The government ‘continues to play games’: PSAC President Chris Aylward

PSAC President Chris Aylward provides an update on the remaining 35,000 CRA workers still on strike across Canada.

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The government 'continues to play games': PSAC President Chris Aylward


  1. He was singing praises for the government a few days ago, lol My personal tax and income forms should NOT be in someones house. Should not have been so even during the pandemic, store workers and other essential workers showed up during the pandemic, but now? Get back to the office!

    1. The only house your documents might be kept in is your accountant 😂 The CRA workers work with secure systems and paperless, they have all been screened, unlike HR block and mum and pops accounting services.

    1. Without a doubt! We need to implement technologies that will ensure that citizens are complying with their tax obligations under the law, and that all tax returns are being filed timely and accurately

  2. These guys asking to much. No more working from home the pandemic is over and if you thinking it is not over well… get back to the office and starting doing your work. Taxpayers should not pay for you to stay home!

    1. They are the ones who know how much money you all make. If they want such a raise you should realize how little you are being paid. How much the value of your pay has dropped. You should be on the street with them demand you get more from your employer.

    2. As long as youre willing to pay more taxes to cover more electricity and internet and parking + security bills of each building no problem. But the employees working from home paid for their own internet + hydro + property fees on their own without employers help. If u want them back in person pay extra for the resources they will use for no reason then?

  3. Seems alyward is never satisfied as they should be lucky they’ve got a deal.. greedy union

  4. They are more productive working from home and it’s proven and did a wonderful job during the pandemic going out of their way to occupy different urgent tasks to hekp all Canadians. They deserve a least the cost of living increase which is a very fair request.

    1. @Joe
      Not according to almost all academic journals and peer-reviewed research as well as statistical data.

  5. This union leader thinks that he can threat Canadians with blocking airports, borders and such but yet no Emergencies Act again this union? Until these greedy unions have equal pay to private sector wages then too bad union thieves

    1. 4 percent a year for 3 years plus 2500 one time signing bonus like the other Psac member got.. the bonus that is

    2. They just want the same money as workers in similar positions but in different workplaces… this is the union that has low income. This is not the union earning 100k a year doing nothing

  6. Didn’t they take that help money back lmao 2000k i think, oh no, whatever will we do

    1. CRA gave canada over 20 Million and took back only 3 Million to ineligible individuals but the other 17 Million received it without any payback…

    2. 20 million of our own money. Government employees just got 1 billion with a B! they could have just forgiven the 2000, but no! I didn’t have that kind of money to give away, and now im starting to miss it. You will get no sympathy from me CRA none at all because you give none to use your employer the taxpayers.

    3. @WELL YEAH 26 I just checked again. Remember false information is illegal across 189 countries on the planet. they received 11.5% over 4 years which is 3.15% raise per year . you think 3.15% raise for a 40k gross salary and 25-35k Net income after cpp + ei + taxes deducted is “lot” of money ? 25k net income after all deductions with raise theyll now make 25.2k net income after all deductions an average McDonalds employee full time makes 31k a year Net income 34k a year gross income an average federal employee in 40k a year Gross income makes 25k Net income . Its okaii if you are fully uneducated and cant to maths but dont go to jail for public misinformation.

  7. My wife filed her taxes when they were on strike and got her refund into her bank account 2 days ago. Stay on strike, she usually had to wait a few weeks.

  8. Go back to your offices contact with other employees’ help with mental health. Don’t keep yourselves cooped up in your houses.

  9. Would have loved to see a Seinfeld episode where George starts working from home,, use your imagination as to how much he got done LOL

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