National Hurricane Centre Deputy Director Dr. Ed Rappaport explains the threat posed by Tropical Storms Marco and Laura.
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just in time hurricane
2020 babaay
we need a new TAX and maybe some new oppressive green laws PLEASE
Instead we will be relocating you to the nearest coast line.
Mr407Mike think ya missed the point thar……
Who cares ? This is Canadian news isn’t it ? So why would we care about the Gulf of Mexico
why don’t you do a story on Trudeau’s corruption
I know this may be a surprise for you if you do not know weather, but these storms will also impact Canada’s weather.
Pretty rare??? Try whoever control the weather controls the world…said JFK and Johnson!!!
That’s not why
@Julie Gill Oh, what do you suppose is going on with these very rare twin hurricanes?
@Marney Cohen I just wanna know why they didn’t name them Marco and Polo.
@wheelmanstan You can look up the hurricane names for 2020…they are suppose to be in alphabetical order, so Laura should have been before Marco? Not Marco first then Laura.
@Marney Cohen haha yeah and ladies first
You know our country is pathetic when we need to cover another country’s weather patterns.
What if someone has family in the area? Are you so simple you couldn’t think that?
@Mr407Mike Super Duper Simple.
vivaLAhinduism – you know your life is pathetic when comments like yours is all you have to add.
Lauara Loomer or the storm?
Will the storms join and create an unstopable super storm
We need Trump to fix everything with his sharpy.
extremely wet, like nobody has ever seen before
It’s still a beautiful day.
im supposed to fly out of dallas thursday morning. you guys think ill be fine?
asteroid will nearly hit day before election as well, haha but it’s small, .043% chance… .05% Americans died from covid so far
Weaponized weather warfare, patents fact
Yep! – HAARP
We definitely need some rain in Texas! But, the problem is flooding
…every year…like the fires in Cali, hurricanes in Florida.
Where is Trumps magic marker?
Canadian Lumber for sale Chump the genius.
0:32 )
Throw some dish soap in there, that should help with sanitizing the country.