Since Donald Trump became president, many of his top aides have come and gone, but not Kellyanne Conway. She has been the President’s point person since before he was even elected, constantly outlasting the rest of Trump’s orbit.
Trump praises 'beloved' Kellyanne Conway for her 'help' with the press
Kellyanne Conway under fire for promoting Ivanka's brand
Read: OSC Letter recommending Kellyanne Conway removal from White House post
Kellyanne Conway To Reporter On Hatch Act: “Can You Leave, Please?”
Trump says he won't fire Kellyanne Conway
'You think he should just take that sitting down?': Kellyanne Conway defends Trump in feud with husband
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I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
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Hey, Chris here. With continued push to remove Kellyanne from a position of power, do you think President Trump will listen, or keep her a close adviser?
I wonder what else is happening between them that caused her to side with Trump against her husband saying Her husband is just jealous of her and Trump’s close relationship.
Remember that time that that woman on CNN accused a black guy of white privilege? Good times!
CNN is dying a s-l-o-w death. When Americans hear CNN they think FAKE NEWS! LMAO
The only policy Democrats have is hate all things Trump. They wouldn’t even approve emergency funding for the border detention facilities. Absolutely shameful.
CNN She has the same morals so she stays….
Her longevity is because shes a boldfaced liar, just like the wigged circus peanut in chief
kliskey123 ya idiots haven’t had an argument in 3+ years
All you fuuuucccccing piece of shiitt demonrats are going to Lose Again

TRUMP 2020 
KellyAnne Conway 2024 
Keep America Great 

@David Mc … you’re a particularly special kind of STUPID aren’t you in-breeder?…
@kliskey123 that was fucking hilarious. To see all the follow up comments completely proving your statement true.
@Butthole Mouth OK then explain why the lie about ag Barr blocking details of the Mueller report is just fading away? Mueller never said anything about it when he had his press release. And i don’t hear liberals talk about it anymore. So why do you just flat out lie about someone, then pretend it never happened? Argument initiated.
Trump like-em ffugly don’t he

Kellyanne’s husband was right. Donald would have been fired from any other job, long ago.
Maybe she’s still there because she throws a good Lewinsky. Dam sure ain’t her looks or intelligence.
@David Mc Wow do you have serious drug use issues
@Dennis Manson Shut the fuuccccc up you inbred piece of shiitt demonrat
She saved the blue dress and made bill a liar
Proof that the ” outsider” experiment failed..leadership matters
We the People is the le..are ….we’re the leaders,godamit
Conway didn’t understand Trump she just has rock bottom morals like Trump. Evil gets along with Evil.
@S. T TRUMP2020 definitely
You pussies hate Kelly because she’s a fighter. You all hate fighters who don’t bow down to the bullshit shaming tactics of your behavior control PC culture. You hate individuality and want everyone to conform to your hive mind opinion set.
Lol … a progressive talking about morals.
@cj p well said. I personally just cannot communicate with these Dems anymore. So I just play their ignorant games. The only thing these demonrats can do is verbally attack! So fuucccem cause I’m locked and loaded
She tows the line like no other, and she has extremely soft lips. You all can figure that last one out for yourselves.
KellyAnne Conway 2024
Keep America Great 

@Anthony Clark You fuuccccing ignorant dumbass
Says the loser who believes whatever CNN tell them. You morons can’t accept the loss and built up this bullshit narrative that russians had any real effect. You only hate Kelly because CNN has programmed you that way.
Does anyone think KellyAnne wrote the racist tweets for Trump (after she was chastised with the Hatch agreement) because they seem like complex sentences?
Since no one else can do it, explain to me how Trump’s tweets were racist.
The only things that’s in this White House are the many faces of racism. Everyone who works for Donald Trump is a racist and everyone who supports Donald Trump is a racist just call it for what it is
She’s smashing 45 . That’s why her husband is always sending out those tweets .
Birds of a feather. Liars like liars. In their mind when they lie they tell the truth. Dysfunctional state of mind. Both believe everyone should think and believe as they do.
She’s a lying witch, with no morals, integrity, or character. Whats the big mystery? Of course Trump would wanna keep her.
So, In laymen’s terms, you’re saying she’s a yuge dickeater.
got it Chris.
What happening here is Psychopath Trump is completing his fascist takeover of a democracy by subverting and perverting it’s institutions. Kellyanne has assisted in this by rendering The Hatch Act as powerless to do anything about corruption. If you support Trump your a fascist meaning your against democracy and human rights.
Everyone’s joking, but I seriously think there may be a “personal” relationship between Kellyanne and Trump. Think of the way her hubby lashes out, her refusal to leave no matter what… She’s made her “choice” (of some kind).
where is the subpoena for Kellyanne for not showing up for testimony? why is trump team above the law?
I wonder if that woman is playing paddy cake with her boss.
It’s so odd how long she has lasted.
She is truly a nut job, just like her boss.
On the plus side, her tonsils are safe from harm, given “tiny-hands” shortcomings.
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