Jacob Soboroff speaks with Nicolle Wallace on his reporting that lawyers say they have yet to track down the parents of over 500 children, who are still separated from their parents years after the Trump administration’s separation program. Aired on 10/21/2020.
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About Deadline White House: Before getting into cable news, Nicolle Wallace worked in politics, including as President George W. Bush’s communications director during his administration and for his 2004 re-election campaign. Those experiences helped contribute to the knowledge and unique point of view she brings to this program. Wallace leads dynamic discussions on the political stories driving the news cycle with Washington insiders and well-sourced journalists. She also provides in-depth reporting while delivering up-to-the-minute breaking news to viewers.
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The Harrowing Effects Of The Trump Administration’s Cruel Separation Policy | Deadline | MSNBC
Very sad.
All those responsible, must go to prison. Please don’t call your self Christians. It is not God’s way.
@wiremantw Freedom & Liberty Forever I feel sorry for you. To call me names says a lot about you. Please seek out professional assistance to control your anger. I will recommend perhaps anti anxiety medications. Good luck to you sir.
@wiremantw Freedom & Liberty Forever I read your comment about your IQ. Why do you have to brag about your intelligence? To do so, you must have some short comings. Please don’t tell us what it is, we don’t want to know. Good luck to your sir.
@Simply Filipino I called you stupid! If the shoe fits wear it!
I proved the point so just wear it kid
@wiremantw Freedom & Liberty Forever for one, the constitution does not mentioned separating children from their parents. You point is mute. Yes, I can be stupid, but stupid in a funny way and never hateful.
@Simply Filipino Kid you claimed to be just as intelligent as me so I showed you where you had already made a fool of yourself in your very first comment. Then you chose to push the envelope further with me. So I gave you another dose of reality.
I’m sure Trump gives himself an A+ on the handling of this as well. Just like with Covid.
A high density minefield is needed at the border.
@Ricky Spanish Are you serious???
Very soon the world will laugh again haaaaa haaaa, watching Democrat crashing again where every towns in US under looters control. Lock your stores.
I wonder how Stephen Miller would feel if he had a child and the child taken away.
@S that’s not the case w/ all these Children! Smh
@S troll…………troll…………troll…………
If Stephen Miller had a child, he would probably eat it.
If he drug his children cross two countries then crossed the USA border illegally then yes his children should be taken away
@Magic Unicorn Katie Miller would want Stephen to save some for her.
Hope Biden brings this up at the debate
Oh no they’ll ask him ,what did you have for dinner last night? What color is that shirt your wearing?
You’re Fired
@Mary Helis okay Nut Job
@snowflake killer same to you snowflake
appropriate name
@Adam Mcgrath
*WRONG. Trump is the only president in U.S. history to implement a zero tolerance policy that called for every border crosser to be prosecuted and their kids kidnapped and caged. This policy did not exist under Obama. It was implemented under TRUMP in 2017.*
You really should stop lying, MAGAt.
It’s called genocide, missing and just disappeared. OUR government has failed our neighbors in Mexico. OUR borders and neighbors are Mexico and Canada. We are United as a people. Stand for the right!
Hundreds of adults were deported BUT the FACT is that MOST of the children that are brought ILLEGALLY into the country are brought here by adults CLAIMING to be, but not actually, their parents since they know that if they are caught crossing the border with a child they have a better chance of being allowed to stay in the country!!! Wouldn’t it be nice if MSNBC would share with you this TRUTH, instead of continuing the LIES???
If you believe this story you should be asking why these supposed “parents” aren’t looking for their children?? If they can find their way to travel over a thousand miles, through several countries, to ILLEGALLY enter the United States, they should be able to make a phone call to the US Embassy to track down their child!!!!!!!!! Think For Yourselves!
No. Genocide is the elimination of an entire race. This is sadism.
@S troll…………troll…………troll…………
Well stated !! I can not wait for the day you take back your Country !!!! Zoe your Canadian neighbor
Trump doesn’t understand the crucial and integral connection between a child and their parents.
That’s not a fact. You just made that up.
_Trump is the _*_only_*_ president in U.S. history to implement a zero tolerance policy that called for every border crosser to be prosecuted and their kids kidnapped and caged. This policy did not exist under Obama. This policy did not exist under Bush. This is TRUMP’S policy and was first implemented in 2017._
Stop lying, MAGAT.
It’s not Obama’s policy, it was implemented in 2017 under Trump.
@My Pillow Guy GOOD !
@My Pillow Guy It should not happen in any administration. No child should have been separated from their family. Their are DNA test to prove these children were with their parents. Now many of these children are lost in the system and cannot be found which is a mass injustice.
I’m sure the parents who were deported do not have the money to hire US lawyers to fight for them or help them find their children.
I’m sure Trump could care less. He is a narcissist’s who is drunk on power and only cares about money.
There is no tolerance for empathy in Trumpism & if you continue to enable Trump you are the problem.
Hundreds of adults were deported BUT the FACT is that MOST of the children that are brought ILLEGALLY into the country are brought here by adults CLAIMING to be, but not actually, their parents since they know that if they are caught crossing the border with a child they have a better chance of being allowed to stay in the country!!! Wouldn’t it be nice if MSNBC would share with you this TRUTH, instead of continuing the LIES???
If you believe this story you should be asking why these supposed “parents” aren’t looking for their children?? If they can find their way to travel over a thousand miles, through several countries, to ILLEGALLY enter the United States, they should be able to make a phone call to the US Embassy to track down their child!!!!!!!!! Think For Yourselves!
Obama policy.
@S troll…………troll…………troll…………
You’re Fired
Any Latino that votes for Trump es LOCO
_No mas Naranja._
To All You Evangelical Christians Who Believe Life Is Only Important & Worth Fighting For Inside the Womb


I Pray for Your Salvation
I don’t pray for them, let God judge them.
This absolutely has to be answered for.
History will not be kind to those involved.
All evidence to the contrary. This was Obama’s policy and he got a Nobel Prize.
It is wrong for people to break the laws. If I were driving in my car with my 2 kids and the police pulled me over & arrested me on outstanding warrants they separate me from my 2 kids right then and there!
If you go out to dinner tonight and find 2 strangers sitting in your living room when you come home. Do you tell them they are welcome to stay as long as they like? If you are not willing to take your personal views on laws of immigration legality into your own HOME with you they have NO place for The Nation either!
I hope you can understand this simple example.
@SAW Gunner Russian bot
i doutbt many of you marxists will still be in the country by this time next year. unless they seal the mexican border and trap you here
My God, this White House has committed crimes against humanity. They have NO conscious. The complicit will be judged.
@Thomas Payne Excellent advice…TURN AWAY…..BLAME CHINA. WTF is wrong cheeto? Obama scapegoat go dry?
@Thomas Payne I’d listen if this was a university run blog and someone who is never on a news site said this. Only here, I’m being told some extraordinary news with ZERO PROOF and I should discard everything I see and hear for YOU and your hate china mantra. KIDS IN CAGES TWATWAFFLE. It’s too late for sideshows. The gig is up. NO MORE CHINA…YOIU ARE NAKED MAN IN NAKED FIELD defending kids in cages. Go away freak.
@Thomas Payne Stop blowing it out of your a*s. Go back to Fox, I’m sure you’ll feel more comfortable.
We can only hope and pray, They get back together. This was not right from the beginning.
You poor thing: May God give you understanding, but it’s still your choice whether or not to accept the truth.
They need to grant asylum to those kids’ parents and beg their forgiveness.
Steven Miller is letting them die at the border & Scott Atlas is letting them die everywhere else!
Even if Drumpf managed to avoid jail for any of his other multitude of crimes, he needs LIFE IN PRISON for this. This is a crime against humanity.
Obama started this tradition of putting children in cages.
I can’t wait for the Trump administration’s 20 years reunion. Well 15 if they get time off for good behavior
Crimes against humanity.
Trump and his admin who allowed this should be imprisoned.
The U.N. needs to step in and charge Every single person in the trump administration with International Civil Rights Crimes. This was torture. Charge. Arrest. Convict.