UK's House of Commons Speaker John Bercow announced he is stepping down on Oct. 31. Here's a look at his notable moments in Parliament. #CNN #News
The man that shouts ‘Order!’ when UK Parliament gets chaotic

UK's House of Commons Speaker John Bercow announced he is stepping down on Oct. 31. Here's a look at his notable moments in Parliament. #CNN #News
Best job ever ! Ordeeeer ordeeeeeeeeer !!!! Lol


We’ll miss you mate
No we won’t. He could occasionally keep parliament reasonably in order but he was as basised as a speaker could be.

You mean “biased”?
who cares about his neutrality
His articulate shouting is far more important to be remembered.

I’m going to dress up as this person for halloween and just shout “Ordaaaaa! Ordaaaa!”
@Elkslayer well elkslayer? Don’t really care, hahaha CNN should be banned world wide. But every day more & more people tune in to fox for some real news. So no need to ban CNN foke will just stop watching.
@jeck jeck don’t know what you mean man. I’m mad like 17million others who expected to be well out the EU 3 year down the line, what do you mean Brexit hoax was not a win, that doesn’t make sense mate.
@Davey Badman
Because you couldn’t do it for 3 fucking years. And ended up with trump’s long lost clown.
mbp85 looooool
When you realize he’s as old as Bob Dylan… …’s music. And you figure how old that makes you.
This guy always reminds me of Pink Floyd’s The Wall…”Hey Teacher”….”Leave us kids alone”
@Swampy Yes, I’ve noticed they all hang together like flies on a piece of cow dung.
Thanks for the “Heads up” on the Trump Troll Clowns
@Swampy Too easy bro..These retards couldn’t “troll” the skin off a rice pudding anyway lol.
@The Chosen Clown you are that piece of cow dung
Apparently you never understood Pink Floyd at all. If you did you would find out you are the problem
Weed Me
Mitch McConnell may be out of a job in the near future. Would the Honorable Mr. Bercow be intrested in a change? We need a man with his skills here in the U.S.
@ronald burns NK hasn’t violated any international laws, meeting with the Taliban would be smart under the right circumstances and the Iran deal was a total joke. Now answer just one question for me…are you HOMOSEXUAL?
Moscow Mitch would certainly never “stand for the institution”. Especially if it meant letting the minority party have their say. Moscow Mitch represents himself first, Russia second, the NRA third, his other donors fourth, his cronies fifth, his party sixth, his constituents who aren’t donors a very distant seventh, the “Institution” close to zero, and America as a whole, he stands in direct opposition to.
Ordaaaaaaa, Ordaaaaaaaa!
This next year most definitely be boring.
@Dong LeMoan You sir, are down market in your comments.
Mitch McConnell’s going nowhere. You just think he is.
and i believe i was the only one who dared to cut my own hair
Get this MAN over to AMERICA to sort out the Man-Baby-in-Chief!
@tecums3h i was talking into the phone i did not double check it thanks you thow
@Mike Smith Just another “libtard” helping out.
I can help boost your energy.. so that your wife will be happy..!
@Amazonia – Tongkat Ali what blue pilll you selling lol
@tecums3h not all you guys are that bad some are thow lol
Oh he can speak softly! Somehow I imagined that he always shouted….
Will miss him even if I’m not British.
To all the comments: ORDAAAAAAA, ORDAARRRR!
John “Order” Bercow is a bloody legend and after the Queen the last sane politician in the UK.
The Queef is a protector of pedophiles.
No he’s not he’s a biased cretin, which isn’t what a speaker should be.
@adamisAwsome(ish) send that message to Tipsy Pelosi.
He not only did his job, but relished in it. In doing so, he made it entertaining for the rest of us. He’d make a great Simsons character because he’s truly a character.
ha222ha222 Something recently landed in USA and it’s an incredible opportunity of a lifetime (Far much more bigger than UBER investment or any related investment) I don’t mean this statements lightly, fact is there’s 100 members joining weekly
Have you had of forex trading
I deeply respect the seriousness of this Man!
Saad Albadri Something recently landed in USA and it’s an incredible opportunity of a lifetime (Far much more bigger than UBER investment or any related investment) I don’t mean this statements lightly, fact is there’s 100 members joining weekly
English, as it should be spoken. In sharp contrast to covfefe and hamberder.
Fake order! It’s pronounced “Or-durrrr” not “AWWWWW-DAHHHHHH!” “AWWWWWDAHHHH! I DEMAND AWDAH I DO!” Mf’er sounds like Stewie griffin
Trump is out of ORDER!
I love that man and as speaker, he is amazing, brilliant and hilarious! He will be missed in his role. <3
Met Bercow when he welcomed Obama
Since then, he got my respect. Keep standing up for democracy!