Iraq War veteran Jon Soltz responds to the New York Times' newly obtained video interviews of SEAL team members who turned in Eddie Gallagher, leading to a murder charge for which he was acquitted. Aired on 12/27/19.
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‘The Guy Was Toxic:’ Navy SEALs Called Out Accused War Criminal, New Video Reveals | All In | MSNBC
Even before the allegations made against Gallagher by his own platoon, similar alligations of him shooting unarmed civilians were made by Army Green Berets when he was attached to them during an operation in Afghanistan in 2010. The concern was so bad that the ground commander had Gallagher removed from the mission and sent back to the rear. I believe that’s called a pattern.
If a group of Navy SEALS, or any service member serving in combat, makes serious war crimes complaints to their superiors against one of their own brothers, you best believe it’s true.
Semper Fi…
@Randy Smith It was during or After Sicily. Stating someone’s achievements does not change the facts or diminish their failures. You can’t go around slapping shell shocked worriers just because stay at home, fake patriots want to be tough
@Unknown Soldier No matter how much you spin this the presumption of innocent until PROVEN guilty is still the bottom line. Last I checked all western systems operate under that basis.
Anyone saying the left wants American soldiers dead apparently doesn’t remember who voted to send them to Iraq under false pretenses
@foxdesignbuild foxdesignbuild I like how you keep trying to deflect away from the fact that it comes down to presumption of innocent until PROVEN guilty. None of these allegations have been proven in any court.
America is better than this!

@SMOKPAPA he’s probably of native islander decent. People that were there before America made it a state
@SMOKPAPA who the f*** do you think you are telling somebody to leave. This is my country to this isn’t just yours
Federal that comment was very disrespectful and unessesary. No one has the right to tell another to go back or you don’t belong in this country. As a Navy Vet I fought and served my country for all people no matter where there from or there beliefs. I served not just for me and my children but for the millions of families that come here to pursue happiness and prosperity in this country. So no one has the right to tell another human being to go back or leave there home if they doesn’t like it. We are better that, remember one thing “GOD IS STILL IN CHARGE AND HAVE THE LAST SAY SO” not you Mr. Federal! have a blessed day in Gods America!! MESSAGE!
@royston mason Since 1969, Republican presidential administrations have 121 criminal indictments 89 convictions, while Democrats have had 3 and 1 respectively.
@Red Letter LOVE lol what didn’t make sense?
Your mom is a pos
I deleted it because it was directed @ Daughtery Bigglesworth. I’m not sure he’s in the correct thread.
@eclemensen Trump 2020
Cry more kid
The Seals who spoke out about the cowardly Lowlife Edward Gallagher are True Heros.
Pamela Wiles I have no respect for code of conduct because people like you made it.
@Radix Malorum lol Medical help was being given, body cam switched off, everyone admits he stabbed him? = smear campaign ?
@KolPlays tell us about the beautiful life the murdered bomb maker lived.
Willing to bet my salary this guy is packin less than 4 inches
My Goddess Shasta you’re the real MVP
Willing to bet my salary he could impregnate all the women in ur family and face no resistance…
Yeah but you cheated and grabbed his junk.
I think the judgement of his fellow seals sums it up
@My Goddess Shasta the photo with the corpse is not really a charge. Most combat veterans have those
@Tera Tokomi they are not suppose to speak in public
@Darrly Simon you KNOW NOTHING of the military. Watch upyr lane and stfu
@Unknown Soldier Then we dont know what they are saying.
Trump is a toxic slime ball. He has no business meddling in military Justice. For someone that has never experienced what true discipline means! He should keep his filthy dirty disgusting mouth and lies out of the military judicial process. And save all his pardons for his criminal allies that help aid him committing treason Acts against the United States. Happy New Year.
Seal team is still secret we wasn’t their we are ghost.
English, please? thanks.
There were multiple other lines you could’ve used in the headliner, yet you chose “that guy was toxic”. Really feels like you’re downplaying his crimes
Pamela Wiles aye, you could say conspiracy but we know it is real. Let me shed light. Democrats advocate abortion but oppose gun rights, why so no one can oppose them, Adolph Hitler proved this. They advocate for higher taxes to the rich to provide balance but stand to increase their own wealth, why because balance is easy to control someone beneath you, Kim Jong Ill proved this. With balance in a socialist society mean the people can’t rise up, and fight for the rights that have been stripped of them, Joseph Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev proved this and slaughtered millions. if you refuse to learn from history then you’re the wrong one to dictate how our country progresses. If you wish to live on your knees, then why do you feel you should have any say in our government.
Man, I’m surprisingly good at starting arguments /:
projectD1S because you think it was a crime. I and many others understand this life. Grit cannot be washed in vinegar and smell new.
@Toxic Jaybird k
Karma follows
Karma? Do you believe in Santa as well?
Oh yes! Santa is real as evidenced by the coal you got 3 days ago
The Draft Dodger…who claims he knows more than generals…what a joke “old Bone Spurs ” is
@Cliff Drake NOT flat feet moron, bone spurs. Get educated.
@Dave Pawson WHAT?
Where are the “”” NUREMBERG TRAILS “”” for ANY of those People going back since WW2 . That includes the US GOV / US MILITARY / CIA etc …. . All you can see in Den Haag are black Dictators , what happend to the BUSHES , CLINTONS , KISSINGER , NUTTYAHOO , OBAMA , RICE , CHENEY , RUMSFELD , BLAIR etc …… . THEY NEED TO GO ON TRAIL AND IF FOUND GUILY = HANGED WITHIN 15 MINUTES

@Antonov A-40 Not everybody can be “”” LIBERAL AND CARING “”” like you , YOU US GOV LOVING SCHEISTER SCHMUCK

There are a lot of former politians who would be arrested for war crimes if the stepped foot in Europe. Haven’t you wondered why Bush II is never reported to be traveling abroad?
Every President in my lifetime has been a war criminal and now we have a protofascist in office. This is what the dictatorship of the bourgeoise eventually evolves into.
I think the Nuremberg Trails are somewhere near Tallahassee.
You forgot trump
he looks really short.
@Dan Erickson I don’t know why that person posted it, but I don’t think it couldn’t be any more self explanatory.
Bernardo Barba short man syndrome
there was a documentary about him. Fievel Goes West
He is a human but he does not respect human.
They Will Chose Barabbas Every Time!!!
@gurudevelpr: You write the TRUTH!!

Sooner or later God will cut them down, I’m feeling it’s much sooner!
This narrative is so ripe you can smell it.
What happened to the world’s admiration of America’s moral values and respect of civilians’ lives? Our military and soldiers are not Rambos who just relish killing for the sake of killing “other people”. We detest ISIS and other terrorist groups and our military members should not emulate their actions in the least. Killing innocent civilians even in a war torn country should have consequences. This certainly is not good for the U.S. image internationally.
Looks like a man only smaller. Napoleon complex?
do not disrespect napoleon like that. napoleon was a fantastic military leader and strategist. this guy is just a war criminal. ‘allegedly’
Sergeant So N’ So Napoleon was a nihilistic warmonger lol what
@John Appice
He seems like the guy Evilangical wants in their so-called “heaven” hence their “chosen one” pardoned him.
One thing I know: His wife would like to speak to the manager.