Ont. Premier Doug Ford says MPP Sam Oosterhoff's affiliation with a group comparing abortion to the Holocaust is 'just wrong.'
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Sounds more similarly to teenage gossip.
No unfortunately haven’t had any news from the mainstream for a long time these clowns are sellouts and we have to pay for it to taxpayers if we still have jobs
@debbie hellion
That’s right, *if*
Everybody has the right to believe whatever they want to believe as long as they don’t believe they can venture to the beach or to a family’ members home when I say they can’t. If they do so they’ll be deemed “Yahoo’s”. Couldn’t make this stuff up.
@Retrovintagething70 ahahahahaaaa
Amen to that
Ford is right
@Bob Didler Wynne was worse.
@Edgar Foerster Yes Ontario is better off under ford than Wynne this is objective not Subjective.
okay Sam you gotta keep your mouth shut.. third world country stuff
…and Humpty Dumpster had a GREAT FALL!!
You wish
We see you, shame on all the controllers
Says Mr conflict of interest
I know, eh?
This made me laugh
The backdrop with the Distopian Muzzle Manikins
….. So Stup!d
Lol, Ford and his assistant flies clasping their appendages.
Well said Mary.
Just pictured a Gary Larsen Farside comic – awesome!
Looks like every pic I’ve ever seen of jail gangs. They pose just the same
Ford is hopeless and disappointing as a Ontario’s Conservative party leader
Isn’t keeping the gov’t out of a person’s private life a very *conservative* position?
@zammmerjammer Not necessarily. Historically conservatives were always champions of government actually. Liberalism and progressivism has rather destroyed the very notions of conservatism to such a degree that most modern conservative parties are not even conservative, but ironically liberal
Always, and without exception.
Wynne would have been much, much worse.
@Grant Johnston Actually it denotes being socially progressive while fiscally conservative so its pretty apt.
Hope is fired for conflict of interest, with his being Mayor Dictator, with his own Decal company. Which is allowed to remain open and running.
You know what is wrong, Doug Ford.
Does it rhyme with bug lord?
Muzzled Lemmings in the background
we have the right to our beliefs ….?? from ford ?? really ???
Did he say something wrong?
Ford is the biggest joke in Ontario. Totally useless.
we would say thew samething to any other leader if it wasnt him
@randomrazr facts
He still has a long way to go to reach the levels obtained by Wynne, and her corrupt predecessor….but he is working on it
Politicians like Ford is why the west is so weak
Exactly what are these conservatives conserving – their paychecks?
“How mistakes are you going to accept from him”? I would’ve just said 42. Stupid phrasing
We will never forgive you for what you did to Roman Baber!!!!!!
Doug and his gang of flunkies
If the Covid virus is considered alive, why is a human fetus with a heartbeat, eyes, fingers and a face not considered alive?
If you are equating the “living” status of a microorganism like a virus or other pathogen, with that of a living, breathing human, then your body is committing mass genocide everyday without you knowing it. And if you’ve ever taken an antibiotic you were complicit in it. And you can’t argue self-defence either because an anti-biotic wipes out a spectrum of bacteria, not just the harmful ones. I think however, you already know this and understand that “alive” is a relative term. Otherwise, I don’t think you’d be able to look at yourself in the mirror, lest of all judge anyone else.
@Sahil Deshpande Ahhh what biologist have you talked with lmfao, seriousl?
@Todd Pick I encountered several of them in my studies in a biomedical health sciences program. Now if you’re talking about trust in biologists and scientists when it comes to political opinions, I do believe there is a conversation to have there as a lot of scientists have the same biased viewpoints.
Because these pagans in government have no soul.
@Sahil Deshpande I would say that a Virus is certainly alive its not “alive” in how we would define a human being but it is alive. Bacteria is also alive.
I dont trust government at all nor do i trust science when its clearly being politicized. We had a freaking pandemic protocol and none of it ever included lock downs and day 1 we throw it out and go into the exact opposite of what a 10 year pandemic protocol stated we should do.