The explosive new books about Donald Trump are riddled with insider details about the former president … and it’s partly because he chose to sit down with the authors himself. In the latest episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza examines Trump’s obsession with the media and his efforts to control the narrative.
Yes, Donald Trump's final days in office were even worse than we thought
“I’m Getting The Word Out”: Inside The Feverish Mind Of Donald Trump Two Months After Leaving The White House
Trump’s Threat to Sue ‘Fire and Fury’ Author Backfires
Michael Wolff Reveals Why Trump Actually Spoke To Him Again For New Book
The amazing story of Donald Trump’s old spokesman, John Barron — who was actually Donald Trump himself
How Donald Trump plays the press, in his own words
What Donald Trump’s Books Say About Winning
18 Revelations From a Trove of Trump Tax Records
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Moira Donohue
The Point Editor: Leigh Munsil
Video Editor: Steven Sevilla
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#CNN #Cillizza #Trump
Is Trump good or bad at controlling his narrative in the media? -Chris
@Flordeliz Gorgona

Im a Chris too but I can see the CNN crowd for what it is. A new proper hate cult religion comprised of a bunch of forced fake emotional feedings.
@Peter Wilson Who is an avowed KKK member aside from former Democratic senator Robert Baird? Yes, marched in a parade in Democratic dominated NYC, to get favors with the politicians. Trump himself was a Democrat for many years. Depends on how you look at it. Hitler did bring the jet turbine, rockets, and many other things that technologically advanced humanity. There are a lot of Nazis these days. They are still socialist, still want all guns seized, speech police, currently illegal voting practices, and many more things to take away basic freedoms.
Is Cnn good or bad at controlling its divisive narrative? Sad…
@My Tale sounds a little like president Biden if you ask me
I think I’ll write a Trump book too. There’s a whole section in Barnes & Nobles dedicated to books written about Trump.
Trump was arrested
@Thank lay off the crack pipe, you are far too brain damaged for rational thought.
Trump comes off as one of those people who when arrested, would speak to the police constantly despite his lawyer telling him not to…
Look for “Mother Jones deposition Trump”. Thank me later.
Let’s test that theory already…
@Logan M Your guy lost, get over it!
You’d smoke angeldust from trump’s testes if he gave you the chance @M Hall
I just read the Michael Bender’s book, it’s brilliant! It’s a hilarious comedy of errors, showing Idiocracy at its worst.
For me the biggest takeaway was learning it was Rudy in 1988 who stopped a NY investigation into Trump laundering, in exchange for $2million in campaign donations for Rudy’s election.
And that’s how Trump has always avoided prosecution.
@tom martinez It’s funny that you want us to think you’ve ever finished a book.
@Lodge Forte I could care less what you believe, just finished ” The Count of Monte Cristo” How about you? Coloring books don’t count.
you mean a BOOK OF LIES?
@Aliza Kessler Nah… wouldn’t Trump sue if it was lies, halfwit?
Read More.
Except.. he didn’t count on the bad publicity that he himself created, is damaging his own brand, to the point of his brand being withdrawn from many of the buildings his own name is being removed. Which weakens his investments.. of course, he’ll take this off his taxes…
@Aliza Kessler ohhh.. he didn’t create bad publicity with all his evil deeds AS president and even afterwards? Come on now….
@Luan Nguyen Trump is enemy numero uno (and all GOP now) to Democracy… ya know that thing that protects EVERYONE’s freedom? Not just a few…
The Propaganda Machine is in full gear.
@Steve Austin liar
@Woody Yep… the train has been running since at least 2015 for one ex president…. longer than that for the communist GOP..
Rodger Stone has the same point of view. If you cant be famous then be infamous… I’d like for both of these poor specimens of human beings be cell mates. Now that would be an ultimate reality show…
@Michael Lee investigated and ? Let me know when someone is convicted because right now only trump associates have been charged….but you guys can’t fathom that
Support you Caucasian brothers or blacks law will doom you all.
Top Wall Street Executives Say Inflation Could Be Worse Than Predicted
BY July 18, 2021 Updated: July 18, 2021
YOUR point ? What does GLOBAL WARMING EXEC’S Say ?
“F” WALL st
Media Mob CNN never cares about Massive group of illegal migrants flooding southern border crisis… But only care how to destroy its #1 enemy : President Donald Trump
The most revealing thing is that we do know the worst in ourselves and we keep it under check. So, In Trump, we see the worst of a man unable to and empowered and unchecked.
@Mark Zielinski
Absurd to compare this carefully crafted, molded, and enabled degenerate, with Human Nature. There isn’t a human being in recent memory that can compete with his level of deviancy
CNN is fake news.
Another YouTube bozo with a troll account. You’re all gimmicks desperately antagonizing in the comments because you know there’s nothing left for Donny but downhill. Have fun with whatever you’re smoking, I’m not hanging around your dumpster fire @M Hall
You’re a puddle on a dirt road @Luke Collis
That’s been obvious for years. The only shock is how some Americans like trump and continue to do so.
Top Wall Street Executives Say Inflation Could Be Worse Than Predicted
BY July 18, 2021 Updated: July 18, 2021
@stgeorge28 but yet you do not mention the thousands and thousands of communist Democrats that have been rioting looting assaulting the police and burning down thousands of innocent peoples businesses in all your Democrat cities for the last two years? Yet you go back to one day and you can’t name any other day that .0001% or around 300 Trump Supporter‘s walked into the capital and took pictures. Your fake news is going to go to that every day for the next four years they completely ignore the violence and crime surging 1000% in all of your Democrat cities because you hate America and hate the police and it happens every single weekend. That’s your communist comparison?
Media Mob CNN never cares about Massive group of illegal migrants flooding southern border crisis… But only care how to destroy its #1 enemy : President Donald Trump
A whole lot of ignorence ! It’s sad that in this country this many people are stupid !
@Steve Austin no not enough there should be exicutions .
You’d have to be less than smart to believe that anyone is writing a positive book about a dumpster fire of a presidency. It’s obvious he’s been disconnected from reality for years.
They say ‘any publicity is good publicity’ or ‘there’s no such thing as bad publicity’. Clearly this is not true otherwise Trump would serving a second term.
Hmm youtube page just to post stupid comments fu. Off
I refuse to read anything you people write because WE all know you’ll are living in a alternate reality. Donald Trump lost the president and he’s also the reason Republicans lost the house and the senate. He was accused of sexual misconduct by 27 women and is currently under federal and state investigation by at least 5 states. His “University” and “Charity” were both forced to close because he was defrauding the very people that support him. Many law analysts AND members of his own believes he committed treasonous acts while president.
Speaking of “revealing yourself” and alternate realities: “State Representative John Thompson, If you don’t expose yourself to multiple children, you ain’t black.” – Manchurian resident Joe Biden, probably. #AnotherDemKidDiddler #weird
Because there are evil people out there who have nothing better to do but write a book of hate and lies
Sounds like the book “Prince “is Trump’s playbook.
You’d think so but I bet he’s never even heard about. And if he had he’s never read it.
Wonder when the Joey in neverland will come out

“The” Prince and you’re right of course.
His need of the limelight is so insatiable. He is willing to bankrupt his moral and monetary accounts to fill that need.
@Olivia Turner What do you mean? The news stills talks about him all the time. Damn, people still writing books about him to make money.
So let me see if I’m following… Authors are cashing in on stupid people and their undying hatred of Trump… and that means Trump needs the limelight?
You people are parodies of yourselves.
Top Wall Street Executives Say Inflation Could Be Worse Than Predicted
BY July 18, 2021 Updated: July 18, 2021
@Nameless Progressive Clone yes, yes they are.
@Political Legacy = Dumbfukk
Not for trump, it’s reading a book, lmfao.
3 new trump books? Hamster owners rejoice, there is no shortage of bedding.
…because the is no shortage of Trump lies.
Speaking of “revealing yourself”: “State Representative John Thompson, If you don’t expose yourself to multiple children, you ain’t black.” – Manchurian resident Joe Biden, probably. #AnotherDemKidDiddler #weird
Trump is coming back its already been prophesied. Man cant stop God
He’s the bloke who ate my hamster.
that makes a total of 20 or so, i have to listen to the orange clown for 20 seconds and i know everyhing i need to know, without reading one of them
“Being talked bad about is better than not being talked about at all”
yet this entire series is 90% talking about Donald Trump
@Political Legacy I mostly stopped watching this series since it feels like grasping at straws to complain about DJT for views – I’m over it
Biden is Not a President
You’re a puddle
Yet here you are, proving to everyone that you’re full of mierda @Steven Brinkman
Oh look, another puddle to splash.
Biden is the President- you should seek therapy @Logan M
He played the NY media perfectly. They used him to sell their crappy magazines. The could have destroyed his phony “career” 40 years ago by telling everyone he was a quasi illiterate, uneducated grifter. Instead they elevated him to the status of “golden boy” and he rode that b.s. all the way to the Oval Office.
You simplified by missing out The Apprentice, which helped create an image of a pretended competence that he never had.
@Andrew Mitchell True. However step one was the prostitution of the NY media. He never coulda been a reality TV star without that groundwork already in place.
His acolytes think that that is his genius.
“He has money, so he must be successful”!
The Art of the deal was ghost written, I’m not convinced he has even read it.
@KM I bet with my live he can do that much better then biden
@President Got Talent The former guy never read his briefing book (I suppose because it didn’t have drawings included). Biden does each morning. Enough said.
@Logan M Why would you conclude this? He is the legitimate president. The electoral college properly voted for him.
@Logan M You are not paying attention.
Media Mob CNN never cares about Massive group of illegal migrants flooding southern border crisis… But only care how to destroy its #1 enemy : President Donald Trump
The end of Trump’s presidency is likely no different from the first four years. Towards the end, Trump just didn’t have the benefit of all those political publicists who were able to shield the worst of his incompetence from the public.
The single most revealing fact in the new Trump books…
Is that he’s out of his freakin’ mind. But that’s not a revelation but a long established fact.
Sarabeth, that comment was a complete contradiction.
@Jock Young I don’t see encouraging people to vote as necessarily a good thing. There are too many people who do not keep up with what’s going on and couldn’t make a well informed decision.
@Jock Young In ballot harvesting they can just tell these older people how to fill it out and get them to sign. How would anyone be able to know that fraud to place in that situation? It matters how votes are handled and delivered.
Media Mob CNN never cares about Massive group of illegal migrants flooding southern border crisis… But only care how to destroy its #1 enemy : President Donald Trump
You haven’t read any of these books but you certainly have an opinion.
“I don’t care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right.”― P. T. Barnum ― P. T. Barnum
Massive evidence out of AZ and Georgia. Congress needs to decertify Bidens electors as the proof is there.
may be there is a new show coming up soon THE KREMLIN APPRENTICE!
You must be trump’s juggler
@Logan M
@Logan M … “Massive evidence”… Lol.. You’re funny!… Say something else!…
The accuracy of these books is probably about as accurate as CNN’s reporting on the Covington student.