CNN's Bianca Nobilo explores the history of impeachment in the United States as the fate of the Trump administration is debated in Congress. #CNN #News
The history of impeachment in the United States

CNN's Bianca Nobilo explores the history of impeachment in the United States as the fate of the Trump administration is debated in Congress. #CNN #News
“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
― Thomas Paine, The Crisis
We are currently facing a Constitution crisis, and our democracy as we know it is on the line.
The true character of a person will always be revealed when they are faced with a crisis or adversity. When it really mattered, did they do the right thing? So far, republicans have failed.
Lol, Obama screwed the local cops with 10 round mags, sucks to be Them come “patriot time”
Bovine One
Well the quote you copied is correct, unfortunately you and the Treasonous Socialist Rat Party & media don’t have a fking clue what it means to be an American or a Patriot..Venezuela would be more to your understanding..
blah blah blah
David J what is your wife getting her boyfriend for Christmas?
More importantly, sis is a *baddie.*
I wanna have sex with you
Nixon sent me a draft notice. I blew it off. We both dodged prison. We were both pardoned.
“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic. Because if this body [Congress] determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role . . . because impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”
— Lindsey “Two Faced” Graham Jan 23, 1999
Republicans are going to have to choose between Trump and Putin, or America and the
Constitution. Unfortunately it appears that they have already chosen Trump and Putin.
Great comment, triggered a bunch of the “too tough to be triggered” republicans

Beware of the Teachers of the Law. They like to walk around with flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the market places and have the most important seats in the synagogue and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows’houses and for a show make lengthy prayers.
So you will not share with her sins and you will not receive any of her plagues, because her sins are piled up to Heaven and God has remembered her crimes.
Warning Against Hypocrisy
on Matthew 23 NIV
God’s Righteous Judgement
on Romans 2 NIV
Warning to Escape Babylon’s Judgement
on Revelation 17-18 NIV
The Good Shepherd and His Sheep
on John 10 NIV
The Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ our God
on Matthew 5-7 NIV
(We can use google search)
This is a typical dog bites man story. The REAL STORY is how the OSS became the C_A, operation Paperclip, and the takeover of Americas Media. That’s why CNN hates Americans.
@Clorox Bleach This is a typical dog bites man story by CNN. The REAL STORY people are learning is how the OSS became the C_A, operation Paperclip, and the takeover of Americas Media. That’s why CNN hates Americans. [They] are exposed and failing.
@Sleepless InSeattle not triggered we’re all just laughing and having a great time well you pathetic maggots squirm LOL

Donnie uses the words ‘hoax’ and ‘witch-hunt’ so often that they’ve lost their meaning and impact. He thinks everything he disagrees with is a hoax!
Michael Hoerig just like Russia or evidence when it comes to democratic
nebulous stargate then why is he still in office if you have all the evidence against him ?
get lost why? Because this ugly piece of garbage Orange Cadet Spurs has the ability to brainwash the weak minded, ignorant and idiots Republitards Masses.. now even the Senate has fall deep into The Orange Agent Cult like game
NO! The REAL ‘witch-hunt’ is exposing real history. The REAL STORY is how the OSS became the C_A, operation Paperclip, and the takeover of Americas Media. That’s why CNN hates Americans. And likely why you Michael have a job.
*Make America Great Again Impeach Donald J Trump and Mike Pence From Office*
ok boomer
you know that meme is like from 2010 right? that’s not how the internet works
Ok boomer
No!..MAGA by putting the Treasonous Socialist Rat Party in Comiefornia and nuke the San Andreas fault line..America will quickly become Great Again..
what pornstars look like this reporter?
Kendra Sunderland
Porn is for leftwing losers
Typical leftie soy boy who likes to play with himself
Melania Knauss Trump
Let’s remember how it’s done, so when the next Rat is in office we can repeat the witch hunt.
The real ‘WITCHES’ are being exposed. This is a typical dog bites man story. The REAL STORY is how the OSS became the C_A, operation Paperclip, and the takeover of Americas Media. That’s why CNN hates Americans, and defends the Ped) E1lite.
#NothingCanStopWhatIsComing Nothing
Jesus Christ. Y’all are gonna burn my eyes out of my skull with all this British hotness.
She sounds Australian to me.
Spencer Williams brits are nothing but American wannabes. We need to deport them too, they are illegals.
@Jon 66 – Aussie? Dude, she was born in London, got a first at Warwick, and a masters at LSE.
Flavius Stilicho I looked it up, she was born in New Zealand and moved to London as a child which explains the somewhat weird accent.
@Jon 66 – Well, I stand corrected.
Has bill clinton issued a statement yet?? )))
no, but your mother says she loved every second of sex with Bill and Donnie, and many others, Billy Bob.
@Pepper Grinder your lies, are all you have left, princess )
@Pepper Grinder
To be fair he’s mum is an animal in the sack!
He will be in the history books as one of the few to have been impeached! This I can tell you.
Beware of the Teachers of the Law. They like to walk around with flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the market places and have the most important seats in the synagogue and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows’houses and for a show make lengthy prayers.
So you will not share with her sins and you will not receive any of her plagues, because her sins are piled up to Heaven and God has remembered her crimes.
Warning Against Hypocrisy
on Matthew 23 NIV
God’s Righteous Judgement
on Romans 2 NIV
Warning to Escape Babylon’s Judgement
on Revelation 17-18 NIV
The Good Shepherd and His Sheep
on John 10 NIV
The Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ our God
on Matthew 5-7 NIV
(We can use google search)
@nebulous stargate we know impeaching a President, for no reason other than the Democrats have no viable 2020 candidates, is a shocking misuse of the Constitution.
@Rip Off enjoy your impeachment, you’re driving independents right.
@Rip Off your use of “moron” should be plural, you moron.
@Sammy Bolo who told you that bribery and obstruction of justice is not a reason? Sean hannity
I’m just here to look at and hear Bianca
I’m fapping to her.
He will make the list, watch!!!
Rip Off I understand why you went into the service. I will still thank you for your service tho
@John Is going to make you mad yow, are you drinking gasoline, and smoking weed!!!
The GOP wouldn’t impeach Trump if he lied about having sex with an intern. LMAO
I only came here for this super beauty of a reporter.
Who else is psyched for Trump’s impeachment? I’ll be making popcorn watching him bicker and cry.
Beware of the Teachers of the Law. They like to walk around with flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect in the market places and have the most important seats in the synagogue and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows’houses and for a show make lengthy prayers.
So you will not share with her sins and you will not receive any of her plagues, because her sins are piled up to Heaven and God has remembered her crimes.
Warning Against Hypocrisy
on Matthew 23 NIV
God’s Righteous Judgement
on Romans 2 NIV
Warning to Escape Babylon’s Judgement
on Revelation 17-18 NIV
The Good Shepherd and His Sheep
on John 10 NIV
The Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ our God
on Matthew 5-7 NIV
(We can use google search)
The history of history in this day of history.
развал ссср: Брайтон (nyc) и ford.