The Road Traffic Saga Continues | TVJ All Angles

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The Road Traffic Saga Continues | TVJ All Angles


  1. Since you care so much about the safety of children why don’t you put school busses in place to transport the children to and from school

    1. @T there are more parents who have children going to school who don’t own a car than those who own cars, no government will ever able to cater for children who are living in every nuk and cranny, and not every child will need a transport to and from school, so to pick out one extreme situation to show that something is not practical is naive, most of us Jamaicans went to school in taxi or minibus, the most modern thing for any government to do to promote safety for the children is to create a school bus system and stop coming up with impractical solutions for safety, after all we are a 3rd world country.

    2. @Build JamRock so because of violence against children, we shouldn’t enforce safety on the roads? Is that your reason?

    3. @Stedman Lawson what extreme? Car seats save lives. I don’t understand why anyone is arguing this. Children are relying on us to keep them safe. Is it too much to ask?

    4. @T Brethren you are not following the train of thought, you mentioned something about bus can’t go up hilly,narrow road, thats where you are naive, neither is it practical for a taxi to have elevated seats for all the children that may be in the vehicle, and most children do not have parents who own a car so they have no choice but to ride on a taxi, a minibus on walk to school, if you do not follow the train of conversation communication will not take place.

    5. @Stedman Lawson you brought up government school buses , and I am saying that’s no reason to avoid car seats. You admit now your reason for no car seats is because a taxi won’t be able to fit them. Is it that a taxi won’t be able to squeeze in more than allowed legally? That’s the real reason for all this crying isn’t it? You can’t stuff people including children and speed off to the next load, endangering everyone including CHILDREN. Raise your rates, follow the rules and tell parents no seat, no ride. If parents find this inconvenient, then get together as a community and find a driver that cares and pitch in to compensate him for your child’s safety. Figure it out. Stop passing the buck and crying about it.

    1. I agree all so bring up minimum wages from $1.50 US A hour, sometimes I wonder how the MOTHER’S do it, earning $60 US or less, we import just about everything, minimum wage in the US is between $7.50 and $8.00, wow how they do it, sad

    2. @Garth Newman up to u s ? Not possible house keep and watchman land scaper whole out of a jobs because a local people employ them

    3. @howard mullings yea I know but if everyone was able to pay then you would have less lawlessness and corruption but when you only have one set of people that are able to, tell me who do you think will suffer more in all of this,

  2. I agree with Mr. Jones comments!! There must be consequences for actions. Jamaicans are just too lawless on the road. Enough is enough!!!😏😏😏

    1. Elaine those laws and drastic increases in fines will prevent road traffic accidents, no amount of fines will ever put a dent in the indiscipline being displayed by some drivers on the roads, so accidents will continue to happen, furthermore the statistics do not show where children are dieing on the road in crashes involving taxi operators, therefore the government’s motive for the adjustment of traffic ticket fines is not about safety, its all about raking in more funds from motorists, ACCIDENTS WILL CONTINUE TO HAPPEN.

    2. @Stedman Lawson facts!!! They are all about lining their pockets nothing more. I don’t see the same energy being used against criminals.

    1. @T how many kids died in taxi car accident? Have you ever seen a car seat or booster seat goes all the way to that age? Boaster seats goes to six or seven years old.

    2. @Ainsley UTG I don’t know how many children died, do you? Are you suggesting that children are somehow safer than adults during an accident? Why are you against trying to save children’s lives?

    3. @T I didn’t say I don’t support the safety of any kids I’m say the age 12 on under it should be 8 on under done 11 year old kids is very tall on want able to fit in a booster seat not many parents go to do so because imagine if you have 3 kids under the age of 12 how you going to walk around with 3 car seats especially if you in the down town area I’m just saying the law should apply to jutc because I don’t even think those bus have seat belts to think about it

    4. @Omar brown if you don’t follow the law, arguing about juta doesn’t matter. As far as height goes, it should be about weight and height I agree, but just follow it and bring up your concerns together. If you have to find a roller suitcase to travel with the seats then that’s what you have to do. If I were a taxi driver I would keep seats in the back in case I need them. Everyone is going to sacrifice something but it’s for the best. I do think the government should allow tax free import on seats and give vouchers for discount if bought in Jamaica because they are expensive. Moms and dads may have to share seats until they can afford it but it’s our job to figure it out.

    5. @T i agree with I understand what you saying in the long run it’s still going to benefit them plus honestly the taxi drivers on the younger drivers drive reckless at times so this will help kool down the road fatalities on now we can get some better roads because the government the afraid to fix the roads because when they do it cause drivers to speed more

  3. Why is our Jamaica national Media not investigating SSL and FSC …. this traffic laws is only to deflect from such…

  4. This all about money because we know the police get quotas so when them come out dem ago look for ppl and also create issue it them can’t find any fi meck them quota this won’t help

    1. The just dash out law to make money to pay police so when a man get a ticket fi 30,000/and him only get a 10,000 fi him pay where him ago find money to pay 30,000 these things is to keep the people poor it can’t stop people from crash and dead smh I want to see how it can lie like

  5. The price of the tickets is too ridiculous the price for the tickets more expensive than tickets in America

  6. so wait- we are not able to use an electronic visual device while driving- that means no dashcam or gps usage while driving

  7. raising the price of traffic tickets and introducing ridiculous laws will not stop road fatalities this seems like another way to pressure the poorer class in the society. They need to pressure the criminals and fix the broken justice system.

  8. How can they lockup poor people for not paying a traffic ticket what about suspension of the license this colonial treatment must go

  9. These ministers don’t know the people they serve and how we live day by day, they’ve forgotten that they were elected to serve and not rule. They live a life of luxury for so long and live in places for from poverty,and is making laws that sucker punch the people they were ment to serve.

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