Democrats' stunning sweep of the two Georgia Senate runoffs in January may just be the beginning. In this latest episode of The Point on YouTube, CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains why the 2022 map of Senate races looks very encouraging for the Democratic Party.
Senate 2022: An Early Look
Leahy responds to poll testing potential 2022 Senate race with Phil Scott
Trump to award presidential medal of freedom to loyal Republican Jim Jordan
Grassley staying quiet on his 2022 reelection plans
Wisconsin's Ron Johnson relishes role as contrarian of the Senate
US Sen. Richard Burr says 2016 will be his last run for elected office
Senate Republicans got some VERY bad news Monday
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Allison Gordon
The Point Editor: Leigh Munsil
Video Editor: Wes Latta
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#CNN #Cillizza #Senate
Hey, Chris here. What Senate races are you watching for 2022?
Not if they don’t fix the voting process. What a joke
HITLER AND Maduro has the military deployed for his inaugurations after his “elections”
@Miguel Dias right but these Democrats are blind.
Very interesting analysis. Some other pundits have said Jeanne Shaheen of NH could be vulnerable if Gov Chris Sununu runs against her. I have heard he is leaning towards doing that. How do you think that race would break?
2022 elections? Jeez Chris I’m sweating the next 48 hours!

Now I know how a deer feels on the last day of hunting season
I would too if you belong to the evil Jacobin party
Hey Chrisy, No worries, as long as they have those Dominion machine contracts in place it should be a walk in the park.
The Dems are pretending their city could get Minneapolis-style rioting, which is quite a trick because they are responsible for the riots in Minneapolis.
There needs to be a forced retirement age in the Senate so the dinosaurs don’t bring us all into extinction.
Let’s just have TERM LIMITS
@Desther They hang on to power and the world changes around them. It’s a good thing to have fresh ideas and values.
So far, Joe can wire DC maybe not AC, but can he please wire his mouth shut before he really screws up for everyone.
@Austin Michael you actually think they’re there because of votes?
Oh so this is based on what republicans say? Bwahahahahaaaaa! Just Bwahahahahaaaaa!
I can’t believe it’s almost 2022. If you had asked me twenty years ago if I was going to make it I would have said I don’t know
@M Hall <--1 month old tRoll account tRump loves the uneducated.....enjoy your club.
@john smith a great photo of your hero, I hope more happens. God bless this officer
@Mervyn Codrington Remember ur values as the democrats persecute trump supporters, call us all kinds of evil & seek our destruction.. all for having a different opinion.
@john smith spam, biden loves the communists, enjoy your club
Enough anxiety for the here & now in 2021.
The Joe Biden racial hatred Klan
Chris on PRP, I see the hair growth!
I guess that the Point is that every seat is Up For Grabs. LOL
Woman Arrested For Election Fraud, Illegal Voting In Texas
Why do I feel like I have already been down this rabbit hole?
Looks like smooth sailing. What could possibly go wrong? Oh wait…what’s this?
This GUY is been in QUARANTINE before the virus
TYtis that
oh wow
P.S. They didn’t show the actual map even once in this video LOL.
Let’s all pat ourselves on the back, knowing that everyone here survived 2021.
Not yet, only 2020. Keep the dream though.
“I’ll have gotten there via jet pack.”
Oh. I needed that giggle today.
No joke, it will happen.
Ytis that
oh wow
This is the best news I’ve heard all 2021!
Just about every prediction CNN made was _SO_ wrong. can’t wait to see you fail again
I’m from Missouri, I would love to see Roy Blunt and Josh Hawley go! Does the latter even live in the state?!!