak in front of the camera is either in jail right now or running to the border… that’s brave but in my personal experience, a very dangerous decision..
This breaks my heart. We have everything in the US at our fingertips, and yet so many people do not take this pandemic seriously.
There are protests in New York!!!!! A pandemic and people still don’t care.
The state of this hospital has absolutely nothing at all to do with Covid. Moron. It’s been that way for years
crying I am with you all the way. it is sad
This is what happens when you have a corrupt government that hordes all the money.. America is getting that way!
Shes showing you an empty unused hospital its a total propaganda piece.
Venezuela is only in trouble because the US sanctions the nation so it cant sell its oil and any nation that buys it is sanctioned too.
This makes oil prices higher and makes US fracking viable and later the US can just invade and steal Venezuelas oil.
The US destroyed the Venezuelan ecconomy to make oil prices higher.
The US sanctions any nation that buys Venezuelan oil.
Since 2017, the U.S. has sanctioned people, businesses, and oil entities associated with the Maduro regime, both inside and outside of Venezuela.
Any company that buys Venezuelan oil anywhere in the world faces US Sanctions.
lol I’d argue we’re already there.
The US is worse because the US doesnt have outside sanctions to blame for its awful treatment and responce to Covid 19 just a government that serves the rich and cares nothing about the rest dying.
No this is communism
Wait a minute, venezuela is lying about their numbers???
Who woulda thought…
US Empire: we are going to starve you through economic terrorism and then our institutions of propaganda will show your country and say “How could you live like this.”