The political fight over how Jeffrey Epstein died

Former financier and affluent businessman Jeffrey Epstein died by apparent suicide in prison, where he was being held on charges of sex trafficking of minors. With an inner circle of high-profile people — including President Donald Trump and former President Bill Clinton — the internet is buzzing with conspiracy theories about his death. Here's what it all means.

Unsealed documents show allegations against Jeffrey Epstein and his inner circle

Jeffrey Epstein has died by suicide, sources say

Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein partied together. Then an oceanfront Palm Beach mansion came between them.

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein: How Are They Connected?

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

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I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.

Writer: Chris Cillizza
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  1. Hey, Chris here — the internet allows everyone to voice their different ideas, even when backed with no evidence. Is it just a conspiracy machine?


      “ WITH NO EVIDENCE “, it is purposely swaying your opinion at the beginning while feeding you their opinion


    2. It might be somewhat reasonable to speculate that there was foul play here, but it is just as reasonable to think that he actuality just killed himself.

    3. J Groovy not its not. He was taken out. 2k pages of transcripts released and Epstein dead the very next day?

      Look up the Clinton body count. Also, remember, Prince Andrew had close ties to Epstein as well as a ton of high profile people. A lot of people wanted him dead so he wouldnt talk. Problem is, Maxwell, his handler is still alive to talk. So are the girls. So are others. And there are a lot more pages to be released from previous and current testimony. Epsteins death, as Barr said, will not end investigations into everyone else involved

  2. The Epstein story has lifted the lid on the Globalist elites and its sickening. We need to to think about the young girls. Also Robert Maxwell was working for Mossad and his daughter was working for Epstein.

    1. Clayton Wiffen I find it funny how both the Right and Left are branching of a fact that almost all news networks do not seem to be reporting. News networks say he committed suicide while on suicide watch. Both parties say he was murdered in some fashion by someone. It makes you wonder if the news always is avoiding facts.

    2. Have you seen Attorney General Bill Barrs press conference on this matter. No conviction in his tone let alone his face. They planned all this.

    3. @max smart I’m hoping you were joking about trump being part if a law firm. Trump spells the law “LIE”.

    1. Facts:
      Trump And his co-conspiritors were granted Immunity from Federal Prosecution for child rape in the original Epstein case 2007-08

      A Federal Judge District Judge Kenneth Marra ruled in February 2019 Trumps Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta’s actions as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida in the 2007-08 Epstein case were unconstitutional.

      Allowing the Southern District of NY to prosecute Epstein based on information that came from its investigation of Trump’s financial crimes including information provided to it by Trump’s former Lawyer Michael Cohen.


    2. boss hog
      It’s easy to see that others have received word. The demise of€NN is forthcoming and eminent.

  3. Anyone who was Jeffrey Epstein associates knew the dirty secrets of Jeffrey Epstein and they were part of that circle.

    1. @davids11131113 doesn’t knowing it without reporting it makes him complicit? And seeing trump for many years now…I KNOW he was in for it.

    2. TunedCavityLasers no Trump was the guy saying he’s a good guy! And he’s likes younger girls like Trump! Trump knew the truth in my opinion he was down with them pedo parties no doubt!!!

  4. A network that had “experts” saying that sitting a president was without a doubt a Russian asset for two years and that a Federal investigation would lead to impeachment is complaining about “conspiracy theories.”

    1. Link that one person saying “trump is without a doubt a Russian asset”? Because that sounds like something an idiot would literally make up.

  5. Why is this guy speak into the audience as if the audience were a bunch of children? I feel like I’m being told what to think

    1. @cr87129 no, you posted an accusation, no actual evidence.. Where’s the evidence of a green screen? All that it is is some idiot with his camera phone taking video of his TV.. How did that prove anything?

  6. Conspiracy theories are the last thing CNN should be teaching on after the fake russia conspiracy story.
    Edit: #NothingBurger

  7. Where’s Fredo ?? Probably flicking his limp wrists like he did yesterday when that dude stood up to him !!!

    1. G L Crazy old Con Man ? But you do scumbag ? Obama is a crazy old Con Man ?? Remember “You can Keep Your Doctor ” ???

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