While Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden is the big-ticket race in November, the fight for Senate majority is also crucially important. Chris Cillizza explains why the Trump White House is becoming increasingly nervous about losing the majority in the Senate in 2020, and the impact that loss could have.
1 in every 4 circuit court judges is now a Trump appointee
White House Worries About Kelly Loeffler’s Senate Prospects in Georgia
Trump advisers warn McSally is in trouble
Appointed Senators (1913-Present)
Loeffler to sell individual stocks amid criticism over lawmaker trades
Would Republicans be better off if Kelly Loeffler stepped aside?
Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper launches campaign for Senate
The effort to unseat Susan Collins in 2020 is already underway
White House Worries About Kelly Loeffler’s Senate Prospects in Georgia
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I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil and Allison Gordon
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#CNN #News #Senate
Hey, Chris here – do you know if either of your senators are up for re-election?
Here in Iowa Ernst is up for re-election. (I won’t be voting for her)
Poor Chris. You asked a simple question and what did you get? A bunch of really stupid replies and mostly off-topic.
@Ricky Fontaine He and tRump share red noses and wigs. Putin must have all those idiots firmly under his thumb.
@RC They support the peaceful protesters (1st Amendment – ever heard of it?), not the punks doing the looting and being jackasses. These looters are the fringe idiots, all of them, and should be arrested regardless of their politics. Apparently Trump doesn’t even respect the 1st Amendment or he wouldn’t have violently dispersed those people for his silent, useless photo op with a backwards, upside-down bible (not his bible, but “a bible”).
He needs to go so we can return to some sort of normal with some decency again.
@NOTHING BURGER – CONFIRMED. lol 2 months ago you were on board with your Supreme lord commander calling covid 19 a democratic hoax, now its a threat you care about? Your eyes must be brown because you are massively full of sh*t.
Come on dont be sad Cuomo. Your brother killed a lot of old people. =/
Everyone needs to go out and vote this Nov 3rd and let your voice be heard!
@james smith vote Blue all the way through

Maria A trump already has the voting machines rigged. That is why he is against mail in voting
@james smith You left out top former military brass with a lot of bipartisan clout coming out in condemnation of CEO Trump’s threats to deploy the military in response to the protests. Out of the kindness of his heart, he decided not to go golf at his own resort this weekend while American cities burn. Maybe Trump can pay 150 million people $50 bucks each to vote for him in November. Barring that, he’s TOAST.
Bob leroy ALL LIES! Don’t believe the media! TRUMP IS BETTER THAN SLEEPY JOE!
As a Georgian, I can’t believe Kelly Loeffler is still representing us. She should be in jail.
@J dawg or vote republicans to get your first amendments violated in daylight with batons and shields
@John michael is that the newest version of the bible? The 2020 bible: trump edition?
J dawg … I guess the only question any voter should ask is …is the Country or your state better of than it was 4yrs ago? Law breaking politicians (impeached Trump and insider trading Loeffler) and murdering police officers have led people risking their health to protest…just like every cop is not a racist murderer not every protester is a rioter ….protect our 1st amendment rights
J dawg ….better than how you all live in Russia
@E DJ E you obviously don’t know U.S history very well do you. The parties have flipflopped several times. Lincoln was a Republican fighting DEMOCRAT SLAVE OWNERS in the South. Doesn’t sound like democrates fixing everything as usual to me. Learn your history you are all blind sheep following the lies of leftist media. Shame!
What about Kentucky? How in the world would Republicans continue to vote for Moscow Mitch?
https://youtu.be/AFvT00-SKxE clowns dance

@T Haze they are just smart enough to not vote for the gloom and doom democrats. Don’t take much smartness to do that.
Moscow Mitch, tiny bunker boy Trump, lying ted Cruz (now cuck Cruz), Mark “no balls” Meadows. They are all scum
@intellectual thug Democrats are the one removing statues of confederate traitors, your GOP lovers are in bed with Southern Whites, who were instrumental in the horrible institution of slavery.
C. Reck why would anyone vote republican to have their economy destroyed

Faux News STILL has their comments section turned off, wonder why, hmm!?
@Delage Eric well they ain’t gonna find any truth here on the Democratic Propaganda Network….
They’re allergic to free speech afterall
Exactly what we need, get them cockroaches out of there
@Uncle Ed Exactly. Vote out Democrats. Vote out Republicans. Two sides of the same cancer.
It will keep on growing unless you wipe the slate clean. Progressives and Independents are the only ones even remotely supporting any of our interests.
Your uncle daddy called said he is ready for you.
Uncle Ed we need throw water on Pelosi hopefully she’ll melt
You can’t fix stupid, but you can vote Trump out.
@William Burgess YES!
Lindsey Graham, Moscow Mitch, Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, are a few of the others that need to GO !
Graham and Mitch are both up for their 6 year reelection in Nov.2020 If they aren’t voted out then, that window of opportunity closes for another 6 years .
You forgot…Jordan..Gaetz…Kennedy…Grassley…Cruz…Nunez…these clowns…need to go…ALL OF THEM !!!
Stop the Moscow Mitch crap, and get off the old Cold War McCarthyism!
@TFK ray Get bent, bird brain…
Include Nunes that slime who criticizes everyone but himself the real con!
VOTTTTTEEE!!!!! Everywhere, and against the GOP!!!!!
Trump 2020
@Rich Henderson TrumpToPrison2021 ⚮
Crimson Spirit intelligent
I’m giving to three Democrats opponents outside of my state.
You still trust them after all these farces?? Where’s COVID 19?
They said you give good BJ’s
Thanks for your contributions!
When will you wake up and realize that they are the internal enemies of our great country? Sometimes I wish America was more united than this mess today. Trump2020
@Cryst C O guess who divided america!!
Trump2Prison 2021⚮
You’re getting my hopes up that decency will prevail. You’re so cruel. Lol
hello everyone how are you
Found the 50 cent army
The senate is slipping away.
Maybe you need a psychologist?
@Trump Is My President maybe you need one yourself, considering that there is no context to what you just said; but then again looking at your username tells me why you’re incoherent, you seem to be suffering from trumpism, don’t worry we’re working on a vaccine for this disease come november
Bless your heart, Chris, for bringing such epic news!
Collins sounds like she’s been hit in the head by a train.
Bubble Head Susan Collins , Martha McSally, and Loefler are History in their Political Careers!!
Exactly what we need, get them cockroaches out of there
I hope everyone votes the way they are protesting if they really want change because that’s where it starts.
@t1tacal lol welp… these police out here killing all races of people unjustly. That’s the real thugs.
@BKD Vickers You can think, how did you end up here?
You are NPC
Haha. None of those protesters vote. They also don’t work. Many of them do steal however…many of them.
@Dan White damn lie. Lol I did. Locally and federally.
2020 is when the Republican party gives its last gasp and dies
Good riddance to bad rubbish
Trump 2020 is reality.. fool
As a Georgian, we must vote out Loeffler!
You have to register republican then vote democrat remember what happened during the midterm Brian Kemp
@Vicki Jones what do you mean
Shameful how she profited as so many of her fellow Georgians have been so hurt economically. Republicans should have tried harder in the primaries.
If we ever get a chance to actually see her name on a ballot…
That Maine senator needs to go. She has two faces
Your “president” is scared he’ll go to prison following his loss in Nov
Biden for president
@choronos I was just thinking the same thing that Trump will literally die before those records can legally be unearthed. That is so true, the one line drawn with anyone is damn taxes. Even Trump couldn’t weasel out of that.
@blizrd11m Nah. For tax evasion and everything else that’s hiding in his taxes. Mazars, his former accounting firm, agreed with the Manhattan court’s decision to hand over his tax returns til 2011 and he sued them for it. Will be interesting to see a new trial. It will be better than both OJ’s and Conrad Murray’s. Prime time TV. At least Trump will love the ratings!
For what idiot?
@Jim Patriot the guy ontop of you kiterally just said why, blind idiot
The so called “Republicans” need to be exited from the Senate, period ! ! !