Errin Haines, editor-at-large for The 19th, discusses her new piece on the importance of Joe Biden's vice presidential pick. Aired on 8/3/2020.
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The 'Outsize Importance' Of Joe Biden's VP Pick | Morning Joe | MSNBC
As long as Biden doesn’t pick Sarah Palin, he should be OK.
@Eyes that smile – Heart that Loves Anyone who keeps posting about Russian bots is either a 12-year-old or a low-info hillbilly. No, imbecile, not everyone who sees things differently from you is a Russian bot. I would be profoundly ashamed to agree with you, and I mean on any topic.
@Eyes that smile – Heart that Loves
Make me
@Eyes that smile – Heart that Loves Oh wow hey you figured it out. Oh shucks. I guess I can’t go spreading facts
any more. Boo-Hoo
@Eyes that smile – Heart that Loves Here’s another fun fact-
Joe already lost by proclaiming” I will go down as the most progressive president in history”. And if that’s not enough President Trump just received the endorsement of Law enforcement which he didn’t even have or need in 2016. And if that still doesn’t do it then Joe will be hammered in the debates if he shows up. And if he doesn’t show then people will know he’s to weak and feeble to defend what he’s been told to believe. Either way Joe loses. Democrats are in full panic mode and using the same old race card mixed with the new phobe
Card which is hilarious because Biden is picking his VP based on race and gender. The Hypocrisy.
The Democrats only shot is to cheat through fake mail in ballots. Just like fake news.
If Biden won’t debate Trump will you still vote for him?
Sure. Black female VP will “make history” and “defeat Donald Trump”. However biggest benefit is having a person with both woman and black perspectives and experiences to help lead the country. Lucky you America!
Anyone else bothered by the title? Shouldn’t it be outsizeD, not “outsize” ?
Not if you’re black. They don’t know how to *pronounce* have of the English language correctly, much less *write* it.
I want Kampala Harris, smart, sharp. On the ball. I would vote for her for president
Right. She would be wasted as VP. She’s an asset in the Senate and would be a strong AG.
Joe could choose “Family Matter’s” Waldo Geraldo Faldo and I would still vote for him!
AOC You really do need to get a grip.
@AOC — <<----------------------------------------- Bot, plz don't feed it.
@AOC fake Russian youtube account. Russian bot detected.
@andrew miller fake Russian youtube account. Russian bot detected.
The way I’ve been looking at it is that yes, a good VP pick now means a lot, but possibly more importantly looking through the lens to 2024 is going to be a big consideration. Essentially they must be considering that Biden’s pick is going to be the Democratic “candidate in waiting” being groomed for president in 2024.
@Yvonne Hennesser Stupid speculation! You must think anyone over 30 has one foot in the grave.
Plus by 2024 the US might, maybe, sorrrrt of be starting to pick itself up after this latest gop crash.
There will be a lot of people suffering and angry and wanting to hit out.
The Dem VP pick would likely be running for President in 2024 so they need someone who can command trust and respect in the face of the Fox-Sinclair wailing wall.
stopthecrazyguy I’m just a realist like Biden himself, who stated the VP must be ready to take over from day one…
Are you that delusional? If Biden is elected, he won’t last 6 months. No way he’ll last a full term, he can’t barely talk and walk anymore. He’s not picking a VP, he’s picking a president.
As an outsider I would suggest: Rice as VP (diplomatic experience needed for improving international relations, especially with NATO and EU) and Harris as AG for clearing the mess, which Barr has made!
Your in a Coma…
No Doubt…
@alienv5 The rich pays HUGE taxes–how else could so many of you welfare recipients get money?? By taxing the POOR?? LOL.
@Ellen Peba No, the working class pay taxes. The rich like Jeff Bezo’s do not. I have never been on Welfare and I’m not in favor of it. My beef is that I pay taxes and the wealthy do not. They get away with crimes that any normal person would go to jail for.
Rice will guarantee a vote for Trump.
Rice is a Warmonger
What a nonsense that Kamala would be too competitive? I have never heard that someone is saying that about a man.
True That.
Okkie Trooy: If you can say you have never heard a man being described as being too competitive,
you aren’t into sports and team players or individuals concerned only about their stats and contract.
YES – all politicians are ambitious – as they NEED ambition to fight for the rights of the less privileged – which includes all races, religions, sexual orientations –
Never heard em say that about Jordan!
@Ben Frank I am not sure if Jordan is that ambitious. He just behaves as an elephant in the porselain cabinet (dutch expression). I guess he is ambitious to get rich himself. I have never heard him talk about anything that he would want to get accomplished for the USA. His goal seems to be attack democrats and appease Trump.
Could Joe pull a surprise and pick Bernie? That would shake up the election.what he loses with the black voters,he would pick up Bernie’s loyal following.My money is on Rice or Harris.Vote in November America.
Or Ron Paul for that matter
Ashamed to say it but I would accept a dead frog for VP if it meant bunker moron loses. Vote blue no matter who!!
Nope, if Rice is picked no way.
Yeah TDS makes people do and say dumb things.
TRUMP 2020
@Bobby B You never voted Democratic; unless there is a Democratic party in Russia. Oh that’s right, you can only vote for Putin.
@real american Only if there is a Michigan in Russia.
@arnold falvo I hope I’m alive in another 50 years when we look back on today’s red scare with as much scorn as Mcarthyism of the 50’s
“What is politics about if not ambition?” Maybe, service.
Definitely service. Should be, at least.
Too many people are falling for Haines’s nice-sounding words without putting a speck of thought into what those words mean.
I think it was said, not in terms of personal ambition but rather the determination to provide a fair and secure society for Americans, I hope I’m right.
I agree. You represent the people, not your ambitions
You can have both. Ones ambition is a manifestation of ones desire to serve. Ambition does not have to be self serving.
China didn’t take our jobs, Walmart sent our jobs over there
Yes, when Hillary Clinton got on the board of Wal-Mart. What was in it for her?
To call a woman “ambitious” is manspeak for “not feminine.” It could also cause the men to call an ambitious woman a litany of vulgar names.
The problem with Harris, and the only problem, is that it would be one less strong voice in the senate. Ambition as a problem? wtf? Ambition is not a problem, corruption is
Harris would be a horrible pick. The DNC and MSDNC are trying to portray Harris as progressive
Imagine having a VP with no ambition becoming POTUS. All you would have is a less corrupt tRump.
Barry Walls Democrats need two puppets in the whitehouse. Not just one. They can’t have a VP with an actual backbone.
Exactly. She is needed in the Senate.
Why wouldn’t ANYONE running for public office NOT be ambitious?
Thank you that’s what I want in my Vice President I want Kamala or Tammy. I am sure they want back down to trump they’ll have him crying.. He can’t bully these two women oh yes and send in that boy don. Jr. Who says Kamala isn’t an African-American woman …watch your mouth don jr.
Yeh Joe’s rude to Mika, talking over her all the time. Surprised she doesn’t tell him to shut up occasionally
Mike scouted Joe before this show began-she does this show to promote JOe–so she really doesn’t care if he talks mre–frankly. She say him as someone who could make it on air in this role.
Oh I finally got it about the ambitious black Woman. It means she’s black she can’t, doesn’t deserve such a high position, so it’s better for her and everyone of she aims lower.
Biden’s VP Pick is still Up In The Air. There is a Whole Lot Of Speculation.
..darlings.. who is the “PRETTIEST “.. and the most ambitious.. !