Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly discusses the new 'surge and contain' strategy to 'deliver a clear message to the demonstrators.'
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I’m sorry police of Ottawa we wont accept your threats anymore
reports stats there is 3 call out crimes in Ottawa last week , and 39 call outs before truckers came to town.
Mr Officers!!! Get your figures straight!!!!
Probably go talk to the politicians who think that they are in charge..
Now were gonna follow laws? Let the PM know could you?
That’s just the thing. The police are NOT following the laws … but that seems to be the thing these days with all the powers that be (minus a few).
Go truckers go
the only aggression or bad behavior has been plain clothes piggies trying to provoke violence
“Father, please preserve this nation in all Truth, and free it from any abuse of authority.” Amen
Almighty RA thanks you. Goddess bless, homie.
T h i s * i s * t h e * m e d i a, * a n * i r r es p o n s i b l e * m e d i a. “I t * w i l l * m a k e * t h e * c r i m i n a l * l o o k * l i k e * h e ‘ s * t h e * v i c t i m * a n d * m a k e * t h e * v i c t i m * l o o k * l i k e * h e ‘ s * t h e * c r i m i n a l. * I f * y o u * a r e n ‘ t * c a r e f u l ,* t h e * m e d i a * w i l l * h a v e * y o u * h a t i n g * t h e * p e o p l e * w h o * a r e * b e i n g * o p p r e s s e d * a n d * l o v i n g * t h e * p e o p l e * w h o * a r e * d o i n g * t h e * o p p r e s s i n g . ” ~ M a l c o m X
T h e * m a n i p u l a t i o n * o f * t h e * m e d i a * i s * a t * i t ‘ s * p e a k, * t h i s * i s * v e r y * c o n c e r n i n g..
“just following orders” isn’t a excuse, remember that.
Their faces and names should be remembered when trials are implemented. Hope they choose the right side of humanity. Not the undoing which they may not recognize as effecting them. In the long run. It may dt assuredly will.
So what should they do quit their jobs? If it’s that easy the truckers should just quit theirs.
@Al IF one bows down to evil, then one is just as complicit.
The truckers are getting along with the officers. This dude is blind and PAID OFF
That’s not even the point .. the point is the truckers, as nice as they may be, are holding the citizens of Ottawa hostage.. it’s pretty simple.
@coolhandmooses projection at it’s finest. mad you got injected with the 4th reich gene therapy experiment?
This policeman appears to need help from the truckers to help the wheelchair bound with their shopping, I’m sure all he has to do is ask.
Mandates are unacceptable. The lawlessness must end, so end the mandates.
Yes!! The convoy is there with a purpose. Not for fun. They aren’t there with a small reason. This is BIG.
Until passes and mandates are ended and the lives again respected – this is on. *Only until* their purpose has been resolved and passes/mandates are the key to ending everything uncomfortable surrounding this convoy. Just abolish the passes and mandates already.
He will be held accountable at the tribunal
It’s only getting started, but it is so easy to end. Just leave the mandate and walk away, there will be an end to the honking, just walk away.
Every cop should quit unless this bozo is fired.
This speech is unacceptable
This isn’t a policeman, it’s a bully with a badge.
this police chief took a knee in memory of a career criminal.
Stay peaceful, stay safe on all sides, but hold the line. I appreciate the peaceful protestors.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” – JFK
These police need to mind their business and abide by the laws of the land and be on the right side of history. We ALL have to face our maker~just remember that, interferers!!
Your absolutely right, the lawlessness must end, the federal government must be held accountable for there actions for these draconian measures they place upon the populace, forcing you to undergo medical procedures . . .
grow up