Watch the Queen praise "ordinary people doing extraordinary things" in her annual Christmas message
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Merry Christmas, Your Majesty!
John San Juan Merry Christmas, friend! From the UK.

Form across the pound Merry Christmas.
videogamebomer Pond* Anyway, Merry Christmas mate!

Merry krimbus y’majesty
How fortunate that Great Britain has had this queen. Best wishes to her
health and the health of the Duke in this holiday season, from Texas.
butterfflyess Please explain?
Apparently ‘butterfflyess’ has strayed into the adult part of YouTube.
Looking at the 750 favorites she has saved, they are chiefly made up of
makeup advice and old television shows for the very young. No surprise,
then, at the comments she has posted here.
It definitely could have been much worse…
God Save The Queen!
Get well soon from your `cold` ;)
Merry christmas, your Majesty. From the Kingdom of Norway.
Uncle Traveling Matt Merry Christmas, Norway! From the UK

Beautiful, I for one am extremely proud of our monarch!

When people reference God, their choice of words reveals how close they are
to Our Lord.
Merry Christmas …:-) and long live the Queen…:-)
This reptilian overlord lizardbeast thing probably ate human babies for her
christmas dinner.
i wonder how much longer she will be alive
She will be a brain in a jar rigged-up to a loudspeaker on Christmas day
Thats some xmas tree.
Republicans take heed………….the queen occupies a place on the
constitutional chessboard that no politician ought to fill.
Fools Gold Found Yes of course she has done a great job for which we are
all grateful but please, please, please take that dummy out of your mouth
and admit that no one can go on for ever. There are plenty of juniors to
take over NOW and let this great lady retire quietly to one of her many
homes. To do otherwise is just cruel.
Veruc wtf ?
+meandmymouth yes it dawned on me that he meant UK Republicanism. Too much
Muito legal, gostei SkyNews
The moment on Christmas Day every person on the planet, whatever belief,
race or creed, male and female of all ages, stops what they are doing, and
stands (if able) and listens attentively to the Queen of Great Britain.
God bless the Queen. Guide her to spread 1/2 of her wealth to the poor.
she has no wealth – she is on welfare benefits
Big up the Queen, aiiiiiii
Nice ditty at the start, has a ring to it. Could catch on.