The complicated history of Abraham Lincoln explored in ‘Lincoln: Divided We Stand’

An exclusive panel takes a deeper look into the remarkable and unexpected story of Abraham Lincoln, contextualizing his history & connecting it to present day following an advance, sneak-peak screening of the new CNN Original Series, “Lincoln: Divided We Stand.” Presented in partnership with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History.

John Avlon, CNN Senior Political Analyst
Jon Grinspan, PhD, Curator of Political History, Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History
son of President Carter
Harold Holzer, Author and Lincoln Scholar
Michele Mitchell, PhD, Associate Professor, New York University, Department of History

#CNNOriginalSeries #LincolnDividedWeStand #AbrahamLincoln

The complicated history of Abraham Lincoln explored in 'Lincoln: Divided We Stand'


    1. @Bat Boy
      Regardless of how you and the ignorant want to spin it honey that fact remains it was the democratic party that raged a civil war for right to own slaves. Try reading a book that was written before 2010.

  1. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power :-
    Abraham Lincoln

    1. One of the most oft misattributed and mangled quotes in American history. In fact, there is no record of Lincoln ever speaking or writing any such thing. The original version of the quotation came on Jan. 16, 1883, during an introductory speech to a lecture on Lincoln in Washington, D.C., by the prominent writer and orator Robert Ingersoll, and is actually ABOUT Lincoln:

      “If you want to find out what a man is to the bottom, give him power. Any man can stand adversity — only a great man can stand prosperity. It is the glory of Abraham Lincoln that he never abused power only on the side of mercy. He was a perfectly honest man. When he had power, he used it in mercy …”

      Ingersoll slightly reformulated and refined the quote in his 1895 volume of speeches and essays, “Abraham Lincoln, a Lecture:”

      “Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power. This is the supreme test. It is the glory of Lincoln that, having almost absolute power, he never abused it, except on the side of mercy.”

  2. President Lincoln did his best with the knowledge and mentality of the time. Not many people could have done what he did.

    1. @BRUH 😂😂😂 Lincoln freed the slaves due to the economy slavery was ruining half the country. He didn’t do it because he felt bad for black people. Please educate yourself past 5th grade education.

    2. @Bat Boy Abraham Lincoln would not be a Democrat, considering how staunchly he believed in the existence of the Christian God, the authority of the Bible, and respect for national monuments.

    3. @Lunar Dream That’s not entirely true. Lincoln himself believed slavery was a national sin and that the American Civil War was God’s way of punishing the nation for practicing it for as long as it did.

    4. @The HaChiMaKi historians have proof of letters he wrote saying how he negatively felt about slaves. He also said he didn’t care one way or another if they stayed slaves (I’m paraphrasing) but in order to save this country he had to free them. I hate how people portray him as some savour and hero for black people and he wasn’t. He didn’t free the slaves because he felt bad for them and that he felt they was equal to the white man or because God told him it was wrong and sinful. He freed them based off money/economy which in turn in the long run would save the country. I give him credit he did what he had to do to save this country and he sacrificed himself for a country he loved.

  3. We watched from across the Atlantic Ocean as you submerged the United States of America, the beacon of human civilization, with lies.Watching you trample the Constitution of the United States underfoot with lies.You can continue to fabricate all the lies until you are like the old “Imperial Radio” and “Soviet Radio Moscow” and “CCTV”.

    1. Jeffry P. Freundlich (born July 14, 1952), primarily known by his pen name Jeff Lindsay, is an American playwright and crime novelist best known for his novels about sociopathic vigilante Dexter Morgan. Many of his earlier published works include his wife Hilary Hemingway (niece of Ernest Hemingway) as a co-author. Quote is from _’Rushmore Rumble,’_ the first part of the 26th episode of the second season in _’Dexter’s Laboratory.’_

    2. Jeffry P. Freundlich (born July 14, 1952), primarily known by his pen name Jeff Lindsay, is an American playwright and crime novelist best known for his novels about sociopathic vigilante Dexter Morgan. Many of his earlier published works include his wife Hilary Hemingway (niece of Ernest Hemingway) as a co-author. Quote is from _’Rushmore Rumble,’_ the first part of the 26th episode of the second season in _’Dexter’s Laboratory.’_

  4. Lincoln, who as a young man, was hired out to work by his father, deeply resented his lack of control over his time, labor, and wages. He disliked manual labor and once he was emancipated, as an adult, from his father, he did not maintain that relationship, declining to attend his father’s deathbed nor funeral.
    The right of a person to control their own destiny burned deeply in his soul.

  5. Lincoln and Roosevelt were the greatest US presidents! They faced different challenges but met them with equal resolve for moral and human values!

  6. Historically, people who defend minorities and hold some type of power, will be object of persecution, prosecution and even bodily harm, it was true then and it is true now.

  7. John Avlon: I’m a liberal!
    Margaret Hoover: I’m a conservative!
    Both: And we’re in a relationship! Isn’t it kooky?! Give us money for it!

  8. I’m a slave of Jesus Christ.. Have a blessed Grace filled day under the authority of Jesus and the FIRMAMENT of God’s power ✌

  9. Well as they say in history books Lincoln was a real Republican and a damn good president I remember reading that he got shot in the back of his head by some French sympathizer🤔🙏

  10. ohhhhh, I thought this was going to about the Lincoln Project perv, my mistake, sorry, should of known that wouldn’t be covered here…

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