UAE Amb. to the U.S., Yousel Al Otaiba, and Israel Amb. to the U.S., Ron Dermer, join Morning Joe for an exclusive discussion the recent peace agreement between the two countries. Aired on 12/07/2020.
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#RonDermer #PeaceAgreement #MSNBC
The Importance Of The Israel-UAE Peace Agreement | Morning Joe | MSNBC
17, 182 evictions last week. Thank you to the House and Senate.
@lisa richards lol. So you drooling inbreeding cultists didn’t burn down multiple police stations and building demanding to defund police? That sounds like terrorism. Isn’t that what ISIS did before they were destroyed? Better watch out
@lisa richards bu bu bu muh fox!!! REEEEEEEE.
You know fox is fake, right?
@lisa richards I live in MN and got to drive down lake street. 270 businesses in one night were torched and looted. Good job

@Trump! The Socialist destroyer fact You poor sad little man.
@Trump! The Socialist destroyer fact You are a liar. Less than seven buildings were lit on fire there.
You lie out of your hatred for all that is not Trump
Joe, when you invite guests why do you have to tell them everything you know each time? They are the experts and why you bring them in. .
@E Hole he did? Who told you that? The same people who said that jussie Smollett was lynched by MAGA hats in MAGA country???
The AP isn’t the GSA
@Trump! The Socialist destroyer fact Enjoy the next four BIDEN years.
@E Hole have you accepted Trump as your president yet?
Did you hear even Biden’s dog hates joe? Heard he pushed him down the stairs.
MAGA dog
cause he is talking to you, who does not know everything
@Tony Young You’re right. I don’t know everything. But Joe brings good guests in and then spends most of the time doing the talking instead of letting the experts talk.
.IMO, he’s a blowhard.
Why do you need a peace agreement when the party’s are not at war
@lisa richards for the UAE to acknowledge Israel as a State has nothing to do with peace in the middle east. This is about a trade deal. They called it peace so that Kushner who lives at 666 Park Place can take credit for it.
@bearly traincot I can’t stand Trump or the Kushners, but I don’t let that cloud facts.
I have followed this issue for 30 years.
The fact that young Muslims there in the AE want peace with Israel is huge.
That fact should not be tainted by Kushner’s corruption.
We should all want peace, instead of people complaining about it.
@lisa richards I think you’re missing the point. This is a trade deal. Money is money.
@bearly traincot The government there has confirmed the peace with Israel.
Although Kushner clearly does dirty dealings with people, I think Nikki Haley was largely responsible for this peace deal, but Trump credit for it, which is typical for him, because of his narcissism.
You do realize that governments can deal with more than one mutually exclusive matter with each other, right?
@lisa richards lol. Ok
But Mohammed bin Salman orders the dismemberment of Americans. He will not get away with it under President Biden.
We hope so.
Khashoggi was a US resident (aka US Person), not a citizen. Doesn’t take away from your argument and it’s reprehensible what MBS did. But just wanted to correct that before the trolls/bots come in.
America pulling together corrupt Arab regimes to join with the State of Israel for eventual war against Iran. As with US/Israel backing of the Saudi mass murder in Yemen, this will not bring peace to the region.
@lisa richards – Here, so you can remember.
Thanks Paul, you speak the truth. It would seem Israel already has carte blanche. And the US is just blind to the Saudis’ indiscretions. I still can’t get over the Khashoggi murder — how did that event move in and out of the news cycle without ever having to pass any smell test? How did a Republican Senate sleep through that noise?
@lisa richards there are lots of bad actors with nuclear warheads. Iran could have retaliated after Trump took out their general.
This is bad actors on all sides pulling strings. The sad part is they are all fighting over a region that will be unfit for human habitation within a century due to the changing climate.
@lisa richards Presence of Israel in the region is the main driving force for nuclear proliferation in the region.
This normalisation is insane! At least connect one question to the Palestinian cause!!! This is unacceptable considering this is a democratic show.
Basically Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is line by line the same anti-immigrant policies that are in the United States. The main goal of annexation is to take over as much territory while excluding its Palestinian inhabitants. “Israel does not want to bring Palestinian populations into the greater Israel they’re constructing.”
@Eco Culture Manufacturing which is racist
@G D talking nonsense.
@Hazed discrimination.
@Not brain Washed how is that discrimination
What these people are saying here is that: “War is Peace.” Orwell described this precise propaganda tactic in 1984. These people are warmongers posing as peacemakers.
Didnt orwell write a book about war and then broadcasted it which cause mass panic?
OH! We talking about this Now . Not when someone got a nomination for NOBEL ?
What about pleastine rights
Stop thinking war games are worthy of human lives. Focus on environmental innovation for your region and dominate by passive needs of stay away.
How many military weapons do we have to sell to the Middle East to buy peace?
Exactly and at the cost of the marginalized Palestinians.
Well dont we remember when israel traded oil with iran when iran was under us sanction. Why not denuc israel. ???
Boo hoo.. The usa sell all over, the amount of blood in your hends.. And you cry about peace?
only one nuke-dropped on Washington DC
“These things must come to pass.”
Well is the right to exist just for Isreal or for everyone? Let the world look at this fairly, This is just not fair for one ppl to be destroyed and others live this is not correct
A peace agreement without Palestinians??? No justice for war crimes against Palestinians
Then the Palestinians should fight for that, just maybe
You are a joke, if peace with “palastinians” meen murder of jews, blood and terror.. We pass
This “peace” deal seems to be more a military pact to ally against Iran, their common enemy. It’s likely that the Arabs will crash all of the F-35’s and the invasion of Iran will have to be called off.
The Holy Bible
Seven-minute segment and no mention of the Palestinians except for “annexation” in last 10 seconds. Their lives and homes simply no longer matter to anyone.
Morning joke Meki & Joe never mention when this started ! That’s what 16 million what they are paid to say .
Do not let the American media give you a false image of Israel. Israel is like any other Middle Eastern country, Its prime minister is corrupt and it bombs civilians.
Its noteworthy that the so called win win does nothing to alleviate the suffering of the Oalestinians which are having their homes confiscated.
The UAE should remove the word Arab from their name.