The First Guilty Plea Has Been Entered In Jan. 6 Riot Cases. What That Could Mean For The Rest

100 days post insurrection, Punchbowl News founder Jake Sherman and NBC News correspondent Pete Williams join Katy Tur to discuss. Aired on 04/16/2021.
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About Katy Tur: Katy Tur is an NBC News Correspondent and anchor of the 2 p.m. ET hour of “MSNBC Live.” A dogged journalist, Tur emerged as a breakout broadcaster in 2016 while covering the entirety of the Trump campaign across all platforms for NBC News and MSNBC.

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The First Guilty Plea Has Been Entered In Jan. 6 Riot Cases. What That Could Mean For The Rest


  1. Why is it looking like nothing will happen to these people. Yet you get some serious time if your BLM protestor.

    1. @Erndea


      If you can’t do it, it will show that you merely pipe off without doing your homework.


    2. @angela bluebird60 Well, I hope it all ends with Trump eating porridge and picking up soap in the shower

  2. As a member of the metal band, Iced Earth, he should have simply wrote a song about storming the Capitol.

    1. @MaskedMarvyl “He should have” ?

      “He will” ?

      Well, I’m sure if you search their band’s catalogue, you’ll find an archive of anti American propaganda. Songs of Hate Divisiveness & Violence.

      And not one song of love and a better humanity.

    2. @Ready Now&Forever Its kinda implied man. stop being so tight. the mere fact he prefer to write a song and not storm the capitol makes him more american than the ones who did. Its obviously a guy who prefer love over hate, who prefer chill jamsessions over violence. Dont have to write a song about it. just do it.

    3. @martin winther 😃 What’s your qualm with me ? I didn’t speak to patriotism in terms of quantifiable or comparable, did I ? Loosen up, my fellow American 🙂

    4. @Michael Hill , There are several rap artists who have recorded in prison by reciting their rap lyrics over the prison phone. No, I’m not kidding.
      Recording in prison adds to their cred, y’know?

  3. The problem, in my view, is charging the “selfie insurrectionists” with glorified trespassing. How is that a deterrent? They ALL need to be charged with sedition

    1. @Pashak de Scilly PROVERBS 29:1
      Whoever remains stiff-necked after many rebukes
      will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy.

    2. @Lisa Martinez 2 THESSALONIANS 2:9-12
      9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 *For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie* 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

    3. @Jason DixonOk..I asked you to put this behind us and move on yet you continue to hurl slurs. Go back to your Playstation and let us grownups converse without your juvenile behavior interrupting our conversation. If your quiet and a good little boy…maybe your mommy will bring you a sandwich. She’ll probably even trim off the crust for you because she knows you think its yukky.

  4. Those who invaded the capitol are a disgrace and should all be found guilty for the maximum sentence of sedition. Plain and simple.

    1. @Lee Gilley go play outside, you petulant child, the adults are talking now….. Leave the thinking for anyone but you. That’s exactly what the GOP wants from you. You should probably go donate to Trump while you’re at it. Hurry up & go stop the steal dummy, he needs your support & your money……

    1. Ya and the defense of, “I did it because trump told me to” doesn’t actually hold up in court.
      Who coulda have guessed?

    2. @Mvtito maybe they can use woke culture/cancel as an excuse or a defense. “For the first time in my life my mind was opened”. I mean their leaders are doing it every day…

  5. These boys don’t have anything to be proud of and they won’t … until they grow up and learn to be real mean who contribute to the community in healthy ways.

    1. If you want to be a proud boy or an oath keeper to America- how about being proud of every American, including all immigrants and America’s open arms to everyone who wants to come here to escape worse countries, or an American oath-keeper to protect everyone who lives here or comes here.

  6. Yeah man. It was scary for me, I lived 2 miles from there. You could see those nut jobs marching in with gallons of water hanging from their back packs and prepared with gas masks… It was clear they came here to start a war.

    1. @Roxy Lasch I doubt they could all fit behind bars but make an example of lots of them.
      And disarm all they can find.

    2. @Buck Rothschild I am not saying the world is perfect but with my anxiety I tend to over complicate things and think that everything whorls end in disaster. It’s not a good thing to have that line of thinking either.

  7. Trump: “So WE’RE going to march on the Capitol. And I’ll be there with you, believe me.But first, I need to go back to the White House real quick. I think I left my bible in the Oval Office. And as you all remember from Lafayette Square, I never march on anything without the good-book. So you guys head-on over to the Capitol, and I’ll be right behind you. Believe me.”😄

    1. OMG that was almost auditory the way you wrote that. I could hear that voice in my head. Great impersonation!

    2. @Crimdor Me, I’ll never incite a riot against the government, or lie umpteen thousand times, or pretend I won something I did not. We see who and what you are, a very deficient excuse for a human being.

    3. @Crimdor Come on now, stop acting like they were there for a celebration. They were there to be the violent minions of a narcissistic twice impeached one term man child. If you’re going to be on the side of ignorance be prepared to be led astray, know your shepherd. Be Well

    4. @TruthisLight – Im not saying that’s what they were there for kiddo.
      God you people are purposefully stupid I swear.

  8. And Trump is playing golf and having fun in Florida. While these clowns are sinking like the titanic. What fools

    1. search Treasury Report/ Trump/Ukraine for a new report that appears to link the Trump campaign to the Russian interference in 2016. Not indictable maybe. True? Probably.

    2. But trump said he would “pay all your lawyer bills!”

      What IDIOTS, who actually thought 45 would tell.the truth aboutit anything

    1. @Ray Barnes Because Biden is busy trying to clean up Republican messes, just like every Dem president has to do after we have a Rep president.

    2. @Kimberly Steller You can’t compare rioters to traitors to the country that tried to over throw American democracy. Do you also compare theft to murder?

    3. @Carrie Fox alot of whining about Trump’s taxes. What about all the behind the scene deals conducted by him and his son?

  9. I remember sitting on the Capitol steps listening to free concerts in the summer. How sad that things like this will never happen again. All because of a deranged mad man who refused to accept defeat. Ted Cruise, Josh Hawley, Mike Hill, Gomert et al, you should be so ashamed.

  10. Protecting the building is the easy part. Rooting out and removing the troublemakers from within will unfortunately take some time

    1. It’s like removing bamboo, sure you can pull out the plant, but if you don’t also pull up the roots your going to have to keep pulling plants every week or so.


  11. Oaf Keepers and their ilk need to be tracked down, indicted for conspiracy to insurrection and have their guns forever removed.

    1. Good idea and they should start with Donald Trump. Lock him up, take his money away and show the world that justice actually means something in America.

    2. So when do all the black owned businesses that were destroyed during the riots get their justice and reparations?

    3. @CHRISTOPHER FINN I cannot speak upon this issue as at the time this happened I was in the throes of back pain so extreme that I did not even know what day it was. But to provide justice those people who caused the damage should be hunted down and should have to make reparations to the injured party. Unfortunately, our justice system has become soft. It is as if the people in charge of enforcing the law are saying,” gee if I had
      done this I would want somone to give me a break.” And so they go easy on the perpetrators.

  12. Six members of Seattle PD were present at the insurrection. Biggest contingent of active duty officers to show up from anywhere in the country. Seattle Police Officer’s Guild continues to block the Office of Police Accountability from revealing the names of those officers and what they were doing there. *Providing zip ties to Proud Boys and planting pipe bombs* for all we know.

    1. Many of the Capitol police were Trump supporters, & did let in , took selfies, but they been dealt w/

    2. How can they even do that?

      The officers were in a public place. As I understand it, when you are in a public location, there is no expectation of privacy. If they were off duty, acting as private citizens, then they were not on police business, and it shouldn’t be protected either by the cover that is given to police carrying out duties of the job.

      Basically, that’s total BS.

      It would be awesome if a private citizen anonymously identified them from the zillions of photos and videos taken during the insurrection… Pretty sure there is no law saying you can’t do that.

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