Writer Ruth Ben-Ghiat draws parallels between former President Donald Trump and Benito Mussolini's founding of the Fasicsts in Italy. Aired on 01/22/2021.
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#Trump #Mussolini #MSNBC
The Parallels Between Trump And Mussolini | Morning Joe | MSNBC
except that mussolini could have kicked trump’s butt with one arm tied behind his back
@Mike Bockeyguess my point was what a stupid childish comment about Mussolini kicking trumps butt, hey if you are into guys more power to you, no my thing but I am liberal in that regard- mike buttboy bockey, just kidding
@Thatrandomblackguy, if you’re asking me i thought it was more than obvious. if you missed it then i’m afraid that i’m not going to be able to help you out with that and you are going to have to be responsible for your own education.
@David Goldman No, it wasn’t a childish comment… it was a humorous comment. Oh and the correct answer to the OP is yes, Benito Mussolini could have pounded Trump into the dirt like a tent stake.
@yosserc I think you’re right. Both are all talk
Many people refer to Donald tRump as Mango Mussolini & then others call him Cheetolini including some who call him Agolf tWittler. You think they are onto something?
If he doesn’t want to be called a fascist, he shouldn’t be one.
@Elizabeth Ayres I can understand that you don’t want to be labelled that. I don’t blame you, t’s how the Dem politicians are working it. It’s fascism, the beginning of any communist revolution. First, anarchy (BLM and Antifa), then there’s so much “perceived” unrest, the gov’t has to “crack down”. That’s fascism; that’s what you are seeing; you support it. You’re a fascist. Do you prefer being tagged as a communist?
@john emeigh Fascism and Communism are opposites on the political spectrum. You are confusing two different dictatorship styles. Read Wannssee Protocols @ Avalon Project (Yale library), then read Marx and Engels (library or book store).
The first is the actual text of the Final Solution at a NAZI conference in 1942 or 1943. The second is the Communist Manifesto, authored a bit earlier in response to the Russian Revolution. Then talk to me about it.
@Elizabeth Ayres Firstly, no their not. Fascism is a tool or method, as well as a form of gov’t. It is both. V. Lenin created fascist mobs, called Antifa, in1916. It’s the same communist faction today. I understand there are unending arguments between communism and socialism today. Lenin made no distinction between the two. And yes, it was all theory from Marx and Engels.
@john emeigh I am an American first, Democrat second. If my party and I disagree, I can change parties or stay and argue my case within my own, or go with a third party option. Most of the conservatives in Congress are anything but conservative, unless of course, the people need help. They just gave 2T+ to a handful of corporate political donors, who receive taxpayer subsidies, and pay no tax on their profits, by the way. Meanwhile, when we the people are hurting, suddenly it’s all about the debt and that’s too much money to give to us in relief because “we might be discouraged from going back to work” and become lazy…. He was talking about you AND me. I heard it with my own ears. It’s no secret. Watch c-span. Make your own opinion.
Many people nicknamed Donald tRump “ Mango Mussolini “ & another nickname he picked up along the way in the last 4 yrs is Agolf tWittler. Cheetolini is another popular one before Inforget cause he has an awful lot of nasty nicknames, none of them good.
Trump is the modern day Mussolini… If would won the 2020 election, then America would end and he would declare himself King.
@Kyle Links but they over threw the black Republicans and became today’s Republicans and some Democrats. White supremacists are are posing as antifa to cause chaos and hate towards the left. Government leaders encourage white supremacist to over throw democratic governments.
The USA may be less Fascistic at home now but Internationally nothing will change other than a kinder Face deciding who should be killed for their national interest. Diplomatic presidents just have a better way of explaining their war crimes
Thank G-d Biden won!
@Kyle Links but the KKK is all GOP these days
One of Donald tRumps popular nicknames is Mango Mussolini & another one is Agolf tWittler amongst many others none of them good. Ever wonder why?
Trump should be in for questioning already
Gtis that
oh good
We have too many loopholes in the judicial laws and they want to be sure he is not going to be able to hold any political seat. I just hope the republicans can do the right thing and indict him this time.
@Jewels vibration Spot on.
lock him up!!!
Many people disparagingly call Donald tRump Mango Mussolini & then other call him Agolf tWittler amongst many other things.
Trumps words will be used against him like when he said liberate Michigan, protect your great second amendment. Shortly after the Michigan capitol was attacked
@Lucy Ricardo right wing extremists.
FBI check out Minnesota. Police station
Boogoloo bios.
Orgeon 6 arrested for fires
@Gina Mazyck
Don’t B.S. me…
We all saw what Antifa and BLM did causing Murder, Arson and Mayhem to American cities.
No one held Accountable.
@Lucy Ricardo plenty were arrested.
But FBI made arrest and said right wing extremists are danger to America
@Lucy Ricardo Not only was the Federal Courthouse in Portland not burned down, no home, business, or police station was burned down there. I understand your confusion, because right wing media and propagandists have been working overtime for the last 8 months to convince you that they were. There have however ben plenty of small nuisance fires in garbage cans and dumpsters, which have never required more than a single fire engine to extinguish. I don’t condone arson, but misinformation is a much bigger threat to this country.
Antifa and BLM caused
$2,000,000,000.00 worth of Damages to the United States & Citizens.
I think there are a few hidden in the republican party.
Glenn Roy,
Maybe Cruz?
Party: Republican Fascist Party (RFP)
Party: Republic of Trump (RoT)
tis that
oh good
Republicans have been flirting with the white supremacist vote for decades. Now they have it. There were many ties between trump and David Duke. A few years ago in Charlottesville, before the mayhem, David Duke was telling his followers that Trump was one of them and now they were gonna have friends in high places
They are not necessarily hidden. We know who they are. Anyone that voted against certifying the election. Kruz, Gym, Hawley are probably the top ones.
History is filled with examples of egomania. Benito & Donald make that list.
Ctis that
oh good
@geofo60 Geof Harris Perhaps you haven’t noticed, Biden is the Prez and he’s following the Trump plan on Covid; otherwise, he’s kneeling to the Marxist Lefties.
One of Donald tRumps nicknames amongst many disparaging nicknames happens to be Mango Mussolini like Ash points out. A couple more are Cheetolini & my fave is Agolf tWittler.
@john emeigh Trump didn’t have a Covid plan. That’s the problem. The Biden team is basically starting from scratch with their vaccine distribution plan, the use of the Defense Production Act to produce and supply the things needed for administering the vaccine and producing the PPE needed by schools. They are also having to start from scratch with a national plan for testing and contract tracing, because Trump never had one. They also have created a new plan focusing on development of new therapies for Covid-19, and testing and evaluating new and existing therapies. Trump just imposed a Swiss cheese travel ban, threw lots of money at vaccine distribution, and dumped the rest in the states’ laps.
As far a Marxism, I doubt that you know what it actually means. It’s a very old trick of the Republicans to call everything they disagree with Socialism, or Communism, or Marxism. Decade after decade, for well over 50 years, it’s been the same old, tired playbook. Kindly get done new material, or at least learn what the heck you’re talking about. Nothing Biden has ever done is anywhere near actual leftism. Our new President is a very conservative Democrat. Nobody with any real understanding of our our political system would call him anything other than a Centrist. In any rational country, with a true leftist party, Biden wouldn’t be in that party.
Biden is doing what he believes is best for this country, letting scientists, doctors, and other experts guide his policy decisions. He is also doing that with genuine compassion for all the Americans who are hungry and desperate because of this pandemic. I’d fully expected to spend the next 4 years criticizing him about his policies. However so far, I haven’t found anything to criticize.
@Baby tRump Are you in the 6th or 7th grade?
Good health to all. Best wishes for everyone. Stay healthy and safe.
Likewise Tom, best wishes to you and your family.
U 2
Likewise Tom stay safe bro
Thanks for the good wishes, and I wish the same for you. I’m a lot more hopeful now that Trump is out of office.
A fascist mob stormed our government…
…and now a bunch of them can go to prison for eight years!

@Steve’s Slide And Jazz Well said… You have some serious guitar skills… I want to see how that 52 telecaster sounds… Thanks
thank G-d they failed
Is it any wonder that many people referred to Donald tRump as Mango Mussolini and Agolf tWittler.
I’ve been calling Trump a Fascist for 4 ½ years now.
Raza the Rambler,
Me too. And that’s exactly what he is.
Tfis that
oh good
@David Goldman Fascism came to America wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.
same here
One of Donald tRumps many disparaging nicknames happens to be Mango Mussolini, Cheetolini & another is Agolf tWittler.
Anyone who didn’t see this during the 2016 campaign, is unaware of history.
I sure did. I didn’t even wait until November of 2016 to vote against him. A lifelong Dem, I held my nose and voted in the Republican primary.
@oltedders And it’s still 29%. Appalling.
@Emsley Wyatt source?
As soon as he referred to the press as THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE I heard Stalin,Mussolini,Hitler ringing in my ears.
@Emsley Wyatt
Amazing. I guess Fascist strongman rule does have its supporters. I can understand wanting a competent and benevolent leader runnnig the country unopposed, but a self absorbed mentally ill destructive bully in charge is just baffling.
Drain the Traitors/Seditionists still in Congress
They are equally guilty. After all,they provided the Capitol floorplan and “guided tours”. After DUE PROCESS is applied, shouldn’t those found guilty be subject same as the blood thirsty mob when sentences are handed down by judge and jury?
@Selma Gittin seditin at this level needs to be indicted by grand juries of we the people or not at all – chiefly because the crimes committed including conspiracy to deprive rights (resulting in bodily injury and death) carry a potential death sentence
I read that as drown
they are all criminal, they shoudl all be in prison for life
A couple of nicknames Donald tRump has include Mango Mussolini/Agolf tWittler amongst many other dastardly nicknames.
I had a feeling that the only book trumpty’s nanny ever read to him was a biography on Mussolini.
@scafgal I wasn’t aware that he was able to read.
@Margaret , Good one! lol
He reads wonderfully, but it has to be propaganda writing or hateful type of literature. Hes illiterate in all else.
Is it any wonder that Donald tRump is referred to as Mango Mussolini and Agolf tWittler?
@Margaret he reads o.k. but he does not understand the meaning of the words. He recites, or he blows it completely.
Three weeks into Trumps Campaign, listening to his Rally speeches, I could make comparisons with the Hitler/Mussolini speeches in the 1930’s. My Son predicted Insurrection & I didn’t take him seriously at the time. Guess we were both right.
The first thing I thought of was “Triumph of the Will.” Yes, you were both right.
You didn’t even know what an insurrection was until CNN told you the buzzword.
That was an incredibly absurd comment.
@GreenEyedLady but very true, was it even a riot, there wasn’t a fire. I would say it was mostly peaceful.
The Rise of Mussolini, pales in comparison to the actual thuggery that he unleashed on Italy.
400,000+ Covid victims….
He most definitely is a Fascist. The end.
Trump is the responsible of the insurrection,he deserves to be in jail
The supreme court had to tell TRUMP that he’s not a king.
History repeated itself. Nero, Stalin, Hitler… now this MAGAt…Psychopaths get to power periodically. When mind sleeping monsters wake up.
Trump wanted to be Kim Jong-un, and 70 million American so called “patriots” thought that was just great.
Bunch of sick people