Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitc testified behind closed doors in October to House committees that she was told to tweet praise of Trump to save her job. The panel discusses. Aired on 11/05/19.
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The Slow Destruction Of The State Department | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The US is becoming a mafia state under this crooked president and GOP, all owned by the Russians!
@Real Talk76 the putin way .. The first order of business is to destroy DEMOCRACY using the sitting AMERICAN president to do so.
@Ephesians 6:12 GEEZ .. More Republican B S. & NONSENSE. Ur ALTERNATE REALITY is showing.
Kevin Mcneil fascism is a government controlled by private business, so America is fascism. Trump is a wannabe dictator. One who ordered the massacre of allies so his friends in ISIS could go free.
How might that be? Facts only please.
lola g Trump ordered American troops out of the way knowing what Turkey was going to do. Now it was because Erdogan threatened him, first by removal of licence for his hotels and second because Trump and Kushner OKayed the arrest and murder of Kashogi.
Cadet bone spurs likes to intimidate anyone who stands up against him.
He gets someone else to do this.
Then he says something like “I really don’t know her.”
You noticed that pattern too? Yeah, the “Don” is a con 100%. In his world “knowing” someone seems to be a big deal. When I hear him say it it is simply that he’s trying to totally disassociate himself from whatever criminal behavior he is implicated in. We’ll see how that strategy works out for him when he goes under oath.
@David Bento Coming from a guy who’s still flipping the blame onto Obama.
Pretty pathetic, Bento.
He won’t know his own mother if she said something he didn’t like.
@Snaggle Toothed What is pathetic is your attempt at a debate, I will say you are better then most brain dead zombie left freaks you got past a repetitious mantra chant they are programmed to say! Look at the facts.. This is why I never try to have an intellectual debate on a left win blog! Bye!
The US has become a mob culture. As a Canadian I feel the grief and fear good Americans are going through.
cmulder002 Christensen is not a Trump supporter. You, however, Have issues.
plicketyplunk Thank you. The small percentage of Canadians who think we ALL support Trump, most of America has to suffer through being lumped in with the incorrigibles. It is depressing to endure this crook in our Whitehouse, and have to listen to those who assume we 100% support a racist, bigoted, lying monster who wreaks incalculable damage on the world. Case in point being his wanton thoughtless abandonment of the Kurds, caving with no thought to Turkey. I don’t know if he gets it as he has said, stunningly, that ISIS is done for. Can you just imagine ?
Canada always a good a neighbor
me too, it’s attack on the democracy . Trump and Putin has worked together since the beginning or maybe even before that. But, almost 50% of Americans are for trump. Either they are so naive or stiuped . I can see what’s going on and they can’t ?
If Capone were alive today, not only would he be very, very old, he’d be in awe of how the US government has become the criminal enterprise he always wanted.
plasticpaddy: Nobody did. The ‘families’ ain’t what they used to be….
@Wrong Crowd possibly, but Al would still have to keep an ear tuned for revving buses. The marmalade Mussolini is well known for throwing his people under them. Then again, as @plasticpaddy says, it might have worked out somewhat differently – one baseball game where the cheering would have been heard around the world.
Deep America voted for Trump and will again.
Kremlin Don is running an international crime syndicate like world has never seen.
Obviously his orders are coming from Putin.
This is insane!
*All Trump Scandals will lead to Russia..They are ALL connected!*
@Johnny Enamel quite the opposite! Some racists can’t fathom, impeaching a racist, sexist, bigot… but it can happen
@C. H., yes he sees them as ‘marks’ for his con game.
@robj She also said she would never Impeach unless it was bipartisan, but then she consistently lies…when she can keep her teeth in…lol
@C. H. His voters are “working American taxpayers that can do math”…the Dems should think about representing a couple of us sometime. Maybe even protect OUR border…wouldn’t that be something!
@Blackdogsmatter the borders never needed protection, until racist interests hit the shores of the Americas
Indigenous tribes, and Southern Americans had travelled this land 100x over
… now the inhabitors aka the immigrants need to protect the border
* American men: this sounds so SCARY & UNAMERICAN…
** How do you suppose White men get their cocaine, sir? China?
I cannot believe that one con man, no matter how good at it, can fool so many people for so long! Only these who want to be fooled can be fooled. I cannot believe how many wants…rest is just plain stupid!
The USA was founded on genocide and land theft. It was built on the backs of 240 years of brutal slavery followed by Jim Crow and endless wars against the 3rd world.
It is what it’s always been, a fascist shithole of barbarism and hypocrisy.
E L Deep America will elect Trump again.
Sehara … Good question
Escobar was seen as a “Robin Hood-like” why not president Trump
With Deranged Donnie, all roads lead to Putin.
@Mr. T
Just more evidence that the entire American political system is rotten, corrupt and dysfunctional. Only a country in serious difficulty would offer two candidates of such low quality. Only a country lacking a spine would then try and blame someone else.
@Charles Carter Says a Russian troll!
@Mike Smith Detailed Report
On One America News Network:
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 48/180
@ANT WILL bro you just described Star Wars ….. any 3 movie arc
It’s incredible that Trump is allowed to remain in office.
@KB Peters copy paste job maybe? like those transcripts
Please do some factual research. No law was broken.
The republicans cannot defend this mess, so now they will claim that it’s ok to do what this felon in chief has done. This will not answer for our Country at all. All of this, if left unchecked, will destroy the very foundation of our Nation and negate every person who ever died defending our Constitution. Let that sink in….
@Arjan Stam
I suspect the empire is over.
@Revealing Serendipity Good question. He doesn’t strike me as a guy who will _ever_ admit to being defeated, does it?
Sharpie-gate alone already proved that he’d rather waste two weeks trying to prove he was right about something that really _everyone_ with a more than a single digit IQ knows he was wrong about.
And how insignificant was that transgression, by comparison. One year left, tops, to prepare for a confrontation. Or perhaps rather: the final one; one way or another.
@Heidelager Indeed. Not alone. Maybe an idea of what the the explanation looks like, can be found in these two links:
Chomsky brilliantly dissects Trump, Democrats & Russiagate: and
How White Evangelicals Sold Their Soul To Donald Trump To Bring About Armageddon:
After being on life support for decades the U.S.A. has died. Listed as causes of death are corruption and 30% of the population being conditioned to the point they can not tell facts from lies. May she rest in peace.
He’s a con man.
He lost the popular vote by more than 2.8 million votes and needed Putin’s help to get that many.
He represents all that is wrong with America and humanity.
That’s why Putin backed him.
Yawn…gotta love that foreign thinking….nope. We will prevail.
Louis Napoleon Deep America rejects Surrender Weasels.
Power corrupts There is no such thing as the popular vote.
We, I am an American, have already lost. Freedom? You can’t even go fishing without government consent.
Dear USA, Canada here. What has happened??? What in God’s name has happened? What has happened to our DEAR southern neighbors? We miss the “old” you! With warm hugs – Canada.
We let the Christian Right dumb us down too much.
Thanks Canada
We’ll be building a pipeline through your largely empty country.
A lot of election interference, for almost three years people kept making claims that Hillary Clinton was corrupt but it recently came back that her emails didn’t contain anything. Its sad that we Americans betrayed Hillary for Trump.
Samurai Jack Nothing came back. The emails are in every database of every foreign intelligence agency. Russia for instance. Hillary had them on an unsecured server.
We’ll have to use Bleach on the hard surfaces and Oxiclean on the soft surfaces to get all the Trumpstains out of our Whitehouse!
Acid or possibly high explosives.. give a shout if you want the British to pop over and burn the WhiteHouse with the orange Turd inside..we have some experience Canadians will probably be happy to help.. But we insist Nunes and McTurtle and pence and miller plus Barr are inside. If your going to do a job.. no point doing half a job. Feel free to toast any republicans like marshmallow on the bonfire
I’d just napalm the place and start over.
@Someone Else You’re right, exec power needs to go to congress.
What about the stench?
trump has been a criminal for the majority of his worthless life. No big surprise there.
I KNOW!!! Everyone always known trump has been a crook for decades. He’s been in and out of court more than a bailiff with irritable bowel syndrome. Republicans dont care.
Wendel Bolide Deep America will make Trump your president again. Enjoy!
What about MSNBC crooks!
@Wendel Bolide Ha Ha Pelosi. Schiffty crooks
Corruption, threats, lies, smearing, crimes…
The all GOP : there is nothing wrong there.
he surpass’ everything they’ve ever done. the sheer volume of his offenses is staggering.
@Bunkiebe exactly. every single day he’s been involved in a crime. yes, thank god for that person. & the rest who are willingly giving testimony to just one one crime that has led to a whole freaking widespread conspiracy & syndicate of players & crimes. it’s getting more & more bizarre & infuriating each day.
GOP – Greedy Old Punks
@Dale Cox could also go greedy old pirate’s
I like yours better, Richard. Pirates (thieves) are exactly what they are.
MIKA ACTUALLY GETS TO TALK WITHOUT JOE!! Mika, you’re golden. We need you to talk more, girl!
Either that or sleeping on the couch….
Morning Joe is better without Joe.
Hear, Hear
Thank God. Mika needs her own show
Right no interruptions. It amazing hearing her finish entire sentences. One after another! Love Mika!
This is the direct result of having a criminal as the President of the United States.
@bingbonga binga You seem incapable of understanding the difference between setting policy for the USA
and using presidential power to further his own personal political career.
Unless smearing Joe Biden is official foreign policy of the presidency.
Also, CONGRESS awarded Ukraine those defence funds. NOT the Executive. So swivvel on that.
Voice of Reason he was well know to be a criminal decades before he became POTUS. I will never come to grips with how that could possibly come to be.
Drunkbikewrenchen Exactly
Djt should be stopped. U.S. deserves better.
There’s gonna be a need for a lot of prison cells.
Or chairs, hopefully.
The Russians has succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.
Russia has the US tied in knots.
@Comeonuseyourbrain Isn’t that the purpose of any war ? to seize the power of the country you are fighting against ?
@Comeonuseyourbrain The states must not allow a candidate to be on a ballot, unless he releases his tax returns. It should be a federal law, but the states can pioneer this
And every dead soldier America has buried, is pointing toward D.C. from the grave, at “you know who”
@Zachary Fluke you would be slaughtered over there for such talk
My immediate concern: Is the ambassador safe? This is a mobster style government driven by intimidation and corruption. And the GOP are enabling this style of government!!! This is shocking and scary!
I’m more worried about the safety of the whistle-blower, his name and parent’s address are all over the right wing web sites. Where is law enforcement in USA??
@Marie O’Gara You are right. I am worried that the whistleblower will be murdered by one of trump’s crazy supporters once their identity is revealed. Of course trump and the GOP will not take any responsibility for this crime and say it was due to a mental illness problem rather their hateful rhetoric. I hope the law enforcement will provide 24-hour protection!
Your concerns are stupid.
@pat comerford I think protection must be in place, although a so called reporter was able to knock on the door, and film, interaction with his parents —– . i assume that this decent person, and his extended family are now totally distraught, lives upturned forever.
GOP simply don’t care, in fact embrace the vitriol. They have rapidly moved from ideology to zealotry, astonishing to watch in real time.
@Marie O’Gara I did not know about the “so called reporter” – that is terrifying!
the person who gives up the whistle blower should be arrested. period.