The need for bipartisanship: A conversation about mass shootings in America / CITIZEN BY CNN

CNN political commentator SE Cupp and Van Jones, CNN host and founder of Dream Corps, join Jim Acosta to talk about mass shootings in America after a racist attack in Buffalo, New York.

#CNN #News #CITIZENCNN #VanJones #SECupp #JimAcosta


  1. Buffalo shooter’s manifesto: “On the political compass, I fall in the middle-moderate authoritarian left category.”

  2. almost every weekend? cnn is the reason i dont watch american news no more.. if i want to really find out what going on in america i watch Australian news .. they hire real journalist..

  3. ⚠️It’s not the tool/weapon per se; every gun has high safety in the hands of a responsible user IMO.
    🚩it’s the entitled, toxic, unempathic, narcissistic, psychopathic psychology of the user! By their actions you will know them.

    1. And why here in the EU do we not suffer these massacres? Here we also have entitled, toxic, unempathic, narcissistic, psychopathic, but they don’t commit these kinds of horrors. The reason is very simple: they don’t have such easy access to weapons here.

  4. Lol, how many conversations are they going to have before they actually do something about it. It’s like they let it happen so they CAN have conversations.

  5. A few minutes in and I already know they’re not going to talk about the anti-white Fresno massacre back in 2017.

  6. Lol at Jimmy’s idea of bringing in Adam Kinzinger for a ‘Gun Summit’. Yeah, great idea: bring in the least appreciated GOPer who leaves in 7 months. 😂😂😂😂

  7. Race labeling and demonizing that you’ve done the last several years is the opposite of “unity.” You’re definition of “unity” is demanding everyone take a knee, confess their “privilege”, reject their own nation’s flag or else. My sons are the ONLY people against whom it’s legal to reject from university admission, or are disincentivized from being hired at a job because of their identity. You forget though that these men have mothers, wives, sisters who care about them too, and don’t support them being blamed for all of society’s problems. If you ban them off social media, kick them from society, all you’re doing is stopping open dialogue and further dividing us.

  8. Doesn’t make any difference in Russia or South London, except getting citizens in trouble for protecting themselves. The only consistent goal you’ve had is wanting to disarm the law abiding public.

  9. “The word bipartisan usually means some larger-than-usual deception is being carried out.” — George Carlin

  10. Whether it’s a gun, knife, car or any object used to cause serious bodily injury or death, it still requires a human being to do it.

    we are currently in a place where there are a high number of toxic choices for humans to make sense of their world. We are on information overload and an abundance of sources. TRUST has been lost for how we navigate our lives, with everyone deeply committed to their bubble of information. Right now, compromise and coalescing is what is needed. We got to start dwindling down the talking heads to a specific few. Maybe some monthly roundtables of major players and professionals. We have to find something closer to one voice that speaks for the many. Mallory Mcmorrow fits that role. I hate the bible or at least the presenters of it. The bible has value in the right hands. There have not been but maybe a handful of people who truly can make sense of it. Nonetheless I digress. The bible refers to a time when we are having a barrage of language/information influx and overflow. Too many voices not enough unity. The bible end days have some merit just not every outcome. Humans can too easily today walk away from one another because of lost interdependence. We have created a world where we find ourselves super independent when INTERdependence is needed. If not recognized and dealt with, humans are going to start increasing the rate of slaughtering one another. So, how about some unity, clarity, full engagement and accountability.

  12. Thank you so much for a wonderful program, suggestions and diverse perspectives leading to, hopefully, greater harmony.

  13. I would like to advance the idea that bipartisanship is entirely inadequate to deal with the repercussions of any mass shooting. First of all, it takes good will and kindness. The response needs to be human, coming from people. Politics can wait. It’s part of the problem.

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