In mid-December, Time magazine announced its “Person of the year.” Or, really, “Persons of the Year” as President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris were named the winners. In the latest episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains why this announcement really stings for President Donald Trump.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris named Time Person of the Year
Who Will Be TIME's Person of the Year for 2020? See the Shortlist
A Time magazine with Trump on the cover hangs in his golf clubs. It’s fake
The Silence Breakers
The Guardians
The ‘very fine people’ at Charlottesville: Who were they?
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Allison Gordon
The Point Editor: Leigh Munsil
Video Editor: Michelle Cho
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#CNN #Cillizza #Trump
Hey, Chris here. Who would you have chosen as person of the year for 2020?
@Richard Rawlins All that is subjective. It isn’t concrete. First of all, what is killing people? Covid is. NOT Trump. I don’t know of any lies that Trump has made. I’m not saying he has never lied, I just haven’t seen him lie, at least not about anything big or important. How does one show “enough” empathy? As for him showing remorse… that implies he directly was the cause of whatever he should be remorseful for. The economy around the entire world fell, so what standard are you holding Trump to? You’ll dislike him, if anyone dies from covid, or if the economy falls, or if unemployment raises. After China knowingly released the virus in November of 2019, the entire world suffered. The United States was one of the least to suffer, and you attack the leader for what exactly? You think that the second he caught whiff of the virus he should’ve
1. closed the country from people entering or leaving
2. quarantined the entire country indefinitely
3. funded research to release a vaccine 7 years ago
4. kept everyone’s job secure while everyone quarantined and worked from home
5. kept the economy to 100% somehow
6. enforced social distancing and mask wearing with police force
7. only allowed unaccountable mail-in ballots
The virus has a 0.016% mortality rate. That’s NOTHING compared to the billions of people who WILL suffer if the economy crashes. Have some perspective. Freedom is infinitely more important than health. Always remember that
@Richard Rawlins also Trump hasn’t started any wars
Anthony Fauci
Anybody except Joey and harry
President Trump’s “most important speech”
Imagine thinking something is dead or fake because you weren’t included in it.
@Deanna Elias
@Emily Curewitz
@TheRewivsMan Tv
President Trump’s “most important speech”
0:06 NO, you were the times person of the year in 2006.
Person of the year should be Dominion voter machines. Without them able to add extra votes we be stuck for trumpf!
@Xi Lee this lie is getting so old…
Biden was in 1938
@Xi Lee like a broken record….
President Trump’s “most important speech”
It all makes sense now, remember when he wouldnt shake Angela Merkel’s hand. Now we get it he hates her for the time cover she got.
johnny whatthefuck – And yet, that’s never good enough for him. He has to lie and say he got it more times than he did.
By the way, isn’t Time’s the one where the person doesn’t necessarily have to do good things? Didn’t Osama bin Laden get it one year, or am I thinking about another magazine?
Brett M – Did you watch the video? Of course he cares! Waaay more than anyone should.
@Gregg hilarious fake news bro. Strange how this “fraud” was never alleged in any of the 50+ lawsuits by the Trumpf campaign. Funny how these “fraud” claims were debunked by everyone from the FBI, cyber security, DoJ etc etc. All deep state, right

President Trump’s “most important speech”
Ok cool where’s our stimulus checks
your gop masters want to give 100 bucks for the month.
going to get nothing, big corps first. they need the billions.
@Pablo Lopez and its not supposed to be moved until 2026. Not quite sure as to the rule behind that it can’t be moved for 6 yrs. Katie Porter was asking him about it in a congressional hearing last week or the week before. Not sure if he did anyway or not. There some legality to it though.
@Patricia Henderson I’m not stating the move was illegal, I”m sure he had every right to do it. But that move was obviously NOT to help the American people get their stimulus checks.
President Trump’s “most important speech”
He is sick ” He makes me sick to my stomach .
@Tim Redford
@Bill Burgess
President Trump’s “most important speech”
Make Dump ” LOSER OF THE YEAR” – and put that on the cover. I would pay good money to see that. lol 2
Well, he’s lost 60 times in one election, so…
Because it’s your great idea, consider placing in on as a petition. I would definitely sign for Time or any other magazine to use that as their cover.
@buister s2k Well he does reckon he is the best at everything.
He’ll be on the cover when he’s in an orange jumpsuit.

If only. He’d make the Greatest Prisoner of the year. So many inmates would love to see him.
he’s gonna love Ossining NY
President Trump’s “most important speech”
Perhaps Time could have a cover “Inmate of the Year” for 2021… with trump’s face behind bars.
@Js Somewhere That’s it. I understand trump may favor that or newsmax over fox to spread his manure to his cult.
@schmoonkie I just remembered the name I’m not going to dirty my mind by watching them spew crap
@Js Somewhere I completely understand…
President Trump’s “most important speech”
Our medical warriors who have fought, and some have died caring for the sick.
i agree, they should have been featured
But that wouldn’t have pissed off Drumpf half as much
I strongly agree with you. But I also like how this will piss off the current president.
But yes this was covid year and healthcare workers/epidemiologists/”vaccine” scientists should have won.
@SigmaTauri2 yeah people who put their lives on the line are totally worth less than a political Jab. literal tds
TIME did pick the person that ruined Germany as person of the year. It was back in 1938 and the winner was a guy named Adolf
And now they have Biden to fill that space .
@Waldemar Marchesi Which space?
Hoh yes
oh wow
@Waldemar Marchesi the country and the world will be 10000000x better off, We will be winning and winning now that the LIAR is headed for Prison
President Trump’s “most important speech”
He WAS on the cover of a German Magazine this month as Loser of the Year”!!
@Bill Burgess Debunked. Not the bestowing of the award, but it was not awarded because of his “contributions to the black communities.”
Stop spreading the misinformation.
a title he deserves
well, he did lose over 50 times this year, so yeah
@Smoothjock what an meaningless odd statement. Trump has been caught in recordings using that word
He’s signed up for being on the cover of all the idiots Guides.
LMFAO Deranged Donnie is triggered
Executive Order 13848 do some research and Merry Christmas HOHOHO
Yoh yes
oh wow
President Trump’s “most important speech”
Elec-toral College: “Biden”.
Elec-trical Chair: “Trump”.
You just made my day
Electoral College: Biden
Elect-troll College : Trump
@Ian Dalziel They’ll all find a reason to disapprove of that one too I’m afraid but I’ve got no prob giving it a thumbs up.
President Trump’s “most important speech”
Next year he will be on the cover of “Doing Time”.
The Singsing Gazette.
@Nor Dic CONald and Epstein were neighbors for years. He used to take his kids over to Jeff’s house.
@santa fe, bantayan island life this statement is NOTHING BUT LIES. “The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. Totally WRONG. A flat out LIE
President Trump’s “most important speech”
You didn’t get snubbed 44 times, Chris. Did you forget when you, yes “You,” were Time’s 2006 Person Of The Year?
…”or, in Biden’s case, lose to twice!”
oh yes
oh wow
of the DECADE!!! that should be his award.
Jesus Christ said in Acts 26:18 ” to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.” For those Democrats who have understood and researched the cheating and fraud and have allowed themselves to be deceived by the Democrat run media, that is controlled by Satan, think hard about what you are supporting and the path you are on.
Yoh yes
oh wow
@Intelligent Design The White House is a criminal operation. The Republican party is dead, replaced by a hideous racist cult. As the cult leader, Trump is the force behind a per capita rate of COVID deaths that is over 33 times higher than that of Australia, over 37 times higher than Japan, over 62 times higher than South Korea, and over 90 times higher than that of New Zealand. You are the one who is dancing with the Devil.
Decade? He has been a con-man for over *_40_* years, starting in the early years of 1970’s. He and his father were being chased by the Department of Justice back in *_Nixon’s Administration_* .
5:01 I assume he’s referring to Obama?
Trump claimed he finally discovered “ELECTREACHERY”