Lawrence talks with Human Rights Watch Executive Director Nicole Austin-Hillery, who has actually interviewed children in U.S. custody at the border, about the new Inspector General’s report.
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“The Little Ones Don’t Know How To Express What They’re Feeling” | The Last Word | MSNBC
It is amazing that some of these people are claiming they are Christian as they take children from their parents.
@Kip McEwen =pedophile
@Pixie lite So many folks on the Left live in an upside down world. Good is called evil, and evil is called good…likely due to a steady diet of the fake news media, the mouthpiece of..well let’s call it for what it is – Satan. The onslaught of hatred and vitriol against the President and the patriot movement is unprecedented. We must be over the target.
When some of these children come back later in life to the US as terrorists because of what we have done to them, we shouldn’t be surprised. This is horrific.
From w hen Obama put kids cages? It’s possible.
Was just about to say the same thing. Vote Donald Trump Out # Not one more day
@Kip McEwen Troll harder kid. Or at least keep up on the latest lies instead of using old debunked ones.
SpankyPants tRump doesn’t know how to express himself properly cause he is devoid of human feelings being a narcissistic socio/psychopath. These children have been through a horrendous experience that tRump set up.
Kippy : “So many cars where children turns out weren’t with their parents.” English is a difficult language to master with its nuances comrade. You should stick to whatever it was you did in Siberia & quit trolling cause you make a lousy trollski botski with the same line repeated over & over ad nauseam..
@P JSpelling Nazi. You yourself have mispelled on here and this isn’t hard to find so shut up
loser. And t was an autocorrect and should have said “cases” instead. And only those seeking to evade the truth use this angle. You aren’t fooling anyone.
Kippy : “And t.” You really are an uneducated fool. Talk to me some more so I can dissect you like the cockroach you are.
tRumpo the clown …every child’s nightmare better him than me when it comes time to meet your maker and asked WHY?
Moscow Mitch : The Evangelicals don’t seem to read their Bibles? Jesus tells us there are only two, “sins,” for which there is, “No forgiveness in the Kingdom of Heaven.” Cruelty to children; corrupting them; suffering that to happen: that’s one of them. The Hypocrisy of the Church was predicted by Jesus, though, too . . .
@Ash Roskell Uh oh, that also applies to priests and scout masters.
Evangelicals don’t care about these children.
I’m an Atheist and I care.
@Kip McEwen LIES
@Rebel X LIAR. The articles about this are all over Google News but you and others are too brainwashed to look for the evidence and so full of hate.
@Kip McEwen post the article
@Kip McEwen You are truly a disciple of the Devil.
@Kip McEwen
So your account was created 12 Sep 2015.
Three months after Trump announced his candidacy for President.
The account has zero content, yet for some reason has 11 subscribers. Most likely your other accounts.
You are the very definition of a troll/bot. You guys are not that hard to spot these days.
WHAT did Y’ALL expect from a MONSTER ?!! He told y’all EXACTLY WHO he was during his ROTTEN RACIST campaign !!!
Obama put kids in cages but I don’t remember him signalling this. Hmmmmm.
@Kip McEwen You know your inane whataboutism is comparing a stubbed toe to a mass murder. A short term emergency response to an unexpected occurrence affecting teenagers is not a two and a half year long calculated cruelty perpetrated permanently on preschoolers and other very young children.
The Trump administration should face the court in Haag!
How can this be legal?
They will one day meet God’s Wrath, every single one of them who participated in it and those who allowed it and those who support this.

Children have to be separated because of child trafficking and so many instances where people had kids with them they claimed were their own but weren’t. And Barry O had the same policy.
The proof is at Google News so go find it all you brainwashed bum Dems.
definitely… crimes against humanity…they all should be tried and hung!!!
@Kip McEwen You are human garbage. I’ve seen your comments on other posts concerning seperation. You are so f’ed in the head… I’m astonished your parents didn’t murder you.
Cruel and malicious crimes committed by an illegal fake President.
There are many articles at Google News describing how children have been found with adults who claimed they were their children and they weren’t. Since child trafficking is rampant, children have to be separated from the adults.
That’s how future terrorists are made.We are going to reap the harvest
for Trump’s sins against these innocent children for years.
FWIW, the poster child for the IRA was the Black and Tans..
Trump and his administration are terrorists and are probably radicalizing these children as we speak, then they’ll say, “you see?! we told you immigrants are murderers, rapists and thieves!” Or their doing worse things to these children….
That’s how future terrorists are made.We are going to reap the harvest
for Trump’s sins against these innocent children for years.
Obama did this in 2014 as evidenced by many YouTube videos showing this. Go after him or you are a hypocrite.
Kidnapping is a federal offense, punishable by up to a life sentence, or death.Anyone who thinks otherwise is just as complicit.
There are multiple articles at Google News describing the large number of cases where illegals had kids with them they claimed as their own but turned out they were not. Thus, why kids are separated beca use of child trafficking. Please provide empirical evidence that supports your contention or you lose and children have to be separated.
@Kip McEwen You are all over the place in these comments sucking off Trump. He won’t call back btw.
Praying for the children…

Please don’t stop covering this story and trying to help these kids. Child torture! I can’t believe how messed up these child prisons are. Nobody wants little kids in jail, why is this happening. I was born in Cali. But Right now I live in a country where children have more rights than children in the US. Maybe if they concentrated on children’s rights in US and not seeing them just as immigrants. Children should have more rights like they do here in this small Latin country I live in. They care about kids and put the laws, and enforce them
God bless you Ms Hillary! I pray you can help those children! They will have life long issues over this! A horrible needless thing being done! Cruel…
Nicole Austin-Hillery is one of my best friends. She has always had a good heart and she definitely wants the best for these children and families. Believe me when I tell you that this is just not a job to her. It’s her passion. It’s what she has been called to do! As her friend, I support her and send prayers for these families!
And thank you Joane Chiedi, for your courage, honesty and compassion.
Fear not, for, within a generation… they will. (apropos reparations…)
And I bet the `emergency psychiatric treatment’ was DRUGS. The aim would be to sedate and shut these abused kids UP!
Yes, that’s been going on there was a doctor who wasn’t licensed to prescribe giving the kids anti phsycotic drugs to keep them docile.
Concentration Camps, America! DEATHS of CHILDREN, America! How much more of this?
I worked with traumatised children, back in the day. We always repeated the same thing to people who could not understand their behaviour. “They’re behaviour is completely normal, given their experiences.” But, by the Grace of God, huh? . . . Smh
I will tell you what delusion is: an adult who looks at a week old map with an added silly sharpie curved line and think it reflects a three day old reality. The delusion intensifies when said adult thinks the perpetrator of this childish but felonious hoax is a stable genius playing three dimensional chess.
Self-esteem and sense of shame are not characteristics you’re unlikely to find in the US electorate that let’s all this happen.