Joy says, “the irony here is that, had Bannon not been successful in the campaign of 2016, Trump may never have been President and may not have attracted the kind of scrutiny he’s now under.”
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About The ReidOut with Joy Reid: Joy Reid conducts one-on-one conversations with politicians and newsmakers while addressing provocative political issues both inside and outside of the beltway. Reid, who is also a best-selling author and public speaker, joined MSNBC in 2011 as a contributor. Drawing from her decades-long experience in politics, passion for addressing the intersection of race, justice and culture, as well as her signature tenacious interviewing style, Reid kicks off MSNBC’s primetime lineup by delving into American politics as it unfolds.
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#MSNBC #JoyReid #Trump
*Why was DumbDonald such a pathetic failure?*
It was in his Jeans.
Donald followed the footsteps of his father SATAN the DEVIL GREATEST LIER EVER followed by Donnie
People like you
For decades this Trump guy broke soooooo many laws and skated.
@trianglechokeU well this time Citrus Caligula ripped away so much of their mask that somebody has to go to prison.
@trianglechokeU Frankly, l would rather see him doing community service like cleaning out toilets and picking up garbage off the road. He can learn you don’t have to flush 15 times unless you have a big load
And nothing was done before he became President because….?
@doughesson because there is justice for them and another for us?
@K Thomas Caligula Rocked. Sorry I missed those parties. Oh sorry, I’m distracted.
*Everything DumbDonald touched turned to dirt.*
Ronnie Moscow is REALLY worried about the AZ audit! Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol
He’s like a reverse Midas.
And Don the Con’s most close associates, to include political appointees, personal lawyers, family members and insurrectionist supporters, end in legal jeopardy.
@felixcoqui –
*’accrued’ FOUR disbarred lawyers (and counting), SEVEN former employees INDICTED for felonies (SIX already CONVICTED), had DOZENS of…’unplanned resignations’ AND, at last count, FIVE administration members with “Contempt Citations” on their resumes FOREVER (Barr was cited TWICE
’s *numerous* ‘financial fiascos’… 

So far (with allowances for ‘as-of-yet-announced indictments’)…
And we won’t *EVEN mention* #45
*Or* the seditious riot *HE incited.*
Apart from your economy, jobs, wealth, inferstucture and your border

let the MAGA tears start flowing and the “but what abouts…” commence.
@J B You can go back to mother Russia by way of the land down under! You know URANUS!
@J B Just like Trumps fake election lawsuits! Dismissed lack of evidence! Is anyone going to jail then that shows proof till then your just a LOSER!
@Elaine Walls Wheres your court case and conviction just another Trump LIAR!
@Auld Teuchter Proud dumb boys, 3 percent idiots and militias stormed capitol!
@Stephen Young too stoopid to keep your ‘comments’ straight.
*Non-Deplorable (decent) Americans are LAUGHING at the Arizona audit, MAGAfans.*
*and we laughed at russiagate, and the whole saga of the brett cavanagh, and the chinaflu end of us all plandemic; your point?*
*taste your own medicine mmm good, psuedo jesus!*
*hey fake jesus; im your daddy. Whats my name son?*
@deja vu told me to
All those criminal cases and lawsuits piling up on Trump has got you all in a tizzy, huh?
It shows:)
You’d think this guy “Bannon” could at least afford a ducking haircut.
And a shave as well. Actually, add a decent shower or bath because he always looks dirty.
I’m bald….and jealous.
Nope he can’t!!
Especially after bilking all those people.
“Yacht” time is not our time…
Every dogs got his day,Donny boys day is coming…
@R G all of them are dangerous
@R G it was not that long ago Clintons belong in jail joe and nacy Kamala are no better open the border the floyds at the white house he was a drug addict drug dealer p.o.s. the poster boy for America all the politicians are a threat to the nation
When you have the NYC district attorney turning over evidence to the grand jury, that’s a little out of McConnell and McCarthy reach I’d say.
@Michael Eggleston its why she waited for him to be out of office. only one that can help him is Biden.. And that is not going to happen.
Grammar-mangling Moore *sputtered WHAT lunacy…?*
You think that with all the money Brannon stole that he could afford a haircut, a shave and maybe a facial!
He gets a facial from his dear leader every day
or a lot of vodka
@Mike weird homophobic burn but ok
Trump was very clear, he repeated it many times, “Mexico was going to pay for the wall” !!!!!. So why was Bannon collecting money from Trump followers to build the wall.
Greed, pure greed! We knew from the very beginning that there was no way Mexico was ever going to pay for the wall. It was just another one of the thousands of lies that Trump told. And the thing is like all the other lies he told his base believed him because that was the kind of stuff they ‘liked to hear’, and that was what Truimp was/is all about!.
@Troy Stocker Oh yes! He’s sharing a flat with Putin, Manson, Madoff, Cosby, Mengele, Weinstein, and many lesser scumballs.
@jayteadesigns … Well it was obvious Mexico was not going to pay… at least obvious to those with some intelligence. But there are still some really stupid GOP voters.
@Greg Peterman Hehehehe!
@George Dunn Yes, definitely!
The 80 million who voted for Biden is more than the 75 million who voted for Trump!!! (80 is greater than 75)
Trump doesn’t know that!
@marcellinasfigaro Trump lost the popular vote in 2016,and 2020 as well
@Romance with the Past more conspiracy theroys
@Refund Replay wrong again, the stimulas package, and the child credit, and the unemployment, money to schools, more Covid vaccines, Covid cases and deaths are going down, 1.5 million jobs created in 100 days,stock market new highs, consumer spending increase, highest jump in GDP since 2003, in the first 100 days, sadly facts are not on your side
@Refund Replay math is not exactly your strong suit, Qanon is
“They gulped down the coolaid” is a understatement
Vincent B you mean the fool aid
@Maria Pacheco Good one! Perfect description!

They… uhh… gulped sum’… lol
No, this is justice for the 80 MILLION who say don’t let the door hit you in the diaper on your permanent way out.
The same Trump supporters that enjoyed their stimulus checks will vote for people who voted against the checks. Simply Amazing!
Ayn Rand leaps to mind. She sure cashed those dirty socialist security checks.
They aren’t very bright.
do not try to understand a Trump supporter.
“They gulped down the Koo-laid!”
By taking a pardon, Bannon admits his guilt. Doesn’t that open him up to be sued civilly or even for state charges?
Yes, a Presidential Pardon only applies to “Crimes against the United States” care of the United States Constitution.
He was still open for state no matter what.
Just imagine how different all of this would have been if the GOP had defended the country instead of their party and their wallets!
Absolutely, there would be a focus on building infrastructure, lifting people up.. the devastion of the Coronavirus would have been vastly minimised… the list goes on… the USA is losing, losing big time
When it’s this bad, reckoning is pronounced “rectuming”
And he’s still telling them to send him money, after all this they deserve to have their money taken!
The Universe and human stupity are limitless. On second thought, that might not be true of the universe.
they are the same gullible people who give money to talibangelical preachers
You earned the like with the Tolkien reference. Excelsior!