Following the leak of the SCOTUS draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, CNN's Elle Reeves talks to anti-abortion activists in Missouri who are working to limit abortions in the state. #CNN #News
The ‘new face’ of the anti-abortion movement

Following the leak of the SCOTUS draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, CNN's Elle Reeves talks to anti-abortion activists in Missouri who are working to limit abortions in the state. #CNN #News
why does she believe it is right to impose her religious beliefs on others? getting an abortion should be an individual choice; only the woman who is actually carrying that fetus should have the right to decide whether she wants to get an abortion or not; no government official, individual, entity, or organisation of any sort should be allowed to decide that for women
Because her disgusting book tells her to
@Lauren Walker If you don’t want kids, get fixed. It’s seriously sickening that people like you put yourselves on such a high pedestal yet don’t even respect yourselves enough to take responsibility for your own actions. Almost like responsibility is a concept of convenience to you. Classy.
She’s anti-abortion until something unthinkable happened to her or someone important to her than perhaps she’ll understand. It’s terrible when people think that just because they believe in something someone else has to believe in it as well.
@Trigger The Left the development begins at fertilization but by no means is it a human being and that’s the argument here. Living organisms are all around us. Your argument is based on the potentiality of a human being.
Let’s not start with the politics, when your party is all about me, me, me – it’s a bit rich for you to talk about caring for human life.
@Trigger The Left That is a very dishonest argument. Keep your superstitions out of other peoples lives and no one will accuse you of being a freak.
@Bongbong longdong and I’m Beyoncé
and if you are one then you know better.
Now is she going to push to lower the infant mortality rate? Or provide funding for pre-k? Or family paid leave so mother’s can stay with their babies? Or increase support services for infants and new mothers?
Likely not
Who threw all the tax dollars away?
@DriveInFreak I was abstinent til I was 20 because I knew I couldn’t take care of a baby, lack of self control doesn’t justify murder
@KGS He’s gonna enrol them in the local chapter of incels. They will love it.
They don’t ever ever have anything to say about the mother or the pre-existing family at risk when a birth is forced. They are physiologically incapable of thinking of the issue beyond the life of the child and how they claim the issue makes them feel inside when they defend hypothetical fetus-people. To them, having any consideration for taxpaying breathing-people is like dividing by 0, it’s an invalid question to begin with because “only the convenient people shall be defended.”
@Einherjar nope, keeping morality first then Inhumanity
Your women so proudly to having Aids or sexual disease than Baby? It’s so gross dude
If the woman wasn’t so evil, then that wouldn’t be a problem now would it? If someone is so horrible to let a child bleed to death, screaming in pain, then maybe that’s not far enough! Maybe the death penalty isn’t even enough for something as horrible as abortion.
Any man that impregnates a woman that is NOT his wife must immediately be forced to undergo a vasectomy! Likewise, he must provide income, medical care and EVERY expense to support the child conceived. Add that to the ignorant, abusive anti-abortion laws.
Some women get pregnant by stealing used condoms and using them to impregnatethemselves , in that case man must not pay anything because he did not even intend to impregnate her in the first place.
Every conservative: We want to protect babies!
Also every conservative: I don’t want to pay for those babies, though. That is the mothers’/parents’ job, and if poor mothers can’t help their babies then they shouldn’t have them in the first place.
Everything you just complained about is common sense over 75% of America agrees with. Literally nobody complains about helping truly down and out parents. If you’re in poverty and have no kids, why the hell would you start making any? You people and your weird justifications.
@Charlie Lauffer Probably because most are able to get jobs and refuse to. That money is to help actual impoverished parents, not parents who snub job applications which does happen from what workers document.
@DriveInFreak They didn’t make the child so why should they have responsibility for it? These bot arguments make absolutely 0 sense.
It’s called responsibility.
Rape, poverty, mental disturbances, health danger…..
There are so many important issues that justify abortion, that its just stupidity not let the woman herself decide to give birth or not.
No one should say a thing about the woman decision. No religion, not even someone’s social manual/ettiquete should say a thing.
@Weafy yes. Poverty. Someone who cannot afford to live should not be forced to carry a pregnancy.
How about the woman in the womb?
“They will be without excuse on the day of judgment”
One evil does not mean the other turns to good. Abortion is horrible, and you don’t know the START!
I am having an internal ethical debate about abortion, I mean it is human life at some stage in the pregnancy but, do these people really mean to force a pregnancy on a woman who has been raped? I hear that the fathers of children of rape can even have some rights to the child. I mean it sickens me.
@Vertigo That is also not an argument.
@I Am Retired yeah. Let the rape victims just get comfortable with being collateral damage to these shitty laws.
I’m starting to wish someone would show men exactly what that feels like.
Don’t you know how few those are? Don’t you know about what abortion DOES? Who CARES if she was raped, a baby SCREAMING while he or she BLEEDS TO DEATH is WAY more important to stop!
It’s your world young people….VOTE!
I loved when Jordan Klepper asked antiabortion people how many babies they’ve adopted. Surprise, none of them had. 240 abortions a year in Missouri. Are she and her friends willing to adopt them all, every year?
@Lydia B I have asked 500+ forced birthers if they would be willing to adopt. Only one said that they would be willing to adopt a forced birth.
@DriveInFreak Do you conduct surveys and keep the data? I would like to know more about how your survey was conducted. Even if I knew, I wouldn’t necessarily be surprised about those results.
But are there enough people who want to adopt the babies who are being aborted in Missouri? Yes. (Especially babies. Unfortunately, the real adoption crisis is whether older kids get adopted, not whether an infant will get adopted.) Are there others who cannot or will not adopt but who provide secondary support either for the adoption or for the original mother to care for the child? Yes. I wish it were way more and I wish our gov. policies made the childbearing years easier…our maternity leave is abysmal for a developed country. There certainly are problems. Yet there certainly are people willing to help as well.
@Lydia B I wish I would have kept hard data on it.
How have I asked so many the question? I’m a broadcaster, thus I talk to a lot of people. Between my show and asking the question on here, the number is probably much higher than 500.
What about turning off the ventilator in an ICU on an adult “to let them go” and to not prolong their life?
What about letting children live in abject poverty, killing them slowly and sadistically?
What about having children live in unsafe environments, with exposure to anything from environmental poisons to violence?
Where is these people’s “Christianity”, when it comes to actually caring for and about people?
I think, the Bible calls them hypocrites.
@bluedog562, you didn’t answer my question…
@Cellar Door simply answer, Behave goodly with ur
I’ll means to do that waiting after marriage why isn’t easy to westerner? It’s truly unbelievable when people easy for having Aids than having children

Does one evil allowed, mean it’s ok to be even more evil? 2 wrongs don’t make a right. That’s terrible, and I’m totally against those and for fixing them, however, I’m against ALL evil. Not just that which one party is against.
Elle Reeve! I’m so glad to see her. She’s brilliant. Donie O’Sullivan and Elle Reeve are my favorite reporters at CNN.
Why is she whispering through out her interviewing though?
@Caleb Smith i think it allows her to ask questions without coming off as being offensive !! it’s slightly strange, but it’s very soothing.
1 Simone Somekh Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
When did she leave Vice? I recognize her from there, didn’t know she was working at CNN now.
She’s got 6 kids then she should mind her own business and go take care of her 6 kids
1 SCORPFPV Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Aisha Stone no
That’s very sexist of you to say something like that, why can’t mother’s work?
@Nil Nil mothers can work the point was for her to worry about her self and not what another female is doing with her body
This is Aunt Lydia – the prequel. This woman is a complete monster.
“We’re gonna do everything we can to protect every child in the cu-state.”
She meant to say country, guess who would push to ban abortion federally. She would.
And who pushed unconstitutional federal mandates regarding vaccines again?
This abortion drama reminds me of the Salem Witch trials. All the Christians got whipped up into a frenzy and became completely unreasonable and even started killing each other. The Bible say God knit us in the womb. A ball of yarn isn’t a scarf even if it’s the size of a potholder it is still not a scarf until it’s completed. A pile of building materials is not a house until it’s built. Etc etc This seems pretty clear to me and I don’t want to take part in forcing over half a million women to give birth every year to unwanted babies it just seems cruel.
She looks like a very fortunate spoiled woman who’s been encouraged to think she’s just a little smarter than regular women .
Rebecca’s jealous of a well-spoken, articulate, educated young woman. How sad.
@Trigger The Left Why has the interviewee stopped at six children? She could be good for another ten at her age and wealth.
When are we going to quit allowing a religious belief to affect everyone? Why is it so difficult for many religious persons of many, if not all religions to understand not everyone believes the same thing as them and just because they believe it doesn’t make it true.
That she says, “I just think abortion is the greatest evil we have in our country right now.” should make everyone pause whether they’re for or against abortion because with that single statement she has demonstrated an absolute lack of awareness and critical thinking abilities. Even the phrasing to describe the act of abortion as “evil” is questionable at best. Not to mention outright ignorant.
I dare say if you lined up every single person from her church, family, and friends and had the ones who have gotten an abortion or were in agreement with a female partner for her to get an abortion to don a sign that states “I’m evil” she’d backtrack pretty fast and make excuses for their difficult decision and then maybe pray for them. She might even go as far as to say something along the lines of “The Devil made her do it, but God has saved her soul.”
It’s the abstract thought process in persons like her that’s really so destructive in this. Instead of viewing the reality that people choosing to have an abortion face, the very anti-abortion movement itself is heavily wrapped up in flawed and inaccurate science that feeds emotional and religious outrage. There doesn’t seem to be any logical thought or justification used in arguing their opinion. It’s all pure emotion and righteousness that is somehow oblivious to the hypocrisy that they’re spewing. Which is sad. Very sad. Because if they were really that passionate about life and the welfare of children and mothers, and they took a moment to think things through and step outside of their own extremely emotive perceptions, they’d realize that their unwavering belief does much more harm and likely causes more horrible deaths than the very humane and compassionate act of abortion causes. Not only that, but the psychological and quite often physical torture, be it via starvation or brutality, would and should be considered so much more abhorrent.
People who are anti-abortion for religious reasons often say that they will pray on the subject or for those involved in seeking the abortion. They’ll pray that RvW gets overthrown. They’ll pray for clinics that are essential for the health of a community to get shut down. They’ll pray for various souls. Maybe they’ll even pray for their god to give them strength or to imbue them with his power in their righteous quest. What you never hear them praying for is compassion in their own hearts. You never hear them step outside of their determined belief in an effort to understand the women who don’t believe as they do. You never hear them acknowledge that what another woman does to her own body is none of their business. You never hear them asking to be blessed with understanding, sympathy, or empathy. You most certainly never hear them taking all the energy they put into trying to stop abortions and feeding into a more positive and useful direction to help the endless number of families, women, and children whose lives they are attempting to destroy for their own selfish beliefs.
In fact, if she has six children and is able to feed them nutritious meals, clothe them nicely, provide the expensive essentials like computers that have become necessities for a person to have a competitive chance in today’s world, and give them the amount of one on one attention and emotional support needed for a child to thrive; she’s either wealthy, can afford daycare, and has the hands-on support of other family members and friends, or she’s getting government help to do some of that. If it’s the former she’s absolutely clueless of what pressing such a hardship on a woman in certain circumstances brings, and if it’s the later she should know better than trying to push such a situation on another human.
It’s the absolute thoughtlessness and lack of compassion on the anti-abortion side that is the most disturbing. Their argument has absolutely nothing to do about the fetus or the mother, and everything to do with them needing to be right so that they can feel themselves favored in the eyes of their god. They remove everybody but themselves and their wants from the equation, and yet would throw an absolute hissy fit if someone tried to take away anything they feel they have a right to. No one who thinks like that should ever be allowed to create the rules because their rules will never be fair, or considerate, or even informed. Which is frustrating and really sad.
I’m obviously not religious. Though I understand some people need the sense of community and guidance involved within such structure, if anything might be considered “the greatest evil we have in our country” or have had throughout history, it’d surely be the weaponizing of organized religion. Few things have done more harm than the blind, self aggrandized viciousness that lay hidden behind the supposedly devout masks worn by any religious person who tries to force their interpretation of their religion upon everyone else. What these women are doing is just as bad as past witch-hunts where innocent lives were brutally destroyed and the fervor to humiliate and degrade those they persecuted unleashed an intoxicating blend of hormones and chemicals in their brain that just fueled their self-righteous beliefs and encouraged them to be more vocal and demanding in their blind servitude.
I don’t think most people who are anti-abortion actually want to cause harm to those who are seeking abortions. I really don’t. Unfortunately, I also don’t think they’re even attempting to think beyond their own narrative and trying to place themselves in someone else’s situation. Nor are they giving their fellow women the respect and due diligence they demand for themselves. A woman’s right to choose is not something you can be against and still say you have respect for women. It’s just not. You can be pro-life yourself and still have respect and be respected. As long as you don’t try to push your choice onto a woman who chooses differently with her own body. To do so, you may as well be citing yourself with imaginary ownership and thinking you somehow have earned the right to absolute authoritative control over another woman’s body and yet with zero responsibility for the results that control brings. That is an act that’s impossible to respect.
Pretty much every Pro-Choice person out there would stand beside and fight for you to have the right to be Pro-Life for your own body, even though there’s rare situations where it’d be absolute, agonizing Hell for the child to be forced to live a brief, excruciating life. Why are you so unable to stand beside your fellow woman and trust that if she’s choosing to have an abortion she has a very good reason for making that choice? All women should want other women to have the freedom to choose what is and isn’t done to their bodies. Are you not aware of how hard women have had to fight for that right once it was lost? How can you not be disturbed and ashamed of yourself for trying to take it away from a woman? If you wish to set up other options and invite the women to partake in them if they choose to, that would be the compassionate option. Forcing your beliefs on them is just vile. Especially, when you know nothing of them or their situation. Please consider that.
(Not trying to disclude men in this. I recognize the guys fall on both sides of this issue also.)
@J I disagree with your interprentation of scientific reasoning
@Lee Marinus No it’s just a scientific fact. Life begins at the moment of conception. It’s either true or false. You can look it up…
@J And your point? Since you’re wanting to go with that view, and I guess you’re trying to imply that this initial stage of life somehow overrides the importance of the mother’s life and choice?
Because if your argument is for a fertilized egg that’s maybe the size of a poppy seed, and can’t breathe, doesn’t have a heartbeat, has no organs, no human features, is literally just a step in the constant cycle of life, death, and evolution every single organism on this planet goes through, and then why not make a big deal for everything else that’s alive? I mean, if you’re breaking it down to that level, you’re a serial killing, mass murderer. We all are. Every single day. Over and over and over again.
However, let’s pull back from the abstract again, and talk about conception. I’m guessing since you’re looking up that argument, you also read that not all fertilized eggs will actually implant. 4-6 out of 10 won’t. That’s not considered a miscarriage either. So 50% of those lives you’re referring to just go poof without anyone knowing any better unless they had ivf and then they’d know. Most doctors don’t even consider a pregnancy to have begun before the fertilized egg has attached itself to the uterus. Going by your logic, what should a woman with an ectopic pregnancy do? Pregnancy doesn’t officially begin until the blastocyst can attach itself to the endometrium. That’s somewhere around 6-12 days after the guy’s swimmer made it through the obstacle course, got lucky, and beat all the other little guys out.
I’m sorry but saying “modern science says life begins at conception” is one heck of a cop out to having an actual reason and answer. Because if everyone Pro-Life valued that definition of life that much, we would be living in a very different world and there’s not a single person on the planet whose life would resemble what it does now. So you’ll have to do better than that.
Guarantee you that no one read that crap.
“We will do everything to protect the Child, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, basically Before BIRTH. After that , you’re and your welfare baby are on your own!!”
Let’s not kill all the homeless in this world…
Last fight
Who threw away all the tax dollars?
This interviewer did a fabulous job at asking well thought out provoking questions without overpowering the interviewees with her opinion, body language, or speach.
1 Bon Bon Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
She is an ideologue