‘The sooner we can finish, the better’: Joe Biden on Afghanistan evacuation

Joe Biden says he intends to keep the Aug. 31 deadline for completing an airlift of Americans and at-risk citizens in Afghanistan.

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  1. If ‘Speak’ means to amble about, forgetfully, and still disabuse the technology provided by a teleprompter.
    Most ‘popular’ President ever!

  2. Remember when we had a president who could speak on his own. Remember the one who was leading America into greatness.

  3. Joe has no idea what he is doing on world stage….any how he can not do much after going to washroom a dozen time a daily in this age…too old to be a president.

  4. What he means is that the sooner he is done with it, he can bring the Canadians to war in the South East Asia. Face palm.

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