CNN's John King says that even though Republicans are still favored to take control of the US House of Representatives in the US midterm elections, this is not the 'red wave' predicted by many experts because Democrats are performing better than expected in many districts. #election #JohnKing #CNN
‘That’s not a red wave’: What John King sees so far in midterm elections

Watch CNN’s continuing coverage of the midterm elections live
@Stars Above lol
CNN fake fkn news and the most biased journalists!! Always was always will be!
My father Kiagous Mohammad Jacob Bentaib is owned of Southernward after of his father Kiagous Hussein Kalog Bentaib owned of Southernward and his grandfather Hadji Mohammad Taib Sultan Shariff Abdullah had Rasellah and owned of the Southernward
I need all of income of Southernward from water, electric, all of planted, all of animals and other income
@The King Memo lol
poor guy so brainwashed
Can we fix the gerrymandering please because these elections annoy me and I’m not even American
@JM M Bot detected
@Alexander L yes by the name of Alexander
Gerrymandering. Even that was a Democratic invention.
@JM M what’s better … FauxNews… ?????
@C Snide anything’s better than CNN
” Definitely not a Republican wave, that’s for darn sure”
– Lindsey Graham
@Gulliver the Gullible don’t strain your pretty little brain too much sugar cheeks. Admit that you are not up to it.
@Em M 100%
@DAVID TURCZAK ah yes the pro Putin Republicans
@Em M So printing out trillions of dollars and sending it to other countries doesn’t affect inflation at all?

How ignorant can you be?
@Em M Yeah a global issue when your party is in power. What a bunch of boomer hypocrisy.
So far best midterms performance for any Party since 2002. Way to go Voters.
@Robert Miller LOL Biden’s candidates Lost the House of Representatives
@Robert Miller GOP is up in every single category and destroying in the house lol
…. Think of the astonishing stupidity. The 10% inflation after spending 6 trillion dollars frivolously. Crime and theft after endorsing a $900 limit. Murder and assaults after emptying the prisons and jails. The open borders that’s surged the tax burden. The schools [38th in the world] getting run over rough shot by unions that say teachers shouldn’t have to work. That’s just a small list of what’s being elected here. America is being hoodwinked.
Fetterman says he’ll empty the prisons and jails…Dr. Oz said he’d fill them. That should be nearly all you need to know. Ha!! The net is being thrown over all of us!! Our wallets, phones and money are disappearing fast. It’s easy to see why.
@JB 2000 Trumps traitors got creamed the republicans should have took everything instead they are barley holding on if you knew how our elections worked you would understand how bad republicans just got mopped but you right wingers are not very bright.
@Chuck Rambo Is this what your lord and master is going with this time pretending it went well instead of claiming it was rigged?
John King and staff.. amazing 2am an you are still working.. We appreicate your dedication to understanding and reporting on our democracy. You bring awareness to our desire to understand the body politic.
*and you’re still
They’re paid tens of millions of dollars.
They’re literally only doing their job.
They push corporate propaganda.
You need to reevaluate how informed you believe you are. You are ignorant as all hell.
Plus he has MS. Respect.
Last fight
Your ‘democracy’ of censorship, arrests and no due process, an open border with 5-10 million illegals we ARE PAYING FOR in our taxes. Oh and if you happen to dislike the Mex.Cartel, get used to them as they have established themselves, gratis Dictator Biden, throughout the U.S. oh yes, look it up and you’ll learn something that you should already know if you did any vetting of these monsters in office at all. Good luck living in your fake democracy. They say this ad nauseum because they know you all fall for it and have for years now. They don’t give a damn about you they use you. you’re all their dupes!
If Each Of Us Would Only Sweep Our Own Doorstep, The Whole World Would Be Clean. Vote wisely
@Espen Haug Since this doesn’t make any sense, you must a boomer neo lib.
@A A Im not a liberal – youre a liberal, lol! Who would stand up against bad stuff if everyone should ONLY sweep their own doorstep? That would create a situation worse than anarchy, because in anarchy, people are at least not restricted in standing up against bad stuff. So if you ask me, my views are somewhat conservative – but NOT in a trumpist madman interpretation of the word! To me, “liberal” is the hippies who think weed should be legalized, and that people should have too much freedoms. I believe the average Joe is a complete idiot who should not be allowed to vote on who sits with the red button, and im even so conservative that i would want screening of who are allowed to have kids (kinda like Hitlers Lebensreform program), to make sure human evolution is not endangered by these idiots, lol! Survival of the fittest used to do this for us, but this is not the case anymore, and what do you know; half of the US are Trumpists
For the sake of gas prices, food prices, and the economy let’s vote Republican this time!
@BAD battleAXE Do you realize that the USD is at an all time high compared to the Norwegian “Krone”? Inflation is not an issue with Biden. Its because of covid, energy crisis, and Putin…
Also, you guys in the US have so cheap gas you should not complain. You have the same average paycheck as we do here in Norway, and here gas has been around $7.50 per gallon for years, and is up to around $8.90 now. Germany is the same…
@Clayton Bigsby Yes, I believe in low inflation, low gas prices, a growing stock market, etc. The things Republicans make happen.
I read an article where people in Boeberts own district were tired of her craziness and even newspapers in her district called for her to be gone. Most people interviewed in her district were embarrassed by her and said she doesn’t do anything. The debate was a joke because she kept speaking about Nancy Pelosi and her opponent had to keep telling her he is not Nancy Pelosi; so people say they rather have the Democrat instead of her. In their minds, it is not about party, but the character of the person who will best represent their district.
*The village where the Putins once lived belonged to the Ochersky district of the Perm region. Employees of the only Ochersky orphanage looked up archival data, where they found a card for Vladimir Platonovich, a former graduate of Putin’s boarding school. Date of birth – September 17, 1950.*
@S K M O Maga fascist agitators. Such a tired and lame mantra.
@Pramod Kumar Madhu Yeah ok.
@Dustin Caso What
@J B you are proving my point. Thanks.
Thank you guys who voted!
I dropped my ballot off in California at polling station at 2 pm yesterday. They announced newsom as winner by 4 pm (4 hours before voting closes) I went to check my ballot status and it wasn’t even counted. What a joke
@The Wizard that’s why they use the word projected
they will still count your vote
@Pepper Moon no. There was no projection. San Francisco chronicle announced newsom as the winner at 4pm despite voting going till 8pm
I voted red your welcome
The village where the Putins once lived belonged to the Ochersky district of the Perm region. Employees of the only Ochersky orphanage looked up archival data, where they found a card for Vladimir Platonovich, a former graduate of Putin’s boarding school. Date of birth – September 17, 1950.
Does it matter if it isn’t a red wave this time? Even if the GOP ekes out a slim majority in the House, they will still end up in the legislative driver’s seat. Or am I missing something here?
@Mr M I was 7-11 or so. I had no idea what was going on politically or economically, but it was still in my lifetime.
@Mr M really?! In your 50 years you haven’t seen America in worst shape?! What is it with you people having amnesia when it comes to the damage Republicans have done?! Bush and Recession?! What damage has Biden done?!
You’re missing the RINOS. Who have ruined many administrations.
@User name no this was a huge victory for the Democratics. Now what them blow it by yelling about a mandate.
@Momo_9k those started under Clinton and was pushed by both parties. Then too many people tried to house flip one too many times.
King is the best analyst when it comes to politics
John is great and huge admiration because he is unwell. A real trooper! Godspeed, John
Last fight
Think so? Try writing out one of his questions. Each question has approximately 1000 words.
Question at the end of the day is if Americans want their country to actually function. I look forward to the day when the country has decent and affordable federal-level healthcare that other countries will envy and copy, as well as throwing unemployment down past the floorboards and raising its educational standards. Because, by all the gods, the country deserves that much. Get the right people in and get the dead-weights out; if they cannot deliver, out they go. Likewise, if they are hampered by incompetents and special interests, see both quickly to and out the door.
45% of Americans want the country to be a playground for billionaires.
It will not happen. In this country the government healthcare will go to the very poor and never to the struggling middle class who works their tails off. That is the big difference between us and other countries with national healthcare, which if we could do would be great. England and such actually give the middle class taxpayers (who pay the most taxes) the same healthcare as the poor, which is why it works. Here is just continually slamming the middle class with more and more deductibles, copays and a burden of healthcare costs. I live in Massachusetts where to qualify for Masshealth you need to make under a ridiculously low income, not sustainable to even live without government assistance. In the meantime if you do qualify you get literally everything free, medicine, healthcare, rides to doctors. Everyone else is screwed. In other countries they also help pay for college if you are social worker, nurse or other such helping profession while here in the US all they keep doing is increasing the prices for these educations with no relief or help whatsoever.
@Penguin1290 as an American, you are obliged to believe the USA is the best whether it is true or not.
@Penguin1290 For example, we are failing in education in regards to the rest of the world.
@Sharon Ireland Yeah but so did Democrats. They also promised several other things they did not deliver. Any chance you care about that? Not likely. Hypocritical.
I have money on Mike Pillow not surviving the next 24 hours. His heart will give in. Sue the machines !!!
Melt them down and turn them into prison bars. The machines are taking over! Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer, but lawyers are lawyers
He might lose his sobriety
The truth is with this recent economy Everyone needs more than there salary to be financially stable. The the best thing to do with your money is to lnvest it rightly because money left for saving always end up used with no returns..
*That’s his username above on T’elegram
@Christopher M. Battles Thank you for this. Will definitely reach out to him now. Thanks again
@maruen ken Trade with him and remember to share testimonies with others
@Christopher M. Battles Yes and me too investing is the fastest way to Financial freedom. Investing is building wealth and that has been my priority thanks.
Obama suffered a 63 seat loss in his first midterm and Clinton 54. Compared to that, ten (or so) flips is nothing. I don’t want to go into the contentious issue of why it happened but look at the figures.
It’s a shame really that the choices are so bad. Dems have done little or nothing for the American people. The Republicans are not really any better. Both parties care more about their donors than the people.
People don’t actually care about the country. They just care about staying within the party line so their friends don’t judge them. God bless america
If you’re not American…none of this concerns you anyways
@Andreas karlsson vote trump ’24 baby and make America great again!!
@originaldelta umm yes it does. Last time I checked, USA is getting involved in just about every country’s affairs. Regardless of being asked or not. So until you stop fucking the entire world, it do concern us all.
@zooknut kr I thought it wasnt allowed to be a criminal when being elected as president?
@Drew Taylor and what’s your alternative?
Indeed it’s not a red wave considering that the republicans were expecting 12+ extra house seats.
I had a dream, a few years ago: I see a group of soldiers behind a missile, in the open field (In the dream a soldier returns to SEE and I see that he had a dark blue uniform, and a Russian hat, BUT it caught my attention his face, of fractions, (Mongolian/Chinese). The next day the dream caught my attention and I saw on google that the Russian and Chinese army have that uniform color. A few days ago when I woke up an image of an explosion came to my mind nuclear but small, hopefully it is just a human imagination and not a perception from above… About 5 or 6 years ago by chance I saw the image of Putin on social networks and realized that he is an evil actor, of difficult times… .(my relationship with God is low) When I was a teenager, I approached God, and I perceived: that Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Bulgaria and Romania were going to undergo democratic changes, and that the UUSS would disappear, but my relationship with God was good. I had a dream that we are no longer trading with God. dollars but with (Chinese) yuan, hopefully this dream is not from on high……….……………..rapture
I always look forward to John Kings predictions. His day after the election predictions are 100 percent accurate.
*The village where the Putins once lived belonged to the Ochersky district of the Perm region. Employees of the only Ochersky orphanage looked up archival data, where they found a card for Vladimir Platonovich, a former graduate of Putin’s boarding school. Date of birth – September 17, 1950.*
Well when ya throw out 10,000 possibilities, one’s gotta stick.
John said thats not a red wave right
Ghanaian here and I have always wondered how voting without ID verification works. In my country you have to show a voter ID or national identity card. How do you prevent foreign nationals of other countries voting. Just curious?
Same in my country. You get a voter card in the mail to your mail address. You must present that with picture I.D.(my driver’s license is good for that) for those people who do not drive, they can show an up to date passport with a picture or even CHEAPER, go to your city hall and carry all identifiers of you with you there and show the city clerk and tell them you need picture I.D. They used to do it for $5. and it looks like a driver’s license and is good for 5 years. In that time, your looks change enough that they got to have a new updated photo of you (before you had a head of black hair and now you are bald and have bags under the eyes and your nose grew longer or something like that, usually wrinkles) Cost may be the same or slightly higher…inflation happens everywhere. That is adequate proof. No signature needed.
In Australia, we don’t have to show proof of identity. We turn up, give our name to an official who looks it up on the role (if you’ve moved since the last election or changed name, you need to register your new address/name etc) and then they ask a few questions like address, date of birth etc to confirm we are who we say we are and they also ask if we voted somewhere else. Then they check us off the list. Simple and it works. If it turns out someone ‘voted’ twice, they will follow up on that. This year was the first year they marked us off online. Previous to that was done on paper. Doing so online is a safety improvement in my opinion.
Only citizens who are registered can vote because if not on the list, you’ll be turned away and no one gets deregistered from one election to the next. The only time you register again is as I sai above, if you moved or changed name.
The answer is…they don’t. Lots of foreign nationals vote in their elections and also dead people.
@Zelgadis55 TMNT Thats exactly what we do in America although some states do require photo identification
@seanb447 Not for mail in votes. Which is how a lot of people are doing it now.
I suppose when you’re part of a party that isn’t capable of making the right decision ever, it doesn’t really matter whether or not you’re capable of turning thought into speech properly.