The most explosive lines from Bill Taylor’s Ukraine testimony | Erin Burnett

The top US diplomat in Ukraine Bill Taylor testified to three House committees that he had been told President Donald Trump would withhold military aid to the country until it declared investigations would be launched that could help his reelection chances. CNN's Erin Burnett reports on that, and other key moments from the closed-door testimony.

#CNN #News

The most explosive lines from Bill Taylor's Ukraine testimony | Erin Burnett


    1. Andreas karlsson – We’re sorry, but your comments did not pass our Minimal Intelligence Threshold System (MITS) for meriting a response.

    2. Adam Schiff Desperate to Hide William Taylor Testimony that Would Kill Ukraine Hoax

    3. @Andreas karlsson – Um, you cannot just dismiss something because it wasn’t under oath.  There are *three witness testimonies* which show that nothing happened.  There *are no firsthand sources* which dispute them.  That says a lot!!  You do not know whether Trump is lying.  You do not know whether Zelensky is giving a “diplomatic answer”.  You are simply projecting that into the conversation because the evidence goes against your beliefs!  And the fact that they are all in agreement makes any such accusation…a bit of a stretch!      As for the transcript…ALL the available evidence points to it being an accurate representation of the call.  Nobody has made any credible accusation that it isn’t.      Now, for the last time, the problem with secondhand information *is that it is VERY EASY to get inaccurate information* even when both of the people in question are telling the truth!!!  For instance: One person says, “I know that Bob was not at the theatre that night.”  Then, the second person misheard that and so later repeats “Bob was at the theatre that night.”  Does this make sense now?  This is why secondhand info is not credible in a court!!  It does NOT require someone to have lied for the info to be wrong and I have not called Taylor a liar.  (In truth, a firsthand witness can be wrong too, but it is much, much easier for a secondhand source to be.)  You are the one who keeps obsessing over accusations of lies!

  1. The foreign state sponsored trolls are out today boys… Please remember to take everything you read in the comment section with a grain of salt.

    1. @Cisco Zerratano Trump broke the law every day of his term as president. This is undeniable to anyone other than the most pathetically stupid and confused individual.

    1. Adam Schiff Desperate to Hide William Taylor Testimony that Would Kill Ukraine Hoax

    1. Adam Schiff Desperate to Hide William Taylor Testimony that Would Kill Ukraine Hoax

    2. @Ted Talkz Actually, Ted, I think Trump needs new dentures. He always sounds like he has something (other than his tongue!) in his mouth.

    3. @Ted Talkz That’s nuthin. My wife can talk none stop for 30 hours a day and it never bothered her one bit.

    1. @Ted Talkz LMAO, where did you make this? From in prison? That’s some real crappy editing and I’m not even going to mention the utter conspiracy nut, batsh!t crazy crap that you posted. The only one fuelling impeachment is Trump, if he weren’t so damned stupid, he’d have shut his mouth months ago.

    1. @Ted Talkz 39 bodies found in Lorrys driver basement. Taylor, Queen Elizabeth II to honor the murderer as she is a communist crasy witch. – Taylor.

    1. ​@hiram hacklesworth
      So we have settled that Trump violated certain statutes. Good.
      Now let’s move on to discuss Impeachment.
      Contrary to your assertion, Impeachment is a constitutional process clearly described in the US Constitution, your opinion, again, notwithstanding.
      I’d suggest you read Article Two, Section 4 of the US Constitution for the exact description of this process.
      As for why Impeachment. That’s because, under certain interpretation of the concept of separation of power, a sitting president cannot be prosecuted for any crime whatsoever while in office.
      Since it is a fundamental pillar of any free society that no one is above the law, even the president, impeachment is the only possible course of action to take.

    2. @hereiam2005 By “we” I assume you mean yourself and the woefully misguided mouse in your pocket. Be sure to feed him, I understand they tend to bite when they get too hungry btw.
      If you two wishful non thinkers in fact believe you can collaborate on impeachment, knock yourselves out. But the ASPCA might have something to say about brainwashing abuse and coercion of that rodent (iwo the withholding of food, threats of electro shock etc for non cooperation). So I wouldn’t push it too far if I were you.

    3. ​@hiram hacklesworth
      Hmm. That’s a weird rant.
      Anyway, that rodent fable is, uh, interesting, but any mindful reader can notice that you still haven’t contested any of the argument that I’ve made.
      So I’d take it that you have conceded them, or are you attempting a Chewbacca defense?

  2. From the time he started campaigning, Trump’s been complaining about his opponents conspiring against him. In fact, he’s the one responsible for orchestrating one of the biggest political conspiracies of all time.

    1. Adam Schiff Desperate to Hide William Taylor Testimony that Would Kill Ukraine Hoax

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