The Rise of QAnon: ‘Within A Couple Clicks, People Go Down These Very Bad Paths’ | MSNBC

NBC News reporters Brandy Zadrozny and Ben Collins describe how social media ensnares people into the conspiracy theory “cult” of QAnon.» Subscribe to MSNBC:

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The Rise of QAnon: ‘Within A Couple Clicks, People Go Down These Very Bad Paths’ | MSNBC


  1. They believe in tons of conspiracy theories, not just Q. They believe in flat Earth, 9/11 truthers, Obama birthers, anti-vax, etc.They all have serious and untreated mental health issues.

    1. @Bacons Strip making more money doesn’t make you superior either. I’m digging the projection and how you have to stroke your ego to get a point across. Honestly. I feel like you probably know everything and we should all listen to you.

    2. @austin junkman video removed jeeee could it be an act of shadow banning. But noooo, we are all just delusional and have superiority complexes so says the “smart/sound reasoning people”

    3. @Kaelee Davidson a mask is not a vaccine but it help to partially protect the wearer but most of all protect others from getting the virus.

  2. America is screwed, autocracy, corruption, racism, conspiracy theories, denying truth, denying global warming, embrassing ignorance and the rule of money before humanity.

    1. @Steve Fagetaboutit Your stupidity is showing yet again. 1. I am a country boy that just so happens to have an education 2. I use ‘Merica to describe slack jawed idiots who scream america is the best without being able to see areas that clearly need improvement. 3. Patriots exist on both political sides, the only difference is the right’s propaganda says the opposition side is evil and are demons not simply american brothers and sisters who have a disagreement with you…. I don’t believe Leftist ‘Hate’ American, They Love it so much they want to see it be the best it could possibly be for everyone in it.

    2. @FloridaSun72 Actually, the unanimous consensus of hundreds of both American and international historians, sociologists and other experts is that the strategic policy of the US conservatives of simultaneously destroying the public education while exposing wide segments of the population to constant fearmongering and divisive right leaning propaganda has led to the massive shift to the right. When worldwide common policies of universal healthcare, universal human rights, protection of the vulnerable from systemic racism and killing, housing programs etc. are considered to be “far left” in the US, while the vigilante violence, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, hatriotism, toxic partisanship, villification of the free press, widespread state propaganda of “alternative facts” and baseless conspiracies are considered to be the truth, then rejection of the facts, cognitive dissonance and projection of one’s own mistakes on the “enemy” become commonplace. In other words, it is not that those who demand that which is neutral, humane and normal in all democracies that are “far left,” it is the direct opposite. Projecting one’s own, easily recognizable extremism on the other side is a classic part of the package.

    3. Makes me sick to my stomach
      The endless lies medical corruption
      Rampant racism and swallowing drugs becomes overdosed idol
      Banned and arrested then released to cya
      The latest esptein update also banned now back online

    1. Morality Sheriff II Calm down. Anger and attacking people as ignorant, stupid only reflect exactly who you are. I feel sorry for you. May your god have mercy on you.

    2. MSNBC liars you are in for a big surprise! Might take a little while but it’ll happen! The Main Stream Media is in bed with these evil cannipedovores but the truth will be available for everyone to see! Guaranteed!
      WWG1 WGA !

    1. Texas Outlaw more lies not all of those pictures, there are real time pictures. When an influx of children showed up here with no parents that’s when they were on caged because there was no where to house them. Sessions under trumps blessing made seeking asylum illegal and starting separating the children from their parents and caged them

    2. @Beamers Beamer 10 years to clear out Obama’s FBI protecting him. Trump is on record in 2010 with that FBI. They did nothing. All the pics being outed now are that old and were in their possesion as well.

  3. Remember when your parents used to say “stop spending to much time on social media?” Now it’s the time to *ask them the same question*

    1. Morality Sheriff II you are good person, don’t let their hate and programming make u give up, light always wins over dark

    2. Denny Boruta if trump is such moron? Than why did he win and and why is he in power?? That’s pretty smart and ducking advanced if u ask me

    3. Now that she’s in, We have a huge problem , How many more will be let in by the Misguided populous ?

    4. Education is key. Learning to discern between conspiracy theories and science is HIGHLY needed in our public schools. Learning to discern opinion vs fact, learning to research reputable sources, learning about media, how to pull apart an argument, how to create an argument, logic, rhetoric, speech class…usually, this is not taught until college. Kind of a problem.

    1. They love to goo too far and just upset everyone with the most outrageous statements, they would never care how awful or dangerous it is and how devisive. To me whatever it is all about, it’s just a scene for true narcissists with no value for any human life except for the ones w/their same…….thoughts? agenda? I don’t know but i think they like the chatter wondering wtf they up to

    2. Nooo, let them be..
      Let them write all the BS they want.
      This way they look even more stupid when the real truth comes out…
      Maybe that can be lesson for some other sleeper in the future..
      Time will tel always.. Time will prove Who is nuts and who is crazy…
      Time will tell, it already is it always has been.. Truth hold the test of times, lies will fall down…
      No matter how deep they barrier the truth, time will tell…

  4. I’m just shaking my head , I feel for the decent people of America , that you have deal with such ignorance. Good luck from Australia

  5. These are the same so called “I think for myself” “you’re all sheeple” crowd…🤣Yet they believe anything that fits their already set biases with no need to have concrete evidence to support it… they’re happy with it being the extreme opposite of what ever is mainstream. How cool 🤭🤣

    1. This is perhaps the dumbest comment I’ve seen! You are assuming what you just watched was true. It was not. It’s funny seeing someone who has TDS and has a clear bias, shaming others that actually look into things. For me personally, I am curious and that lead me to q. I don’t just blindly believe what they say, and they say to do your own research! People like you are the ones that are misinformed and ignorant

    2. @Jason Borowski 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Sureeeeeeee whatever you say or in all reality whatever Q tells you, you non follower you🤗😆

    3. @Biggerstoriessmallerminds I don’t need to explain to you what I do or know. It’s not worth my time

    4. @Biggerstoriessmallerminds Yeah you like the popular news outlets huh? The one news source FOX you prbly dismiss as right wing nut jobs.
      I see you like mainstream. MSNBC, CNN, ABC etc…..
      Well they are all controlled by the rich and powerful Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo…
      They would even like to silence fox news, (independant from those mega corps) the only opposing viewpoint……… just like all authoritarians and communist do.
      Do you like big goverment control??? Authoritarianism???
      Conspiracy theories are only theories until they actually happen.

  6. I imagine Q to be a chubby guy with an unkempt beard sitting at his computer in old underwear in his mom’s moldy basement!

    1. nickolaus cabcabin 😂 BS because it doesn’t fit the conspiracy loon theory.
      As you said, “Look it up”. His brother had owned some property there. It was divided into parcels. Property ownership is pretty easy to “look up”.

      Even if someone owned or rented near a serial killer, it doesn’t mean they are in on it. Give me a break! 😆

      Q….question everything! The irony, you are missing the obvious….that includes Q!!!! 😂 😂 😂

      Hey, no distractions. I’m still waiting for your real evidence (tangible). Not an email some drunk college kid sent in with a theory. If Q is so knowing, then produce it.


      Q is likely the Russians or a 13 year old boy. I can see it now, “Let’s see how many stupid & gullible people will believe someone is a spawn of satan because a fly landed on them”.🤣

      Waiting for that proof…..

    2. shywhispers1 H why should anyone have to prove anything to you? Go read it and do some research instead of trusting Bill Gates and MSNBC. They are your enemy. Bill Gates was friends with Epstein and wants to protect him and his ilk. Of course they try to make Q look like it’s crazy. Only until you dive in and start thinking for yourself will you see it. Nobody’s gonna prove it in a comment

  7. I used to watch clips on youtube of people, like that jay leno asking Americans, pretty simple questions. like ‘point to Canada on a map. or who fought in the Civil war, when and why? couldn’t find Canada and had no idea about who where or why the civil war occurred. I used to laugh at how illiterate these Americans were, history teachers, TEACHERS, not students that didn’t know American history, let alone world history. I’m not laughing now! it is frightening that these idiots get, not only to vote, but to be elected to office. this is a country that has the highest number of Nuclear weapons and the will to use them (as history attests, even though a particular country was seeking peace through Switzerland) the conspiracy nut that is sitting in the oval office tweeting his day away is bad enough but how much trouble is the country, and by extension the planet going to be in when these muppets control both houses AND the oval office. Idiocracy was a comedic movie, it wasn’t meant to be a documentary, but it certainly appears that far too many Americans have taken it as guidance for the future.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to write that. I know it feels good to ( at Ieast I feel better) get it out. I often get “long winded” on certain subjects,but,I can’t help myself. Be safe, keep writing.

    2. @just me yeah I’m dumbfounded when I watch those and feel a little guilty laughing. Now I watch opposing gangs throwing projectiles at each other, and feel a little guilty laughing. NO! Only joking. Sanity will be resumed, fingers crossed.

    1. Its coming your way. It in Germany as well .
      Dont confuse not seeing it in your country now for not seeing it later .
      It works in America do Russia will spread it everywhere.
      Like the virus spreading only time

    2. @Hull Style Produtions Change the Worldso sad that Trump supporters believe in something so outrageous, family and friends are brainwashed, it is a cult! Trump doesn’t have the intelligence to make this stuff up, Russia does it for him. His peepee tape must be a horror film, for Trump is Putin’s puppet. A great ending would be for Trump to disappear into his alternative space force forever

    1. @Tony Sanchez mmm;; mmmm;; mmmmmmm; mm; mmmmmm; mmmm; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm;;; m; mmmmmmmm;; mmmmmmmmmm;;;; mmmm; m; mmm; m; mmmm; mm; mmmm;;;; mm; m; mm;; mmmm; mmmm; mm; mm; mmmmmmm;; mmm; m;; mm; mm; mm; mmmm; mmmmmm;;;; m; mmmmm;; mmmmmmmmm; m; mmmmmm; mmmmmmmmm; mm; m; m; mmmmm; mmmmmmmm; m; m; mm; mmm; m; mmm; mmmmmmmmmmm;; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm; mmm; mmm; mmmmmmmmmmm; m;;;; m; mmmmmm; m; mmmmmm; mmmm;;; mmmm;; m; mmmm; mmm;; mm; mmmmmmmmm;; mm; mmmmmmmmmmmm; mmmmm; mmmmm; mmmmmmmm; m; mmmm; mmm; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm; mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm; mmmmmmmmmmmm; m; mmmm; mmm; mmm; mmmmmm; m; mmmm; mmm; mmmmmmm; mmm;;; m; mmmmmmmmmmmm; mmmmmm; m;;; mmmm; mm; mmmmm; m;; mmm; mmmmmmmmmm; m;; m; m; m; mmmmm; mmmmmm; mmmmm; mm; mmmmmmmm;; mmmmm; mm; mm; mm; m; m;;;; mm; mmm; mm;; mm;;; mmmmm;; m; mm; mm; mm; mm.

    2. @Joyce Duncan just breaking the ice, after all I never could understand all that anti-matter thing, or what really caused the Earth to now wobble on it’s axis, I guess I will recanter the Dumb statement and just go with ” Uninformed” ehh???

    1. It’ll be interesting if a covid-19 vaccine becomes available and Trump tells America to take it. Wonder what his base will do? Of course, if the vaccine comes out during a Biden presidency, they will revolt and refuse to take it.

    2. @caroline10081 of trump tells people to take it its because he’s playing the part for reelection or he’s part of the swamp. Nobody with a brain is taking the vaccine lmao. Chances are he doesn’t tell people to take it if they don’t want to.

    1. As well as the stupidity of the General populous that would vote this Crazy Q woman into congress !! As if we don’t have enough Crazy going on as it is !

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