Rachel Maddow continues reporting on the Trump administration's new policy of targeting sick immigrant children, dependent on medical treatment in the United States, for deportation with just 33 days notice.
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The Most Inhumane Of All Of President Donald Trump's Policies' | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Senseless unthinking cruelty
@Joy Phillips
Well, you guys only care about human life if it is all up inside the body of a woman. Illegals cannot and do not vote. That is just another Trump lie. The facts are readily available for you, if you choose to indulge in a bit of critical thinking.
@Joy Phillips What we are Joy is beyond the littleness of politics and even the world. This most certainly includes you. But while you invest your sense of self in what is the opposite of truth, what is the opposite of Christ, what is the opposite of Christ, you cannot know yourself in truth. One cannot serve two masters for you will serve one and ignore the other. They ask separate things of you. You can uphold your chosen belief system which is based on a limited interpretation of yourself and others to gain a sense of place in the world, a sense of specialness and separation, but at what cost? How you see your brother you see yourself. How you think of him you think of yourself. In him you will either find yourself or lose yourself. Joy, you are lost in the darkness of unknowing if you value cruelty. If you value what is not of Christ. Google the attributes of love. Read them and ask yourself if they reflect the attributes of Christ. Then ask yourself if they reflect your own attributes. Are you living/abiding in Christ? What could a person value more in this world than living in God? If you abide in what is the opposite of Christs attributes are you living in peace and true freedom?
@Joy Phillips go away joy
Wish we could believe it was unthinking. Then, at least there would be hope for reversal of their heinous plan.
Blood Orange is always coming up with new forms of genocide.
Shawn Smith oh the great We! Successive governments since WWI have failed US vets & citizens. Yeah guess what your country, your collective failure to address America’s prissy, pathetic & down right disregard for equality. President Smoked Cheese Head is not making things better. Have a lovely day, you doltish clot.
With his evil side kick miller. May they both reap what they sow.
Marcia Baxter it would be lovely if they all go the way of Jeffrey Epstein.
Rachel, please target “Stephen Miller”. I would like to see him in the docket at The Hague.
Here is more of the LEFT WING RADICAL CONSTANT ” LIARS ” https://twitter.com/i/status/1163905055352901633
Miller and Trump! Because if Trump allowed it, he’s just as guilty! So racist! Unconstitutional,! Impeach!
That will be a lucky end to him.
@Ann Ferguson Well, you know that whole thing about “Never forget.”? He forgot.
This is 100% the policy implementation of the “King of Incels” Stephen Miller.
Sounds like Stephen Miller’s handiwork.
Somebody else must have held him back, 33 days does not sound like his level of Movie Vampire Evil.
Imagine ICE dragging sick kids out of their beds.
You mean Herr Goebbels?
If you tolerate this, then your children will be next.
I bet you they wont be tho…. Evil lives long
LMAO. Yeah, nah. You’re just being an alarmist.
@Gloominusdm since democratization by the 4th Reich red diaper babies in Washington was completed .
@Friend Wilkins how many people of color in your company?? You’re a vet?? Smh
This is beyond evil. What’s the bet that Stephen Miller came up with the idea and whispered it in Trump’s ear, and Trump enthusiastically took it up as a new way to distract the American public from all those pesky scandals, such as the G7 fiasco and the latest Deutsche Bank news.
What idea? That mexico maybe builds it’s first hospital?
He blew into it and licked it first and Trump was hooked
And the bed bugs at Doral.
Monsters actually enjoy the cruelty they inflict. Nice little power trip for them playing God over people.
Stephen Miller is a dangerous man .I can never forget that cold stare of his when he stood in front of the camera the other day and said “people who have a job should be able to stand on there own two feet ” Not if you are working for minimum wages .hundred of dollars taking out. your check for insurance (because of Republican )before you even get it. He’s a cold fish when it come to minorities and poor people of all races
@PJH199 1 No, you are just human garbage. I’m done dealing with gutter-trash like you. And by the by, you are a sad useless cur. You have proven it by being nonchalant in this instance, and every time you speak, more noxious garbage comes out. But hey, call me a snowflake because you can’t stand “liberals”. I can call you a snowflake because you think that because you were born here, you deserve special treatment and would rather watch people die than get medical treatment they need.
That doesn’t make you a snowflake, that makes you less human than they are.
Doctors Without Borders is welcome to set up in my home starting now.
Are you the great Madonna concert man boy lover?
People who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. Here is the famous poem by Martin Niemöller about the Nazis, with one addition to update it for today’s America:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for sick refugee children, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not brown-skinned.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Anyone who supports this latest evil policy of the Trump regime is as inhumane as those responsible for this atrocity.
@YouTube Moderator way smarter than you
Obviously they never came after the bad poets…
@the truth and heavier I’m sure
@YouTube Moderator oh boy got me there genius ha ha you are pathetic
@Terry-Ann M You get the prize for being stupid.
@Dragonice Lakeoffire – Dragon-Lice…You get NO Prize – in this life, and certainly…not the one that comes after!
Liberals killed way more babies then this will. Disgusting how liberals push there agenda to the soft hearted idiots like you.
Hitler had Mengele, Teump has Miller
I’d say he’s more like Martin Bormann. Odious, canniving, even his own people hate his guts but he has the bosses ear.
@Newshound Who is Martin Bormann? Can’t you just call everyone Hitler like a true Progressive?
@YouTube Moderator was that Trump University? I told you go back to school for a reason. Hitler was a socialist as Trump is an honest person

@Sehara What law has Trump broken as president? What was the National Socialist party? Were they Tupperware salesmen?
Trump just keeps on winning. It’s like taking chemotherapy from a baby.
Nine will get you ten, it originated with Stephen Miller.
CONGRESS better not be letting this happen, my God how far will this go!!!!!
How far will it go? Concentration camps, death chambers, human skin lamp shades, people on really good diets–>no fatties in the camps.
@Dee Ess Bite me, everyone but you knows that video was altered…slow day in the Gulag Komrade?
Democrats need control of the Senate before anything happens or some Republicans need to have heart. Pigs may fly before the latter happens.
no ididnt what ever happened to the Golden rule, reguardless of party? When did every single one of us, but for sure at least our elected leaders, stop treating and doing unto others as they would want done to themselves?
@Amy Vazquez It can exist, but it would be exception rather than the norm. Politicians are bound by money which is the name of the game and which do not flow into their campaign unless they support given agendas. All this is reenforced by corporate structure and system which facilitates access to money but, by same token and more importantly, cuts off the said money. This is especially true for Republicans who have corporate support whose money would not be accepted by the Democrat system. This is not to say Democrats are good, but certainly lesser of two evils from a less wealthy person’s point of view.
This has Stephen millers dirty fingerprints all over this policy.
PJH199 1 really??? ….Naked pictures will do it !!!
Mind Freshener yeah, no help for the poor children and poor family…. you are so stupid and inhuman… neonazis right???…
Stephen Miller…. karma will get you in a very ugly way….no compassion for children …..THE BEAST 666
@my turn So why didn’t the Liberal MSM raise the issue during Obama? …any “compassion”? …I didn’t think so. This is one of many of administrative bugs which are common with any complex administrative system. Why is the MSM trying to demonize this President in such a deceitful manner? The other thing you have to ask yourself – with 6 Billion Third Worlders who are multiplying rapidly, and who will become 36 Billion in the near future, to what extent does your compassion extend? Have you got the resources to cover your compassion?
@Mind Freshener Mean person with a can’t do attitude.
Lets find out exactly which officials made the policy decision and charge them with a conspiracy to commit murder
Absolutely. The policy is so clearly an attempt to do just that.
Liberals killed more babies then this ever would.
@Anders Holmvik why do you think someone is a lunatic for protesting the US deporting very sick children regardless of whether this will cause them to die? How would you feel if this was done to your family? Surely you have empathy?
With child murder. Or neglegence leading to death.
Thats exactly what this is.
As a Canadian I’m already heartbroken by the challenges in the US medical system… this kind of absolute travesty guts me. My first thought was “Send them here! Send them to Sick Kids in Toronto, or to BC Children’s Hospital here in Vancouver!” We’ll take care of them!! Use my tax money – I’m totally cool with it… that’s how universal healthcare should work; we all pay a little and then everyone gets cared for.
God – this is horrifying. I can only hope that enough Americans are mobilizing the vote for this upcoming election to stop this madness. No government is ever perfect, but this… every time you think it’s a new low things just get lower.
Andres gallardo if Americans don’t care I think it’s because they don’t listen to the news, like Rachel says she doesn’t see much reporting on this so far…hopefully more and more will come out! I think a lot of people care! I hear people say they don’t listen to the news because it’s almost unbearable. Call your reps and senators!
Amelia Kittie I do think that if there’s enough media attention and that if the Trump administration doesn’t back down then JT will offer to help. Partly because it’s just the Canadian thing to do, partly because it’s a very him/Liberal Party thing to do, and partly because there’s an election coming up here. But yeah – if worse comes to worse, we took Syrian refugees when the US wouldn’t… I can’t imagine us not taking Mexican-American refugees also.
I hope the world knows Trump is already forcing the US seniors into homelessness with fixed incomes, rent increases, and pushing giving us too many “free” drugs.
@Amelia Kittie Fellow Canadian here, Amelia. You could start a petition through a reputable organization online; you could also contact your MP and ask if they are aware of the situation and if they can offer ideas to help. If you have a religious affiliation, your organization may be willing to help as well. It might be an idea to find out if we as Canadians can sponsor the parents up here; but this would be an individual effort. I know it has worked in the past for refugees from the Middle East and Africa. The key is to do what you can. Good luck.
This has Stephen Miller written all over it…
If gets his way he’ll have no one to pick up his trash.
It’s time for the UN, WHO, NATO etc. to get involved….. this is horrifying and pandering to the cruelty that trump and miller seem to crave
To do this, this inhumane policy, then say it’s going to be taken care of by ICE and theyre not aware of it… It’s time to call your representatives!!
@YouTube Moderator you’re such a horrible troll, just go away, for the sake of all the people who are interested in true and honest comments.
@Marcia Baxter Here is a true and honest comment. Illegals are not entitled to USA taxpayer funded healthcare. We have enough USA children in need. Why do we send aid to Mexcio if they don’t spend it on their children?
@Marcia Baxter Put some ICE on it.
The United STATES OF AMERICA is no longer the world’s beacon, because of Trump! Must impeach, (if Democrats ever get the balls to do it) or vote him out! Let’s do it!!!!
It is now Nazism America, sadly. We haven’t learned anything.
Trump and Stephen Miller are committing Crimes Against Humanity. It makes me sick to my stomach!
My Prayer for Justice no it doesn’t. Stop your fake self righteous moral outrage.
Lol@ crimes against humanity.
In America, when you hear that phrase, you immediately look at the Black Americans and see if that’s hapoening. But Black Americans are living GOOD under Trump Presidency.