CNN's Jake Tapper reacts to new testimony from General Mark Milley that the Trump administration considered court-martialing military retirees who wrote critical articles on former US president Donald Trump. #CNN #News
‘That’s just deranged’: Tapper reacts to new testimony about Donald Trump

Love seeing former trumpers throwing each other under the proverbial BUS
@Bob Cob Nah you’re here to make a fool of yourself. Congrats we think you are one
@Richard Stuart you can only blame your self America.
I love listening to queer liberals deflect. I love those queer liberal tears!!!!!!!!!!
@Marty Only to Communist Democrats. He’s a proven liar. Unless Biden was lying. Or Both of them were lying.
@Julie C Totally disagree with you America is on a downhill flush
It’s not news that Trump is petty and vengeful when it comes to people he thinks won’t be loyal towards him or show the slightest disdain.
Watch out Ivanka…
we want him to be vengeful to these low life swamp creatures who are bootlickers to Washington deep state bureaucrats…
I hope he goes to jail. Don’t fill sorry for a f. Puck .
@Tierone Asset Which is why I call him “Mango Mussolini”
Remember what James Comey said after their meeting in the White House… how he said that trump asked for his loyalty.. to which he replied.. not quoting, but something along the lines of he would always tell him the truth.. and trump pushed back and said that he would “never” ask for someone’s loyalty.. what an effing liar. As judge Judy is want to say.. I would not believe donald trump if his tongue came notarized.
Domestic terrorism is exactly what it is, and traitorous also.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
BLM and Antifa are domestic terror groups so we agree.
Totally agree with you, thank you.
Kash Patel is barely smart enough to dress himself let alone run the CIA. Very scary thought.
True, highly disturbing.
The fact that Trump was once the President of the United States baffles me. He was, and still is, the laughing stock of the world.
. Seriously? Biden is an embarrassment to the USA and the joke of the world. He is the worse president in history and he’s your hero 

@M Hall At least I can tell the difference.
@M Hall I never said he was my hero. But he’s better than a fascist fraud by a long shot. Now go away.
. No way. biden is worthless. Compare now to two years ago. 180 degree difference in inflation, the economy, the border, etc.
You know, 14 minutes is just enough time to dash into the vault, grab a bunch of boxes full of nuclear secrets and other classified sh!t, and throw them in the back of a U-Haul trailer headed to Mar-a-Lago.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation
Different category? Absolutely. A criminal category.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
EVERYTHING about trump is absurdly deranged to the nines!!!
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
and all those who still continue to support him no matter what he does or says. Blows me away!!!
How so?
I’m a republican. How can you support the current leaders of this country. They are masters at propaganda and they are distracting you with trump while they send this country to hell. Do some research on nazi germany or the soviet union. I would be ashamed to call myself a Democrat with all of the information at our fingertips.
Yes anyone who signed up with Trump knew what Trump was dumping on the public, they threw in with a social path, and should pay the price.
Odd that the average Republican voter couldn’t see through Trump.
Indeed, those who broke laws in Trump’s name should be punished just as harshly as antifa folks prosecuted for the same crimes. Equal justice. No exceptions.
@Nancy Chandler what’s more obtuse is that there’s Still ReTHUGs who support him
@Nancy Chandler Sort of like the average Dem could not see through Biden…plenty of behavior to see during all those years in Congress…deranged and now…demented.
@Nancy Chandler lol there lieing
there no bleach
Anyone gets fired for being a witness we go after who fires them.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Col Vinman, much???
It’s amazing this man who constantly hurls insults at others gets soooo pissed when someone dares to say something unflattering about him.
@Matthew Chick careful your ignorance is showing
He’s a spoiled child. He’s a narcissist. Young children are narcissists. So if we only could treat Trump like we would treat a child we could solve a lot of problems. The only problem is where to send him for his time out. Oh!! I know. Prison. The perfect spot.
@Matthew Chick fun fact matthew a study found people who watched no news at all were more informed than people who watched fox
I never hear queer liberals talk about Biden. Joe is a train wreck, queer liberals, crickets…..
Yeah he’s just weak somebody says something about him he can’t take it but he insults everybody
If they release names, they must be expelled from Congress, indicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Oh, they will along with all the “go get ’em” dog whistling. Disgusting.
@Timothy Kozlowski the congress can request any U.S. citizens tax returns. Law was passed in 1924. You seem to not make many informed or intelligent replies.
WTH are you talking about. Who is they? How about presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Queer liberals are always talking about putting their political opponents in jail. Sounds like that midget tyrant Zelenskyy, that they all support.
@mike myers Mike Myers in the closet no doubt. You’ll find him in airport bathroom stalls with certain GOP reps having a good time. Shhh.. it’s a thing in the GOP.
Never be afraid to be identified as a teller of the truth. (But keep a rod in your hand.)
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Anyone leaking confidential witness names should be charged with witness intimidation and/or tampering
ckncncnnfjfjf 2:15 cjjcjcjhchchjc 2:18 nc 2:23 jcjcnncj 2:25 ncncnjjcnn 2:29
Judge Alito is the leaker.
@Sean McCartney butbutbut whatabout….logical fallicies are all you have.
@Sean McCartney Interesting that Alito and Roberts and the GOP made such a noise about that and got the Sergeant-at-arms to investigate. Yet the public have not heard anything about the results of that investigation 9 months later. Only about Alito allegedly leaking the Hobby Lobby decision, and Thomas breaking the Ethics code for all justices by discussing important matters with his “Best Friend”, Ginny. Do you really want to get into that? Be careful what you wish for.
@Sean McCartney We know who leaked that document. Supreme Court Justice Alito.
Kash Patel was acting CIA director for 14 minutes? That is indeed terrifying if what is being alleged is true. This was a circus

Thank God Patel had no idea what kind of leverage he had … an accidental side effect of having total incompetents in power.
He spells his name KA$H too.
@Sprig I don’t care how he spells it. That news is very concerning.
@Awesom2beme lonestar concerning is everyone believes5this news

Trump Circus.
This country better get it together! People who are being honest in their part to the Jan. 6th Committee lives should not be put in a threatened situation! It’s morally wrong!
This will have to be dealt with at the ballot box, but in these gerrymandered districts it will be difficult to oust them. Remember, George Santos is going to be seated. AOC went over exactly what a person in congress would get away with to show Americans how little there is constraining them. It’s an enlightening video that tells you how little there is controlling what they can do to enrich themselves at public expense.
@daniel mackay Who the hell is this Ray Epps? this guy from some Qanon bs?
@geraldo Ray Epps, he’s the man you got to look him up
So is Ray Epps getting threats?
@daniel mackay What about him? Relevance?
Never trust a former president who wears Jim Bakker’s haircut and Tammy Faye’s makeup.
@a rollingstone Exactly. @javtimestwo needs to give credit where credit is due.
Perfect observation
@ben baker and the implanted dental mouth
Priceless! Believe it or not, I live close to Jimmy. Stood next in line behind him at a local dollar general store 2 weeks ago. Didn’t realize it until a friend with me pointed it out after he left.
Why would you think Rump would care what is or isn’t bad for the country? It’s all about him.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Six years ago, classically trained journalists would go to any lengths to avoid using loaded terms like “liar”. We’re up to “deranged” and no one blinks.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
“Deranged” is putting it politely. Sometimes it’s important to call people liars; for example when they’re saying something untrue that could get people killed, or when they’re trying to subvert democracy.
Even ever-cautious NPR started calling him a liar 4 years ago.
When a man lies, then calling him a liar is facts.
Characterizing so called public servants who are traitorous and betray the public’s trust as liars and deranged is appropriate
If Kayleigh McEnany went to Harvard, that university needs to seriously add a required course in ethics.
What did she major in, “Trump Universe city?”
Kay Lie Mcinany…
@John Harrison Yale also needs to look into lying Ted how did he graduate
@Time Surfer Ethics? The diverse hire literally lies in front of your face every single day. The clown redefined “recession”
@Lora Larose please Lora I haven’t fallen for you yet.