Ronny Jackson spoke out about the President's 2019 visit to Walter Reed hospital in addition to commenting on his and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's health. CNN's Brianna Keilar fact-checks President Donald Trump's former physician.
#CNN #News
On August 8, Biden was filmed by Fox as he was out riding a mountain bike while wearing a mask. Meanwhile, Bunker Boy can’t even close an umbrella, drink a class of water without using both hands, or walk down a ramp without military assistance. Oh well, it is what it is.
@Hawkzblade Um… it wasn’t Biden who was filmed boarding an airplane with a scrap of toilet paper stuck to his foot. It was Donnie.
@Basil McDonnell
yes we know
I was on about the senile pos.
Biden can ride a bike… sounds like presidential material to me…
@Ken Stevens Meanwhile Trump plays golf and rides a golf cart instead of walking between shots.
@Ken Stevens Physical fitness greatly boosts mental fitness.
Someone take that fraud’s license away. Too many frauds occupying the highest offices in this government.
Love her composure and straight face while she talks the craziness of today’s world
I don’t drink or take drugs,but I learned a long time ago that those who are accusers are the doers. Have a nice day.
“Clinically obese” is by far the kindest thing anyone can possibly say about DJT.
Les Brown Biden sure is
Sandra K baaa haaa! nahhhh it’s trump that’s brain dead! Extremely obvious to see trump is a psycho….
@Sandra K
Brain DEAD.
Like any Trump supporter.
Taft was taller and weighed less.
@Sandra K grade six was just too steep a pinnacle to scale, was it?
I wouldn’t let this so called ‘doctor’ inspect the hemorrhoids on my neighbors dead cat.
Spudnick J Quesanar what did he find on Obama.
Mr Jones I
I would. What could possibly go wrong? The dead cat lives?
Glad he’s not my doctor.
DaMn! Strong Mustard!
Geez, this guy is as bad as Trump’s “personal physician” Bornstein who let Trump dictate his health report. These guys should be disbarred.
@Carlie 37How about….dismembered?
Why is this dude so pissed off. Maybe Trump didn’t pay him like he’s known for
He is pissed because he was too eager to lie for trump and he got caught for it and now his reputation is ruined. He is the picture of self entitlement.
Phantom facts
@Tasha Vladimiroff Oh brother! Is that the best you could come up with since you figured out that “fake news” was lame? It isn’t going to catch on, dildo breath.
Jim Hultenius I don’t need to come up anything. Cult 45 does it all for me
This guy Ronny Jackson looks rabid.
He reminds me of Kenneth Copeland.
Rabid, texas accent, up trumps butt, I’m sure he is quite popular among the cult.
Looks like Ronny Jackson’s memory isn’t up to speed , thank you Brianna for fact checking
This dude is clearly lying. Ronnie Jackson has already proved himself to be a less than credible source for informing us about the health of POTUS.
maybe like donald , he payed someone to take his medical exams , not a very believable doctor and he should lose his licence to practice medicine of any kind.his grades in medical school should be scrutinized very carefully and all his secrets in his closet need to come out.
This so called doctor is a liar…just another of Trump’s murky water carrier.
I really, really hope and pray that this trump nightmare is almost over.
Even if you vote you still have to contend with the corrupt and undemocratic Electoral College. Great….
4 more years
“That’s just a lie” is the Trump family and political slogan.
We are , we are, Liars!! Boom boom!
Dr. Seuss: “It was not not urgent, emergent, cogent or detergent.”
Ronny Jackson has already proven himself to be a liar, just like his master.
he is not a master liar he really needs sara asnders training.
Ronny, YOU are running for Congress??? Have you dealt with your problem???
No one believes anything that Ronnie the candyman Jackson says.
I wonder how much Trump pays this character to spin yarns.
@Dee Pattison Zero. Trump doesn’t like to pay people. This so called doctor is a right wing quack.
Yeah…. Ronnie just wanted the suit and badges in return for lying
This evil antichrist. Is a Russian agent or he would not be setting his base against the rest of the US.
His base is the U S., still crying about Russia, lol? You people are such losers.
He’s the Omen 666.
Chris Johnson no it’s not, it’s some Republicans and,……..and uhhh………aaaand. Hold on.
(Okay so it’s not democrats, not progressives, not centrists, not the rest of the Republicans)
Ima get back with you on that.
@FarginhoodMcBastage Sorry, but traitor trash don’t classify as American.
Could it be that Jackson is sucking up so as to get Trump’s endorsement for his campaign ?
Ronny Jackson needs to stop prescribing himself cocaine and scotch
Dr. Jackson is an embarrassment to medical professionals all over the world. Shame on him and I hope patients stay far far away!